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User:(WT-en) Erico Koerich/Página Principal

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If you find this page on any site other than Wikivoyage, you are viewing a mirror site. Be aware that the page may be outdated, and that the user this page belongs to may have no personal affiliation with any site other than Wikivoyage itself. The original page is located at https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/User:(WT-en)_Erico_Koerich/P%C3%A1gina_Principal.

Wikivoyage é um projeto para criar um guia mundial de viagens gratuito, completo, atualizado e disponível para todos. Até o momento, temos 32,876 guias de destinos e outros artigos escritos e editados por Wikivoyagers de todo o mundo. Veja a página de ajuda para saber como você pode editar qualquer página agora mesmo.

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[[Image:Vancouver-sea-and-skyscrapers.jpg|noframe|240px|Sea and skyscrapers]]

Vancouver is the largest city in Western Canada, located at the southwestern corner of the coastal province of British Columbia. It is well known for its scenery, nestled as it is between mountains and ocean. It often makes it into lists of "best cities to live in" and is certainly a beautiful destination to visit.

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18 June 2005 ウィキトラベル日本語版 新登場 the Japanese version of Wikivoyage has now been launched!

13 June 2005 The English version of Wikivoyage has now been edited over 100,000 times.

2 May 2005 Wikivoyage has been upgraded to MediaWiki 1.4.3. Please report bugs on the bug reports page.

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