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Daofu is a small town in Sichuan Province, China.

Daofu has very famous mountains and natural hot springs and beautiful environment.

Get in


By bus


Public transport buses depart from Kangding early in the morning, Buses also leave Ganzi early in the morning and cost 55Y. Booking your ticket the night before isn't strictly required but is advisable. Private transport is available from any of the dozen touts in the center of Ganzi, Kangding; their network is ad-hoc but seems to cover most routes.

By car


if using private transport your best bet is traveling to Daofu early in the morning when more people can share a ride, haggling mandatory for any sensible kind of price. Having 10 people jammed into a car, swapping cars en-route and picking up extra passengers from the side of the road is common; and luggage space can be limited.

Get around




There is a beautiful monastery called Nique Gomba. It's a Galuba Buddhist monastery. Galuba is one of the strands of Tibetan Buddhism.


  • You can go climbing in the mountains. The town is 3200 metres above sea level so the mountains are higher than this.
  • There are beautiful grasslands and you can visit nomads. Take taxi few kilometers into the mountains, if you find some nomads, you can stay with them. They are very nice, don't talk any language you may know (probably only one word you would know is "Dalailama"). They give you yak's meet, milk etc. Change it for fruit from city.





You can eat Tibetan noodles. The locals cook them with vegetables, potatoes, onions, meat, tomatoes in a soup. You can eat them in a restaurant.





There are many hotels. The most expensive hotel is a two or three star hotel.



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