Wikivoyage:Article status stats

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Stub Outline Usable Guide Star Unranked Total (line) Total (auto)
   Outline    Usable    Guide    Star
District 156 od 678 ud 201 gd 28 sd 1,063 of 128 hc
City 12,189 oc 7,844 uc 675 gc 27 sc 20,735
Airport 38 oa 45 ua 16 ga 0 sa 99
Park 1,011 op 625 up 84 gp 6 sp 1,726
Rural area 369 or 289 ur 18 gr 1 sr 677
Dive guide 89 od 120 ud 95 gd 7 sd 311
Region 2,504 or 691 ur 45 gr 1 sr 333 er 3,574
Country 153 oc 55 uc 6 gc 1 sc 215
Continent 2 on 5 un 0 gn 0 sn 7
Destinations 16,511 10,352 1,158 72 333 A discrepancy exists between this total and the automatic total to the right. If this total is higher than the total to the right, one or more articles lack the {{IsPartOf}} template. If it is lower, one or more articles lack a status evaluation template. To find such articles, see the respective What's missing links in the Standard templates section above.  28,407 28,415 ip
Itinerary 207 oi 216 ui 55 gi 5 si 483 488 it
Travel topics 547 ot 451 ut 113 gt 2 st 1113 1,109 pt
Events 1 oe 0 ue 0 ge 0 se 1
Phrasebooks 205 op 55 up 46 gp 1 sp 307 308 pg
Unspecified 2 sb 0 ur 2 0 ghost articles (help/edit)
Gallery 2 gp 2
Disambiguation 2,212 da 2,212
Inactive 11 h 11
Title/Index 22‎ ti 22
Ghost articles 0‎ 0‎
Total 2 17,471 11,073 1,354 79 2580 A discrepancy exists between this total and the total to the right. There may be uncategorized pages, pages missing required templates, or redirect pages which include templates/categories, or the number of ghost articles may need to be recalculated. See the note on ghost articles above right.  32,559 32,561