-- November 2016 ---- An experimental Module -- Matroc
-- The following though code is for drawing certain shapes (circle, ellipse, box (square), kite, rectangle, triangle, equitri
-- line, star, star2, hexagram, wedge, pointer, pentagon, hexagon, octagon, diamond, crescent etc.
-- as a Polygon or LineString -gt Most functions can output a maplink or a mapframe plus optional marker.
-- The function newlat below is used by function as well as functions p.ellipse,, p.pointer,
-- p.pentagon and p.hexagon etc.
local p = {}
-- BETA Rough calculator of distance between 2 coordinates (lat,long) in miles and kilometres
function p.distance(frame) -- in Progress
local x1 = tonumber(frame.args['lat1']) or 1
local x2 = tonumber(frame.args['lat2']) or 1
local y1 = tonumber(frame.args['long1']) or 1
local y2 = tonumber(frame.args['long2']) or 1
local lat1 = math.rad(x1)
local lat2 = math.rad(x2)
local long1 = math.rad(y1)
local long2 = math.rad(y2)
local longd = long2 - long1
local latd = lat2 - lat1
local x = (math.sin(latd/2))^2 + math.cos(lat1) * math.cos(lat2) * (math.sin(longd/2))^2
local y = 2 * math.atan2( math.sqrt(x), math.sqrt(1-x) )
local distance1 = 3959 * y -- miles (2 sources a: 3861 b: 3959)
local distance2 = 6371 * y -- kilometers (2 sources a: 6373 b: 6371)
return "Approximate distance in '''miles''': " .. string.format("%.6f",distance1) .. " Approximate distance in '''kilometers''': " .. string.format("%.6f",distance2)
local function newlat(a)
newlatitude = 180/math.pi * (2 * math.atan(math.exp( a * math.pi/180)) - math.pi/2 )
if newlatitude > 89.5 then point = 89.5 end -- END if
if newlatitude < -89.5 then point = -89.5 end -- END if
return newlatitude
local function latitude(wikidata)
local latitude = ""
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(wikidata)
if entity == nil then error("Wikidata ID " .. wikidata .. " not found!") end
local claims =
if claims == nil then error("Wikidata ID found No Data!") end
if claims.P625 ~= nil then
latitude =[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.latitude
return latitude
if latitude == "" then error("Latitude not found in Wikidata!") end
return latitude
local function longitude(wikidata)
local longitude = ""
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(wikidata)
if entity == nil then error("Wikidata ID " .. wikidata .. " not found!") end
local claims =
if claims == nil then error("Wikidata ID found No Data!") end
if claims.P625 ~= nil then
longitude =[1].mainsnak.datavalue.value.longitude
return longitude
if longitude == "" then error("Longitude not found in Wikidata!") end
return longitude
local function parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
-- local xprogcomment = '\n\t\t"__xprogcomment__" : "Mapdraw",\n\t\t"__xprogcomment__date__" : "' .."%m/%d/%Y -- %I:%M:%S") .. '",\n'
local part1a = '<maplink class="no-icon" text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
local part1a = part1a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '">\n{"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type":"LineString", "coordinates":\n'
-- local part1b = '\n\t"properties":{' .. xprogcomment .. '\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
-- local part1b = part1b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n'
-- local part1b = part1b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}}\n</maplink>\n'
local part1b = '\n\t"properties":{\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
local part1b = part1b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n'
local part1b = part1b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}}\n</maplink>\n'
local part2a = '<maplink class="no-icon" text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
local part2a = part2a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '">\n{"type": "Feature","geometry": { "type":"Polygon", \t"coordinates":\n'
-- local part2b = '\n\t"properties":{' .. xprogcomment .. '\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
-- local part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n\t\t"fill": "' .. fill .. '",\n'
-- local part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}}\n</maplink>\n'
local part2b = '\n\t"properties":{\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
local part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n\t\t"fill": "' .. fill .. '",\n'
local part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}}\n</maplink>\n'
local part3a = '<mapframe text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
local part3a = part3a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '" width="600" height="400" >\n{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t"features": [\n\t\t{\n\t\t"type": "Feature",\n\t\t"geometry": {\n\t\t"type":"LineString", "coordinates":\n'
-- local part3b = '\n\t"properties":{' .. xprogcomment .. '\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
-- local part3b = part3b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n'
-- local part3b = part3b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}\n}]}\n</mapframe>\n'
local part3b = '\n\t"properties":{\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
local part3b = part3b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n'
local part3b = part3b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}\n}]}\n</mapframe>\n'
local part4a = '<mapframe text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
local part4a = part4a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '" width="600" height="400" >\n{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t"features": [\n\t\t{\n\t\t"type": "Feature",\n\t\t"geometry": {\n\t\t"type":"Polygon", "coordinates":\n'
-- local part4b = '\n\t"properties": {' .. xprogcomment .. '\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
-- local part4b = part4b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n\t\t"fill": "' .. fill .. '",\n'
-- local part4b = part4b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}\n}]}\n</mapframe>\n'
local part4b = '\n\t"properties": {\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
local part4b = part4b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n\t\t"fill": "' .. fill .. '",\n'
local part4b = part4b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}\n}]}\n</mapframe>\n'
return part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b
local function positions(shape)
local positions = {}
positions['octagon'] = {45,90,135,180,225,270,315,360}
positions['hexagram'] = {30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300,330,360}
positions['star2'] = {36,72,108,144,180,216,252,288,324,360}
positions['decagon'] = {18,54,90,126,162,198,234,270,306,342}
positions['cross'] = {15,45,75,105,135,165,195,225,255,285,315,345}
positions['xshape'] = {30,60,90,120,150,180,210,240,270,300,330,360}
positions['bar'] = {90,270}
positions['keystone'] = {35,26,55,160,200,305,334,325}
positions['cog'] = {45,90,135,180,225,270,315,360}
positions['quad'] = {360,90,180,270}
positions['arrow'] = {360,45,90,135,180,225,270,315}
positions['pentagram'] = {360,144,288,72,216}
return positions[shape]
local function checkhex(fill,stroke)
if string.len(fill) ~= 7 then error("Incorrect length for argument fill!") end
if string.gsub(fill,"#[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]","") ~= "" then
error("Incorrect hexidecimal format for argument fill!") end
if string.len(stroke) ~= 7 then error("Incorrect length for argument stroke!") end
if string.gsub(stroke,"#[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]","") ~= "" then
error("Incorrect hexidecimal format for argument stroke!") end
local function checkid(id)
id = string.gsub(id,"q","Q")
id = string.gsub(id,"%s+","")
if string.gsub(id,"^[Q]%d+$","") ~= "" then error("Bad format for parameter id!") end
return id
local shape = "circle"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
local x,y = 0,0
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
x = string.format("%.6f",lat)
y = string.format("%.6f",long)
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
if tonumber(lat) > 85.35 or tonumber(lat) < -85.35 then
error("Latitude must be between 85.35 and -85.35!") end
if tonumber(long) > 180 or tonumber(long) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'circle'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A circle'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local data = {}
local coordinates = ""
local ptx,pty,angle = 0,0,0
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
if tonumber(x) >= 10.5 then
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
elseif tonumber(x) <= -10.5 then
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1, 360 do
angle = i * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + r * math.sin( angle )
-- ptx, pty = x + r * math.cos( angle ), y + r * math.sin( angle ) -- original code split for readability above
if tonumber(x) >= 10.5 then
ptx = newlat(ptx) -- makes correction to make circle show up on map - upper latitudes
if tonumber(x) <= -10.5 then
ptx = newlat(ptx) -- makes correction to make circle show up on map - lower latitudes
data[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. ']'
for i = 5,359, 5 do
data[i] = data[i] .. "@@@@@"
for i = 1,360, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. ',' .. data[1] .. "],"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Circle|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- MULTISIDE - create multi-sided regular polygon - if number of sides > 20 can use to replace circle with its 360 points
function p.multiside(frame)
local shape = "multiside"
local class = frame.args['class'] or "n"
if not class then class = "n" end
local sides = frame.args['sides'] or "3"
if sides == nil or sides == "" then sides = "3" end
sides = tonumber(sides)
if sides < 3 or sides > 40 then sides = 3 end -- as number of sides grow - can use to make a rough circle above 20
local increment = 360/sides
local inbetween = increment/2
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
id = string.gsub(id,"%,+","@")
id = string.gsub(id,"%s+",'')
id = string.gsub(id,"%@+",'@')
local lat = frame.args['lat'] or ""
local long = frame.args['long']
local matrix = {}
local coordinates = ""
local count = 1
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line"
if type ~= "poly" then type = "line" end
if id == nil or id == "" then
if lat == "" or lat == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if long == "" or long == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
if tonumber( lat ) > 90 or tonumber( lat ) < -90 then
error("Latitudes must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(long) > 180 or tonumber(long) < -180 then
error("Longitudes must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'multiside'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A Multi-sided shape'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ""
if description == nil then description = "" end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ffff00"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#000000"
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nil or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
local angle,ptx,pty = 0,0,0
local latitude = lat
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local count = 0
for i = increment,360, increment do
angle = (i + inbetween) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
count = count + 1
matrix[count] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
for i = 1,table.getn(matrix), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. matrix[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. matrix[1]
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,"@@@@@",",")
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,",$",'')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
if class == "y" then
part2a = string.gsub(part2a,'no%-icon','icon')
part2b = string.gsub(part2b,'\n$','')
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Multi-sided shape|lat=' .. latitude .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.rectangle(frame)
local shape = "rectangle"
if frame.args['upper'] == nil or frame.args['upper'] == "" then error("Missing argument upper!") end
if frame.args['lower'] == nil or frame.args['lower'] == "" then error("Missing argument lower!") end
local separator = "@@@@@"
local x = string.gsub(frame.args['upper'],'%,','@@@@@')
local y = string.gsub(frame.args['lower'],'%,','@@@@@')
x = string.gsub(x,'%s+','')
y = string.gsub(y,'%s+','')
local tt = {}
local data = {}
local latitudes = {}
local longitudes = {}
local count = 1
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
for str in string.gmatch(x,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
tt[count] = str
count = count + 1
for str in string.gmatch(y,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
tt[count] = str
count = count + 1
if count >=6 then error("Check the upper and lower arguments for format!") end
for i=1,4 do
if tt[i] == nil or tt[i] == "" then error("Check for missing latitude or longitude separated by a comma!") end
longitudes[1] = tonumber(tt[2])
if longitudes[1] > 180 or longitudes[1] <- 180 then error("longitude should be between 180 and -180") end
data[1] = "[" .. tt[2]
latitudes[1] = tonumber(tt[1])
if latitudes[1] > 90 or latitudes[1] <- 90 then error("latitude should be between 90 and -90") end
data[2] = "," .. tt[1] .. "]"
longitudes[2] = tonumber(tt[2])
if longitudes[2] > 180 or longitudes[2] <- 180 then error("longitude should be between 180 and -180") end
data[3] = "[" .. tt[2]
latitudes[2] = tonumber(tt[3])
if latitudes[2] > 90 or latitudes[2] <- 90 then error("latitude should be between 90 and -90") end
data[4] = "," .. tt[3] .. "]"
longitudes[3] = tonumber(tt[4])
if longitudes[3] > 180 or longitudes[3] <- 180 then error("longitude should be between 180 and -180") end
data[5] = "[" .. tt[4]
latitudes[3] = tonumber(tt[3])
if latitudes[3] > 90 or latitudes[3] <- 90 then error("latitude should be between 90 and -90") end
data[6] = "," .. tt[3] .. "]"
longitudes[4] = tonumber(tt[4])
if longitudes[4] > 180 or longitudes[4] <- 180 then error("longitude should be between 180 and -180") end
data[7] = "[" .. tonumber(tt[4])
latitudes[4] = tonumber(tt[1])
if latitudes[4] > 90 or latitudes[4] <- 90 then error("latitude should be between 90 and -90") end
data[8] = "," .. tt[1] .. "]"
local lat = latitudes[1] + ((latitudes[4] - latitudes[1]) / 2 )
local long = longitudes[1] + ((longitudes[4] - longitudes[1]) / 2)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'rectangle'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A rectangle'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
for i = 1,8, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. data[1] .. data[2]
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. "],"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Rectangle|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- BOX - Square
local shape = "box"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'box'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A box'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4 = 0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4 = 0,0,0,0
local a = 45
local b = 135
local c = 225
local d = 315
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + r * math.sin( angle4 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[".. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Box|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.boxframe(frame)
local shape = "box"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'boxframe'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A boxframe'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * .85
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
-- line to become MultiLineString
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4 = 0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptxa,ptxb,ptxc,ptxd = 0,0,0,0
local ptya,ptyb,ptyc,ptyd = 0,0,0,0
local a = 45
local b = 135
local c = 225
local d = 315
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx,ptxa = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 ),lat + r2 * math.cos( angle1 )
pty,ptya = long + r * math.sin( angle1 ),long + r2 * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2,ptxb = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 ),lat + r2 * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2,ptyb = long + r * math.sin( angle2 ),long + r2 * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3,ptxc = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 ),lat + r2 * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3,ptyc = long + r * math.sin( angle3 ),long + r2 * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4,ptxd = lat + r * math.cos( angle4 ),lat + r2 * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4,ptyd = long + r * math.sin( angle4 ),long + r2 * math.sin( angle4 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
ptxa,ptya = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptxa)),string.format("%.6f",ptya)
ptxb,ptyb = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptxb)),string.format("%.6f",ptyb)
ptxc,ptyc = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptxc)),string.format("%.6f",ptyc)
ptxd,ptyd = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptxd)),string.format("%.6f",ptyd)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[".. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
coordinates = coordinates .. "],[" .. "[" .. ptya .. "," .. ptxa .. "],[" .. ptyb .. "," .. ptxb .. "],[" .. ptyc .. "," .. ptxc .. "],[".. ptyd .. "," .. ptxd .. "],[" .. ptya .. "," .. ptxa .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'"type":"LineString"','"type":"MultiLineString"')
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'"type":"LineString"','"type":"MultiLineString"')
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Boxframe|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.triangle(frame)
local shape = "triangle"
if frame.args['coord1'] == nil or frame.args['coord1'] == "" then error("Missing argument coord1!") end
if frame.args['coord2'] == nil or frame.args['coord2'] == "" then error("Missing argument coord2!") end
if frame.args['coord3'] == nil or frame.args['coord3'] == "" then error("Missing argument coord3!") end
local separator = "@@@@@"
local x = string.gsub(frame.args['coord1'],'%,','@@@@@')
local y = string.gsub(frame.args['coord2'],'%,','@@@@@')
local z = string.gsub(frame.args['coord3'],'%,','@@@@@')
x = string.gsub(x,'%s+','')
y = string.gsub(y,'%s+','')
z = string.gsub(z,'%s+','')
local tt = {}
local data = {}
local latitudes = {}
local longitudes = {}
local count = 1
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
for str in string.gmatch(x,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
tt[count] = str
count = count + 1
for str in string.gmatch(y,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
tt[count] = str
count = count + 1
for str in string.gmatch(z,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
tt[count] = str
count = count + 1
if count >=8 then error("Check the upper and lower arguments for format!") end
for i=1,6 do
if tt[i] == nil or tt[i] == "" then error("Check for missing latitude or longitude separated by a comma!") end
longitudes[1] = tonumber(tt[2])
if longitudes[1] > 180 or longitudes[1] <- 180 then error("longitude should be between 180 and -180") end
data[1] = "[" .. tt[2]
latitudes[1] = tonumber(tt[1])
if latitudes[1] > 90 or latitudes[1] <- 90 then error("latitude should be between 90 and -90") end
data[2] = "," .. tt[1] .. "]"
longitudes[2] = tonumber(tt[4])
if longitudes[2] > 180 or longitudes[2] <- 180 then error("longitude should be between 180 and -180") end
data[3] = "[" .. tt[4]
latitudes[2] = tonumber(tt[3])
if latitudes[2] > 90 or latitudes[2] <- 90 then error("latitude should be between 90 and -90") end
data[4] = "," .. tt[3] .. "]"
longitudes[3] = tonumber(tt[6])
if longitudes[3] > 180 or longitudes[3] <- 180 then error("longitude should be between 180 and -180") end
data[5] = "[" .. tt[6]
latitudes[3] = tonumber(tt[5])
if latitudes[3] > 90 or latitudes[3] <- 90 then error("latitude should be between 90 and -90") end
data[6] = "," .. tt[5] .. "]"
local lat = (latitudes[1] + latitudes[2] + latitudes[3]) / 3
local long = (longitudes[1] + longitudes[2] + longitudes[3]) / 3
lat = string.format("%.6f",lat)
long = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'triangle'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A triangle'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
for i = 1,6, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. data[1] .. data[2]
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. "],"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Triangle|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.equitri(frame)
local shape = "equitri"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'equitri'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'An equilateral triangle'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
r = r * 2
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local direction = frame.args['direction'] or "1"
direction = string.gsub(direction,"%..*","")
direction = tonumber(direction)
if direction <= 0 or direction >=5 then error("direction should be a number from 1 to 4!") end
local factors = {}
factors[1] = "360,120,240"
factors[2] = "90,210,330"
factors[3] = "180,300,60"
factors[4] = "270,150,30"
local points = factors[direction]
a = string.gsub(points,'%,.*$','')
b = string.gsub(points,'(%d+%,)(%d+)(%,%d+)',"%2")
c = string.gsub(points,'^.*,','')
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
lat = (ptx + ptx2 + ptx3) / 3
long = (pty + pty2 + pty3 ) / 3
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Equitri|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.ellipse(frame)
local shape = "ellipse"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
local x,y = 0,0
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
x = string.format("%.6f",lat)
y = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'ellipse'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'An ellipse'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
local style = frame.args['style'] or "h"
if style == nil or style == "" then style = "h" end
if style ~= "v" then style = "h" end -- if not v (ie. other garbage then force style to be h)
local data = {}
local coordinates = ""
local ptx,pty,angle = 0,0,0
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
if tonumber(x) >= 10.5 then
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
elseif tonumber(x) <= -10.5 then
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1, 360 do
angle = i * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
if style == "v" then
pty = y - 0.5 * r * math.sin( angle ) -- for ellipse vertical
elseif style == "h" then
pty = y + 2.0 * r * math.sin(angle) -- for ellipse horizontal
if tonumber(x) >= 10.5 then
ptx = newlat(ptx) -- makes correction to make ellipse show up on map
if tonumber(x) <= -10.5 then
ptx = newlat(ptx) -- makes correction to make ellipse show up on map
data[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. ']'
for i = 5,359, 5 do
data[i] = data[i] .. "@@@@@"
for i = 1,360, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. ',' .. data[1] .. "],"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Ellipse|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- STAR -- to be reworked for vertical placement of top of star
local shape = "star"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local latitude = string.format("%.6f",lat)
local longitude = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'star'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A star'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local radius = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
radius = tonumber(radius)
if radius > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if radius <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local radius2 = radius * 3;
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
latitude = math.log(math.tan((90 + latitude) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local ra,angle = 0,0
local points = {}
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
for i = 1,10, 1 do
mod = math.mod(i,2)
if mod == 1 then ra = radius else ra = radius2 end
angle = ((2 * math.pi / 10)) * i
points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",longitude + (ra * math.cos(angle))) .. ","
points[i] = points[i] .. string.format("%.6f",newlat(latitude + (ra * math.sin(angle)))) .. "],"
for i = 1,10, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. points[i] .. "\n"
coordinates = coordinates .. points[1]
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part3a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part1a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Star|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.pointer(frame)
local shape = "pointer"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local latitude = lat
local longitude = long
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'pointer'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A pointer'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for length is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
r = r * 2
local r2 = r/2
local r3 = r/3
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local direction = frame.args['direction'] or "1"
direction = string.gsub(direction,'%..*','')
direction = tonumber(direction)
if direction <= 0 or direction >= 9 then error("Direction should be a number from 1 to 8!") end
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4 = 0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4 = 0,0,0,0
local factor = {'20,360,340','25,45,65','70,90,110','115,135,155','160,180,200','205,225,245','250,270,290','295,315,335'}
local a = string.gsub(factor[direction],'%,.*$','') -- eat everything after a comma - hungry
local b = string.gsub(factor[direction],'^.*%,','') -- eat everything up to a comma - hungry
local c = string.gsub(factor[direction],'(%d+)(,)(%d+)(,)(%d+)','%3')
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r2 * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = c * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r3 * math.cos( angle3 )
pty4 = long + r3 * math.sin( angle3 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Pointer|lat=' .. ptx4 .. "|long=" .. pty4 .. '}}\n'
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Points to Position|lat=' .. latitude .. "|long=" .. longitude .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.pentagon(frame)
local shape = "pentagon"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == "" or id == nil then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'pentagon'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A pentagon'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
r = r * 2
local r2 = r/2
local r3 = r/3
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local a,b,c,d,e = 360,72,144,216,288
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4,angle5 = 0,0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4,ptx5 = 0,0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4,pty5 = 0,0,0,0,0
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + r * math.sin( angle4 )
angle5 = e * math.pi /180
ptx5 = lat + r * math.cos( angle5 )
pty5 = long + r * math.sin( angle5 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
ptx5,pty5 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx5)),string.format("%.6f",pty5)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Pentagon|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.hexagon(frame)
local shape = "hexagon"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'hexagon'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A hexigon'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
r = r * 2
local r2 = r/2
local r3 = r/3
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local a,b,c,d,e,f = 30,90,150,210,270,330
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4,angle5,angle6 = 0,0,0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4,ptx5,ptx6 = 0,0,0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4,pty5,pty6 = 0,0,0,0,0,0
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + r * math.sin( angle4 )
angle5 = e * math.pi /180
ptx5 = lat + r * math.cos( angle5 )
pty5 = long + r * math.sin( angle5 )
angle6 = f * math.pi /180
ptx6 = lat + r * math.cos( angle6 )
pty6 = long + r * math.sin( angle6 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
ptx5,pty5 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx5)),string.format("%.6f",pty5)
ptx6,pty6 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx6)),string.format("%.6f",pty6)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Hexagon|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.line(frame)
local shape = "line"
local coord1 = frame.args['coord1'] or ""
local coord2 = frame.args['coord2'] or ""
local lat1,long1,lat2,long2 = "","","",""
local ids = frame.args['ids'] or ""
local type = "line"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
local fill = "#ccef64" -- not needed as this is a line but keeping text etc. consistent throughout
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'line'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A line'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local data = {}
local coordinates = ""
-- if no ids then coord1 and coord2 is required for building coordinates
if ids == nil or ids == "" then
if coord1 == nil or coord1 == "" then error("Missing argument coord1!") end
if coord2 == nil or coord2 == "" then error("Missing argument coord2!") end
lat1 = string.gsub(coord1,"%,.*","")
long1 = string.gsub(coord1,".*%,",'')
lat2 = string.gsub(coord2,"%,.*","")
long2 = string.gsub(coord2,".*%,",'')
ids = string.gsub(ids,"q","Q")
-- do a lazy check for format of ids - "^[Q]%d+%,[Q]%d+$")
local checker = string.gsub(ids,"^[Q]%d+%,[Q]%d+$","")
if checker ~= "" then error("Bad format for parameter ids!") end
lat1 = string.gsub(ids,"%,.*","")
long1 = string.gsub(ids,"%,.*","")
lat2 = string.gsub(ids,".*%,",'')
long2 = string.gsub(ids,".*%,",'')
lat1 = latitude(lat1)
long1 = longitude(long1)
lat2 = latitude(lat2)
long2 = longitude(long2)
if lat1 == "" or lat2 == "" then error("latitude not found in wikidata!") end
if long1 == "" or long2 == "" then error("longitude not found in wikidata!") end
local latitude = string.format("%.6f",(lat1 + lat2) / 2)
local longitude = string.format("%.6f",(long1 + long2) / 2)
data[1] = "[" .. long1 .. "," .. lat1 .. "]"
data[2] = "[" .. long2 .. "," .. lat2 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. data[1] .. "," .. data[2] .. "]},"
-- Text for building a maplink - added together with line coordinates in final output
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat1,long1,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Begin line|lat=' .. string.format("%.6f",lat1) .. "|long=" .. string.format("%.6f",long1) .. '}}\n'
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=End line|lat=' .. string.format("%.6f",lat2) .. "|long=" .. string.format("%.6f",long2) .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.diamond(frame)
local shape = "diamond"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'diamond'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A diamond'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local a = 360
local b = 90
local c = 180
local d = 270
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + r * math.sin( angle4 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[".. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Diamond|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- KITE - Shield
function p.kite(frame)
local shape = "kite"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'kite'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A kite'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local a = 360
local b = 60
local c = 180
local d = 300
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + r * math.sin( angle4 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[".. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Kite|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.crescent(frame)
local shape = "crescent"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
local x,y,x2,y2 = 0,0,0,0
local newcenterx,newcentery = 0,0
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
x = string.format("%.6f",lat)
y = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'crescent'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A crescent'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
local data = {}
local data2 = {}
local coordinates = ""
local coordinates2 = ""
local ptx,pty,angle,ptx2,pty2 = 0,0,0,0,0
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
x2 = x
y2 = y
for i = 1, 360 do
angle = i * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + 1.5 * r * math.sin(angle) -- for ellipse horizontal
ptx2 = x2 + r * math.cos (angle)
pty2 = y2 + r * math.sin (angle)
if i == 90 then
newcenterx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
newcentery = y + 1.25 * r * math.sin (angle)
newcenterx = newlat(newcenterx)
newcenterx = string.format("%.6f",newcenterx)
newcentery = string.format("%.6f",newcentery)
ptx = newlat(ptx) -- makes correction to make ellipse show up on map
ptx2 = newlat(ptx2)
data[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. ']'
data2[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty2) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx2) .. ']'
for i = 5,360, 5 do
data[i] = data[i] .. "@@@@@"
data2[i] = data2[i] .. "@@@@@"
for i = 1,180, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
for i = 180,1, -1 do
coordinates2 = coordinates2 .. data2[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. coordinates2
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@$','')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. ',' .. data[1] .. "],"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Crescent|lat=' .. newcenterx .. "|long=" .. newcentery .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- STAR2 -- reworked star pointing North
function p.star2(frame)
local shape = "star2"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local x = tonumber(lat)
local y = tonumber(long)
local latitude = string.format("%.6f",lat)
local longitude = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'star2'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A star(2)'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local radius = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
radius = tonumber(radius)
if radius > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if radius <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local radius2 = radius * 3;
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
local ra,angle,ptx,pty = 0,0,0,0
local compass = {}
local points = {}
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
compass = positions(shape)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
mod = math.mod(i,2)
if mod == 1 then r = radius else r = radius2 end
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx = newlat(ptx)
-- TEST CODE FIX points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. pty .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
for i = 1,table.getn(points), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. points[i] .. "\n"
coordinates = coordinates .. points[1]
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part3a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part1a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Star(2)|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- HEXAGRAM -- 6 pointed star - six sided star
function p.hexagram(frame)
local shape = "hexagram"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local x = tonumber(lat)
local y = tonumber(long)
local latitude = string.format("%.6f",lat)
local longitude = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'hexagram'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A hexagram'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local radius = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
radius = tonumber(radius)
if radius > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if radius <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local radius2 = radius * 3;
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local ra,angle,ptx,pty = 0,0,0,0
local compass = {}
local points = {}
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
compass = positions(shape)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
mod = math.mod(i,2)
if mod == 1 then r = radius else r = radius2 end
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx = newlat(ptx)
-- TEST CODE FIX points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. pty .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
for i = 1,table.getn(points), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. points[i] .. "\n"
coordinates = coordinates .. points[1]
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part3a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part1a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Hexagram|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- Octagon -- 8 sided shape
function p.octagon(frame)
local shape = "octagon"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local x = tonumber(lat)
local y = tonumber(long)
local latitude = string.format("%.6f",lat)
local longitude = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'octagon'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'An octagon'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local radius = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
radius = tonumber(radius)
if radius > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if radius <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local ra,angle,ptx,pty = 0,0,0,0
local compass = {}
local points = {}
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
compass = positions(shape)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + radius * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + radius * math.sin( angle )
ptx = newlat(ptx)
-- TEST CODE FIX points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. pty .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
for i = 1,table.getn(points), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. points[i] .. "\n"
coordinates = coordinates .. points[1]
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part3a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part1a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Octagon|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- Only for a single polygon or shape - not multiple polygons or shapes yet
-- Enter mapmask template coordinates as argument ie. |123,78.9|123,89.9|123,78.9
-- Create a mapmask in a mapframe or maplink
-- Create a geoshape in a mapframe or maplink
function p.mapmark(frame)
local data={}
local markers = {}
local counter = 0
local coordinates = ""
local markerstext = ""
local output = ""
local latitude = ""
local longitude = ""
local mask = frame.args['mask'] or "y"
if mask == nil then mask = "y" end
local mapshape = frame.args['mapshape'] or "n"
if mapshape == nil then mapshape = "n" end
local maplink = frame.args['maplink'] or "n"
if maplink == nil then maplink = "n" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "y"
if maplink == nil then mapframe = "y" end
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "n"
if marker == nil then marker = "n" end
if mapframe == "n" then maplink = "y" end
if maplink == "y" then mapframe = "n" end -- if maplink that overrides mapframe
if mask == "n" then mapshape = "y" end
if mapshape == "y" then mask = "n" end -- if mapshape that overrides mask
local markerstype = ""
local markercount = 0
for x in ipairs( frame.args ) do
data[x] = frame.args[x]
if data[x] ~= nil and data[x] ~= "" then
if marker == "y" then
markercount = markercount + 1
if markercount <= 90 then markerstype = "vicinity" end
if markercount > 90 and markercount <= 180 then markerstype = "around" end
if markercount > 180 and markercount <= 270 then markerstype = "view" end
if markercount > 270 and markercount <= 360 then markerstype = "do" end
if markercount > 360 and markercount <= 450 then markerstype = "lime" end
if markercount > 450 and markercount <= 540 then markerstype = "listing" end
if markercount > 540 and markercount <= 630 then markerstype = "gold" end
if markercount > 630 and markercount <= 720 then markerstype = "see" end
if markercount > 720 and markercount <= 810 then markerstype = "red" end
if markercount > 810 and markercount <= 900 then markerstype = "silver" end
if markercount > 900 and markercount <= 990 then markerstype = "go" end
if markercount > 990 and markercount <= 1080 then markerstype = "other" end
if markercount >1080 and markercount <= 1170 then markerstype = "sleep" end
if markercount > 1170 and markercount <= 1260 then markerstype = "buy" end
if markercount > 1260 and markercount <= 1350 then markerstype = "drink" end
-- markers[x] = "\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Location: " .. data[x] .. "|lat=" .. string.gsub(data[x],',.*','')
markers[x] = "\n* {{marker|type=" .. markerstype .. "|name=Location: " .. data[x] .. "|lat=" .. string.gsub(data[x],',.*','')
markers[x] = markers[x] .. "|long=" .. string.gsub(data[x],'^.*,','') .. "}}"
data[x] = "[" .. string.gsub(data[x],'^(.*)(%,)(.*)$','%3%2%1') .. "]"
for i = 1,table.getn(data) do
if string.find(data[i],'%a+') == nil and string.find(data[i],'%u+') == nil then
if data[i] ~= nil and data[i] ~= "" then
if latitude == "" then
latitude = string.gsub(data[i],'(%[.*%,)(.*)(%])','%2')
if longitude == "" then
longitude = string.gsub(data[i],'(%[)(.*)(%,.*)','%2')
-- for error checking -- if latitude ~= nil then return "lat: " .. latitude .. " long: " .. longitude end
coordinates = coordinates .. "," .. data[i]
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'^%,','')
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. "]"
if marker == "y" then
for i =1,table.getn(markers) do
if markers[i] ~= nil and markers[i] ~= "" then
if string.find(markers[i],'lat=%a+') == nil and string.find(markers[i],'lat=%u+') == nil then
markerstext = markerstext .. markers[i]
if mapframe == "y" and mask == "y" then
output = output .. '\n<mapframe text="" latitude="'
output = output .. latitude .. '" longitude="' .. longitude .. '" zoom="8" width="900" height="400" group="mask" class="no-icon"'
output = output .. 'align="center">\n\t{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t\t"features": [\n\t\t\t{"type": "Feature",\n\t\t\t\t"geometry":'
output = output .. '{"coordinates":\n\t[\n\t\t\t[[-3600,90], [3600, 90], [3600,-90], [-3600,-90], [-3600,90]],\n\t\t\t'
output = output .. coordinates
output = output .. '\n\t],\n\t\t\t"type":"Polygon"},\n\t\t\t"properties":{\n\t\t\t"title": "A mapmask",\n\t\t\t"description": "",'
output = output .. '\n\t\t\t"fill": "#808080",\n\t\t\t"fill-opacity": 0.4,\n\t\t\t"stroke":"#000000",\n\t\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}\n}]}'
output = output .. '\n</mapframe>'
if mapframe == "y" and mapshape == "y" then
output = output .. '\n<mapframe text="" latitude="'
output = output .. latitude .. '" longitude="' .. longitude .. '" zoom="8" width="900" height="400" group="mapshape" class="no-icon"'
output = output .. ' align="center">\n\t{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t\t"features": [\n\t\t\t{"type": "Feature",'
output = output .. '\n\t\t\t\t"geometry": {"coordinates":\n\t[\n\t\t\t'
output = output .. coordinates
output = output .. '\n\t],\n\t\t\t"type":"Polygon"},\n\t\t\t"properties":{\n\t\t\t"title": "A mapshape",\n\t\t\t"description":'
output = output .. ' "",\n\t\t\t"fill": "#ffffb2",\n\t\t\t"stroke":"#888888",\n\t\t\t"stroke-width":3\n}\n}]}'
output = output .. '\n</mapframe>'
if maplink == "y" and mask == "y" then
output = output .. '\n<maplink text="" latitude="' .. latitude .. '" longitude="' .. longitude ..'" zoom="8" group="mask"'
output = output .. ' class="no-icon" align="center">\n\t{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t\t"features": [\n\t\t\t{"type": "Feature"'
output = output .. ',\n\t\t\t\t"geometry": {"coordinates":\n\t[\n\t\t\t[[-3600,90], [3600, 90], [3600,-90], [-3600,-90], [-3600,90]],\n\t\t\t'
output = output .. coordinates
output = output .. '\n\t],\n\t\t\t"type":"Polygon"},\n\t\t\t"properties":{\n\t\t\t"title": "A mask",\n\t\t\t"description":'
output = output .. ' "",\n\t\t\t"fill": "#808080",\n\t\t\t"fill-opacity": 0.4,\n\t\t\t"stroke":"#000000",\n\t\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}\n}]}'
output = output .. '\n</maplink>'
if maplink == "y" and mapshape == "y" then
output = output .. '\n<maplink text="" latitude="' .. latitude .. '" longitude="' .. longitude .. '" zoom="8" group="mapshape"'
output = output .. ' class="no-icon" align="center">\n\t{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t\t"features": [\n\t\t\t{"type": "Feature"'
output = output .. ',\n\t\t\t\t"geometry": {"coordinates":\n\t[\n\t\t\t'
output = output .. coordinates
output = output .. '\n\t],\n\t\t\t"type":"Polygon"},\n\t\t\t"properties":{\n\t\t\t"title": "A mapshape",\n\t\t\t"description":'
output = output .. ' "",\n\t\t\t"fill": "#ffffb2",\n\t\t\t"stroke":"#888888",\n\t\t\t"stroke-width":2\n}\n}]}'
output = output .. '\n</maplink>'
if marker == "y" then
output = output .. markerstext
return output
-- BBOX - bounding box
function p.bbox(frame)
local shape = "bbox"
local coord1 = frame.args['coord1'] or ""
local coord2 = frame.args['coord2'] or ""
local coord3 = frame.args['coord3'] or ""
local coord4 = frame.args['coord4'] or ""
local lat1,long1,lat2,long2,lat3,long3,lat4,long4 = "","","","","","","",""
local ids = frame.args['ids'] or ""
local type = frame.args['fill'] or "line"
if type ~= "poly" then type = "line" end
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'bbox'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A bbox'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local data = {}
local coordinates = ""
if ids == nil or ids == "" then
if coord1 == nil or coord1 == "" then error("Missing argument coord1!") end
if coord2 == nil or coord2 == "" then error("Missing argument coord2!") end
if coord3 == nil or coord3 == "" then error("Missing argument coord3!") end
if coord4 == nil or coord4 == "" then coord4 = coord1 end
lat1 = string.gsub(coord1,"%,.*","")
long1 = string.gsub(coord1,".*%,",'')
lat2 = string.gsub(coord2,"%,.*","")
long2 = string.gsub(coord2,".*%,",'')
lat3 = string.gsub(coord3,"%,.*","")
long3 = string.gsub(coord3,".*%,",'')
lat4 = string.gsub(coord4,"%,.*","")
long4 = string.gsub(coord4,".*%,",'')
ids = string.gsub(ids,"q","Q")
ids = string.gsub(ids,"%s+","")
-- do a lazy check for format of ids - "^[Q]%d+%,[Q]%d+$")
local checker = ""
checker = string.gsub(ids,"^[Q]%d+%$","")
if checker == "" then error("ids requires at least 3 wikidata IDs") end
checker = string.gsub(ids,"^[Q]%d+%,[Q]%d+$","")
if checker == "" then error("ids requires at least 3 wikidata IDs") end
ids = ids .. "," .. ids ----- insure 4th to work with even though they overlap
ids = string.gsub(ids,"%,","@@@@@")
local separator = "@@@@@"
local counter = 1
local idsarray = {}
for str in string.gmatch(ids,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
idsarray[counter] = str
counter = counter + 1
lat1,long1 = latitude(idsarray[1]),longitude(idsarray[1])
lat2,long2 = latitude(idsarray[2]),longitude(idsarray[2])
lat3,long3 = latitude(idsarray[3]),longitude(idsarray[3])
lat4,long4 = latitude(idsarray[4]),longitude(idsarray[4]) -- could be a duplicate of 1 if we added it in program
if lat1 == "" or lat2 == "" or lat3 == "" or lat4 == "" then error("latitude not found in wikidata!") end
if long1 == "" or long2 == "" or long3 == "" or long4 == "" then error("longitude not found in wikidata!") end
local bboxlat = {}
local bboxlong = {}
local bboxcoords = ""
bboxlat[1] = lat1
bboxlong[1] = long1
bboxlat[2] = lat2
bboxlong[2] = long2
bboxlat[3] = lat3
bboxlong[3] = long3
bboxlat[4] = lat4
bboxlong[4] = long4
bboxcoords = '"bbox": [' .. bboxlong[1] .. "," .. bboxlat[1] .. "," .. bboxlong[4] .. "," ..bboxlat[4] .. "],\n\t\t"
local lat = (bboxlat[1] + bboxlat[4])/2
local long = (bboxlong[1] + bboxlong[4])/2
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
part1a = string.gsub(part1a,'"Feature",','"Feature",' .. bboxcoords)
part2a = string.gsub(part2a,'"Feature",','"Feature",' .. bboxcoords)
part3a = string.gsub(part3a,'"Feature",','"Feature",' .. bboxcoords)
part4a = string.gsub(part4a,'"Feature",','"Feature",' .. bboxcoords)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. bboxlong[1] .. "," .. bboxlat[1] .. "],["
coordinates = coordinates .. bboxlong[4] .. "," .. bboxlat[1] .. "],["
coordinates = coordinates .. bboxlong[4] .. "," .. bboxlat[4] .. "],["
coordinates = coordinates .. bboxlong[1] .. "," .. bboxlat[4] .. "],[" .. bboxlong[1] .. "," .. bboxlat[1] .. "]" -- close
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'stroke-width":1','stroke-width":2')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center BBox|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.halfcircle(frame)
local shape = "halfcircle"
local shade = frame.args['shade'] or "left"
if shade ~= "right" then shade = "left" end
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
local x,y = 0,0
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
x = tonumber(lat)
y = tonumber(long)
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
if tonumber(lat) > 85.35 or tonumber(lat) < -85.35 then
error("Latitude must be between 85.35 and -85.35!") end
if tonumber(long) > 180 or tonumber(long) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'halfcircle'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A halfcircle'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local data = {}
for i=1, 360 do
data[i] = ""
-- local data2 = {}
local coordinates = ""
local ptx,pty,angle = 0,0,0
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1,360, 1 do
angle = i * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + r * math.sin( angle )
if tonumber(x) >= 10.5 then
ptx = newlat(ptx) -- makes correction to make circle show up on map - upper latitudes
if tonumber(x) <= -10.5 then
ptx = newlat(ptx) -- makes correction to make circle show up on map - lower latitudes
data[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. ']'
if shade == "right" then
for i = 1,180, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. data[360]
for i = 180,360, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. data[180]
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@%,',',')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. "],"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=HalfCircle|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- Decagon -- 10 sided shape
function p.decagon(frame)
local shape = "decagon"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local x = tonumber(lat)
local y = tonumber(long)
local latitude = string.format("%.6f",lat)
local longitude = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'decagon'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A decagon'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local radius = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
radius = tonumber(radius)
if radius > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if radius <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local ra,angle,ptx,pty = 0,0,0,0
local compass = {}
local points = {}
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
compass = positions(shape)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + radius * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + radius * math.sin( angle )
ptx = newlat(ptx)
-- TEST CODE FIX points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. pty .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
for i = 1,table.getn(points), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. points[i] .. "\n"
coordinates = coordinates .. points[1]
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part3a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part1a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Decagon|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- Annulus
-- ANNULUS - 2 circles forming a donut shape
function p.annulus(frame)
local shape = "annulus"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
local x,y = 0,0
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
x = string.format("%.6f",lat)
y = string.format("%.6f",long)
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
if tonumber(lat) > 85.35 or tonumber(lat) < -85.35 then
error("Latitude must be between 85.35 and -85.35!") end
if tonumber(long) > 180 or tonumber(long) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end -- END if
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'annulus'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'An annulus'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * .65
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local data = {}
local data2 = {}
local coordinates = ""
local coordinates2 = ""
local ptx,pty,angle,ptx2,pty2 = 0,0,0,0,0
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
if tonumber(x) >= 10.5 then
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
elseif tonumber(x) <= -10.5 then
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1, 360 do
angle = i * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx2 = x + r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty2 = y + r2 * math.sin( angle )
if tonumber(x) >= 10.5 then
ptx = newlat(ptx)
ptx2 = newlat(ptx2)
if tonumber(x) <= -10.5 then
ptx = newlat(ptx)
ptx2 = newlat(ptx2)
data[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. ']'
data2[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty2) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx2) .. ']'
for i = 5,359, 5 do
data[i] = data[i] .. "@@@@@"
data2[i] = data2[i] .. "@@@@@"
-- cycle through array and build single string of all coordinates to be output
for i = 1,360, 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
coordinates2 = coordinates2 .. data2[i]
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates2 = coordinates2.gsub(coordinates2,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates2 = coordinates2.gsub(coordinates2,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. ',' .. data[1] .. "],"
coordinates2 = "[" .. coordinates2 .. ',' .. data2[1] .. "]],["
coordinates = coordinates2 .. coordinates
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%]%],%[%[%[',']],[[')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[')
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'LineString','MultiLineString')
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'LineString','MultiLineString')
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Annulus|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.rhombus(frame)
local shape = "rhombus"
local direction = frame.args['direction'] or "vertical"
if direction ~= "horizontal" then direction = "vertical" end
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'rhombus'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A rhombus'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * 2
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4 = 0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4 = 0,0,0,0
local a,b,c,d = 0,0,0,0
if direction == "horizontal" then
a,b,c,d = 360,90,180,270
a,b,c,d = 90,180,270,360
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r2 * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + r2 * math.sin( angle4 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[".. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Rhombus|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.wedge(frame)
local shape = "wedge"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local latitude = lat
local longitude = long
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'wedge'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A wedge'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for length is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * 2
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local direction = frame.args['direction'] or "1"
direction = string.gsub(direction,'%..*','')
direction = tonumber(direction)
if direction <= 0 or direction >= 9 then error("Direction should be a number from 1 to 8!") end
local angle1,angle2,angle3 = 0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3 = 0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3 = 0,0,0
local factor = {'340,360,20','25,45,65','70,90,110','115,135,155','160,180,200','205,225,245','250,270,290','295,315,335'}
local a = string.gsub(factor[direction],'(%d+)(,)(%d+)(,)(%d+)','%1')
local b = string.gsub(factor[direction],'(%d+)(,)(%d+)(,)(%d+)','%3')
local c = string.gsub(factor[direction],'(%d+)(,)(%d+)(,)(%d+)','%5')
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = b * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + (r*.02) * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + (r*.02) * math.sin( angle )
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r2 * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180 -- used to compute center of wedge
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r2 * math.sin( angle3 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Wedge|lat=' .. ptx2 .. "|long=" .. pty2 .. '}}\n'
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Wedge|lat=' .. latitude .. "|long=" .. longitude .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.cross(frame)
local shape = "cross"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'cross'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A Cross'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for length is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * .25
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ff0000"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#ffffff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local angle = 0
local compass = positions(shape)
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
if compass[i] == 45 or compass[i] == 135 or compass[i] == 225 or compass[i] == 315 then
ptx = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r2 * math.sin( angle )
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
coordinates = coordinates .. string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@.*','')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@',',')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
lat = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat))
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Cross|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.x_shape(frame)
local shape = "xshape"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'xshape'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'An X'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for length is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * .375
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local angle = 0
local compass = positions(shape)
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
if compass[i] == 90 or compass[i] == 180 or compass[i] == 270 or compass[i] == 360 then
ptx = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r2 * math.sin( angle )
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
coordinates = coordinates .. string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@.*','')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@',',')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
lat = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat))
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center X|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- BAR -- only creates a LineString with thickness of 4
local shape = "bar"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local direction = frame.args['direction'] or "horizontal"
if direction ~= "horizontal" then direction = "vertical" end
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'bar'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A bar'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 40 then error("40 for length is MAX") end -- 40 for bar shape only
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
-- local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#000000" -- fill not used - keep anyhow for time being
local fill = "#000000"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#000000" -- change color with stroke
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "line"
local angle = 0
local compass = positions(shape)
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
if direction == "vertical" then compass[i] = compass[i] + 90 end
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@',',')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'stroke%-width%":1','stroke-width":3')
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
lat = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat))
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Bar | lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- DOT -- creates a grayish dot
local shape = "dot"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'dot'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A dot'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local size = "30" -- fixed size no longer a parameter
-- frame.args['size'] or "10" -- default of 1
-- if size == nil or size == "" then size = "10" end -- just a check
-- size = string.gsub(size,'%..*','')
-- if size == "" then error("size should currently be a whole number!") end
-- size = tonumber(size)
-- if size < 10 or size > 30 then error("The Dot size is currently limited from 10 to 30 for use!") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#000000" -- no longer a parameter but keeping rest of code consistent
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#000000" -- can change the color using stroke
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- force default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "line"
lat = string.format("%.6f",lat)
long = string.format("%.6f",long)
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
-- Make thickness of size and add opacity fixed at 30 and 0.4 respectively
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'stroke%-width%":1','stroke-width":' .. size .. ',\n\t\t"stroke-opacity": 0.4')
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Dot | lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.keystone(frame)
local shape = "keystone"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'keystone'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A keystone'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for length is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * .65
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local angle = 0
local compass = positions(shape)
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
if compass[i] == 26 or compass[i] == 334 then
ptx = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r2 * math.sin( angle )
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
coordinates = coordinates .. string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@.*','')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@',',')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
lat = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat))
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Keystone | lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- COG -- gear shape
function p.cog(frame)
local shape = "cog"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'cog'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A cog'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for length is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * .85
local r3 = r * .30
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local coordinates2 = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local angle = 0
local compass = positions(shape)
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
angle = (compass[i] - 33.5) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r2 * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
angle = (compass[i] - 11) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r2 * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
angle = (compass[i] -11.25) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
angle = (compass[i] + 11.25) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
coordinates = coordinates .. string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@.*','')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@',',')
compass = positions('quad')
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r3 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r3 * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
coordinates2 = coordinates2 .. "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
coordinates2 = coordinates2 .. string.gsub(coordinates2,'@@@@@.*','')
coordinates2 = string.gsub(coordinates2,'@@@@@',',')
coordinates = coordinates .. "],[" .. coordinates2
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'LineString','MultiLineString')
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'LineString','MultiLineString')
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
lat = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat))
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Cog | lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
function p.multipoint(frame)
local shape = "multipoint"
local ids = frame.args['ids'] or ""
ids = string.gsub(ids,"%,+","@")
ids = string.gsub(ids,"%s+",'')
ids = string.gsub(ids,"%@+",'@')
local coords = frame.args['coords'] or ""
coords = string.gsub(coords,"%@+","@") -- multiple @'s to a @
local separator = "@"
local coordsx = {}
local coordinates = ""
local count = 1
local lat = ""
local long = ""
if ids == nil or ids == "" then
if coords == "" or coords == nil then error("Missing argument coords!") end
count = 1
for str in string.gmatch(coords,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
lat = string.gsub(str,",.*",'')
long = string.gsub(str,"^.*,",'')
if tonumber( lat ) > 90 or tonumber( lat ) < -90 then
error("Latitudes must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(long) > 180 or tonumber(long) < -180 then
error("Longitudes must be between 180 and -180!") end
coordsx[count] = string.format("%.6f",long) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",lat)
count = count + 1
count = 1
for str in string.gmatch(ids,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
str = checkid(str)
lat = latitude(str)
long = longitude(str)
coordsx[count] = string.format("%.6f",long) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",lat)
count = count + 1
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'multipoint'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A multipoint'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ""
local color = frame.args['color'] or "#ffccaa"
if string.len(color) ~= 7 then error("Incorrect length for argument color!") end
if string.gsub(color,"#[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]","") ~= "" then
error("Incorrect hexidecimal format for argument color!") end
local symbol = frame.args['symbol'] or "star"
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nil or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local maplink = frame.args['maplink'] or "yes"
local part1a = '<maplink text="" zoom="5" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" group="cities" class=no-icon>\n'
part1a = part1a .. '\t{\n\t"type": "Feature",\n\t\t"geometry": { "type":"MultiPoint", "coordinates":\n\t\t\t'
local part1b = '\n\t"properties": {\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n\t\t'
part1b = part1b .. '"description": "' .. description .. '",\n\t\t"marker-color": "' .. color .. '",\n\t\t'
part1b = part1b .. '"marker-size": "medium",\n\t\t"marker-symbol": "' .. symbol .. '",\n\t\t\t'
part1b = part1b .. '}\n}</maplink>\n'
local part2a = '<mapframe text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
part2a = part2a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '" width="600" height="400" >\n{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t"features":'
part2a = part2a .. '[\n\t\t{\n\t\t"type": "Feature",\n\t\t"geometry": {"coordinates":\n\t\t'
local part2b = '\n\t\t"type":"MultiPoint"},\n\t"properties":{\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n\t\t"marker-color": "' .. color .. '",\n\t\t'
part2b = part2b .. '"marker-size": "medium",\n\t\t"marker-symbol": "' .. symbol .. '",\n\t\t\t'
part2b = part2b .. '\n}\n}]}\n</mapframe>\n'
for i = 1,table.getn(coordsx), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. coordsx[i] .. "]@@@@@"
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,"@@@@@",",")
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates, '%,$','')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. '],'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
return coordinates
-- ARROW -- only creates a Polygon with a stroke thickness of 3 and fill-opacity of 1.0
function p.arrow(frame)
local shape = "arrow"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local latitude = lat -- for marker points to
local longitude = long -- for marker points to
local direction = frame.args['direction'] or 1
if direction == nil or direction == "" then direction = "1" end
if string.gsub(direction,"[1-8]","") ~= "" then error("Numbers 1-8 only in direction!") end
if tonumber(direction) < 1 or tonumber(direction) > 8 then direction = "1" end
direction = tonumber(direction)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'arrow'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'An arrow'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for length is MAX") end -- exception for bar only
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * .50
local r3 = r * .475
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#000000" -- fill arg - default is black
if fill == nil or fill == "" then fill = "#000000" end
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#000000" -- stroke arg - default is black
if stroke == nil or stroke == "" then stroke = fill end
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "poly" -- default is polygon
if type ~= "poly" then
type = "line"
local angle,ptx,pty = 0,0,0
local compass = positions(shape)
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = (compass[direction]) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat - (r*1.05) * math.cos( angle )
pty = long - (r*1.05) * math.sin( angle )
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local matrix = {}
-- 1
angle = (compass[direction] - 18) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r2 * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
matrix[1] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
-- 2
angle = compass[direction] * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
matrix[2] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
angle = (compass[direction] + 18) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r2 * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
matrix[3] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
-- 4
angle = (compass[direction] - 2) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r3 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r3 * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
matrix[4] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
-- 5
angle = (compass[direction] + 181) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
matrix[5] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
-- 6
angle = (compass[direction] + 179) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
matrix[6] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
-- 7
angle = (compass[direction] + 2) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r3 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long + r3 * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
matrix[7] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
for i=1,table.getn(matrix),1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. matrix[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. matrix[1]
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@$','')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@',',')
lat = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat))
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
-- Make thickness of 3
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'stroke%-width%":1','fill-opacity": 1.0,\n\t\t"stroke-width":4')
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
lat = string.format("%.6f",lat)
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Arrow | lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n' .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Points To | lat=' .. latitude .. "|long=" .. longitude .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- PENTAGRAM - Line String only -- Poly fills in the tips - lines still there
function p.pentagram(frame)
local shape = "pentagram"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local x = tonumber(lat)
local y = tonumber(long)
local latitude = string.format("%.6f",lat)
local longitude = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'pentagram'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A pentagram'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
if r == nil or r == "" then r = "0.5" end
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#000000"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end -- FUTURE USE
local angle,ptx,pty = 0,0,0
local compass = {}
local points = {}
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "poly" then
type = "line"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
compass = positions(shape)
for i = 1,table.getn(compass), 1 do
angle = compass[i] * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + r * math.sin( angle )
ptx = newlat(ptx)
points[i] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. "],"
for i = 1,table.getn(points), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. points[i] .. "\n"
coordinates = coordinates .. points[1]
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part3a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part1a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Pentagram|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- MULTILINE - draw lines from pairs of coordinates
function p.multiline(frame)
local shape = "multiline"
local ids = frame.args['ids'] or ""
ids = string.gsub(ids,"%,+","@")
ids = string.gsub(ids,"%s+",'')
ids = string.gsub(ids,"%@+",'@')
local coords = frame.args['coords'] or ""
coords = string.gsub(coords,"%s+",'')
coords = string.gsub(coords,"%@+","@") -- multiple @'s to a @
local separator = "@"
local coordsx = {}
local coordinates = ""
local count = 1
local lat = ""
local long = ""
local type = "line"
if ids == nil or ids == "" then
if coords == "" or coords == nil then error("Missing argument coordinates!") end
count = 1
for str in string.gmatch(coords,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
lat = string.gsub(str,",.*",'')
long = string.gsub(str,"^.*,",'')
if tonumber( lat ) > 90 or tonumber( lat ) < -90 then
error("Latitudes must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(long) > 180 or tonumber(long) < -180 then
error("Longitudes must be between 180 and -180!") end
coordsx[count] = string.format("%.6f",long) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",lat)
count = count + 1
count = 1
for str in string.gmatch(ids,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
str = checkid(str)
lat = latitude(str)
long = longitude(str)
coordsx[count] = string.format("%.6f",long) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",lat)
count = count + 1
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'multiline'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A multiline'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ""
if description == nil then description = "" end
local fill = "#000000"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#ffccaa"
if string.len(stroke) ~= 7 then error("Incorrect length for argument color!") end
if string.gsub(stroke,"#[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]","") ~= "" then
error("Incorrect hexidecimal format for argument color!") end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nil or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local mod = math.mod(table.getn(coordsx),2)
if mod == 1 then error("Need even number of matching coordinates!") end
local i = 0
for i = 1,table.getn(coordsx), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. coordsx[i] .. "]@@@@@"
i = i + 1
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. coordsx[i] .. "]]@@@@@["
if i == table.getn(coordsx) then break end
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,"@@@@@",",")
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,"%],%[$",'')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates, '%,$','')
local part1a = '<maplink class="no-icon" text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
local part1a = part1a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '">\n{"type": "Feature","geometry":'
local part1a = part1a .. '{ \n\t"type":"MultiLineString",\n\t"coordinates":\n'
local part1b = '\n\t"properties":{\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
local part1b = part1b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n'
local part1b = part1b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1\n}}\n</maplink>\n'
local part2a = '<mapframe text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
part2a = part2a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '" width="600" height="400" >\n{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t"features":'
part2a = part2a .. '[\n\t\t{\n\t\t"type": "Feature",\n\t\t"geometry": { \n\t"type":"MultiLineString",\n\t"coordinates":\n\t\t'
local part2b = '\n\t"properties":{\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n\t\t'
part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":1,\n\t\t\t'
part2b = part2b .. '}\n}]}\n</mapframe>\n'
-- No Polygons just MultiLineString
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
-- No Markers unless wanted can code - could end up with a few or large amount of markers
return coordinates
-- SUN - draw circle with spikes as rays from sun
function p.sun(frame)
local shape = "sun"
local sunburst = frame.args['sunburst'] or "10"
if sunburst == nil or sunburst == "" then sunburst = "10" end
sunburst = tonumber(sunburst)
if sunburst < 10 or sunburst > 30 then sunburst = 10 end
local increment = 360/sunburst
local inbetween = increment/2
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
id = string.gsub(id,"%,+","@")
id = string.gsub(id,"%s+",'')
id = string.gsub(id,"%@+",'@')
local lat = frame.args['lat'] or ""
local long = frame.args['long']
local matrix = {}
local coordinates = ""
local count = 1
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line"
if type ~= "poly" then type = "line" end
if id == nil or id == "" then
if lat == "" or lat == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if long == "" or long == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
if tonumber( lat ) > 90 or tonumber( lat ) < -90 then
error("Latitudes must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(long) > 180 or tonumber(long) < -180 then
error("Longitudes must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local r2 = r * .45
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'sun'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A sun'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ""
if description == nil then description = "" end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ffff00"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#000000"
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nil or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
local angle,ptx,pty = 0,0,0
local latitude = lat
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local count = 0
for i = increment,360, increment do
angle = i * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat - r2 * math.cos( angle )
pty = long - r2 * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
count = count + 1
matrix[count] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
angle = (i + inbetween) * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat - r * math.cos( angle )
pty = long - r * math.sin( angle )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
count = count + 1
matrix[count] = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]@@@@@"
for i = 1,table.getn(matrix), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. matrix[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. matrix[1]
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,"@@@@@",",")
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,",$",'')
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Sun|lat=' .. latitude .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- STADIUM or pill capsule shape -- reduced number of coordinates for circular shape
function p.stadium(frame)
local shape = "stadium"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
local x,y,x2,y2 = 0,0,0,0
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
lat = string.format("%.6f",lat)
long = string.format("%.6f",long)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'stadium'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A Stadium'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("radius has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local data = {}
local data2 = {}
local coordinates = ""
local coordinates2 = ""
local ptx,pty,angle,ptx2,pty2 = 0,0,0,0,0
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = 90 * math.pi / 180
x = x + (r*1.5) * math.cos( angle )
y = long + (r*1.5) * math.sin (angle)
x = newlat(x)
x2 = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = 270 * math.pi / 180
x = x + (r*1.5) * math.cos( angle )
y2 = long + (r*1.5) * math.sin (angle )
x2 = newlat(x2)
x = math.log(math.tan((90 + x) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
x2 =math.log(math.tan((90 + x2) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local count = 1
for i = -2, 180, 2 do
angle = i * math.pi / 180
ptx = x + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y + r * math.sin(angle)
ptx = newlat(ptx)
data[count] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. ']'
count = count + 1
count = 1
for i = 178,360, 2 do
angle = i * math.pi / 180
ptx = x2 + r * math.cos( angle )
pty = y2 + r * math.sin(angle)
ptx = newlat(ptx)
data2[count] = '[' .. string.format("%.6f",pty) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",ptx) .. ']'
count = count + 1
for i = 1,table.getn(data), 1 do
coordinates = coordinates .. data[i]
for i = 1,table.getn(data2), 1 do
coordinates2 = coordinates2 .. data2[i]
coordinates = coordinates .. coordinates2
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]%[','],[')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'@@@@@$','')
coordinates = coordinates.gsub(coordinates,'%]@@@@@%[','],\n[')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. ',' .. data[1] .. "],"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part4a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part4b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']]},')
coordinates = part2a .. string.gsub(coordinates,'^%[','[[') .. part2b
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%,$',']},')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center Stadium|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- Draw a route -- BETA - TEST
-- Currently draws a maplink with 1 route - can edit to input/output multiple routes in 1 maplink but this will suffice
-- for now
-- A mapframw can also be created for 1 route - multiple routes can be added later
function p.drawroute(frame)
local route = ""
local newcoordinates = ""
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'route'
local show = frame.args['show'] or group
local title = frame.args['title'] or ''
local description = frame.args['description'] or ''
local coordinates = frame.args['coordinates'] or ''
local flip = frame.args['flip'] or 'no' -- flip the lat,long input in coordinates parameter
local separator = "@"
local type = frame.args['type'] or 'maplink'
local lat=frame.args['lat'] or "34"
local long=frame.args['long'] or "-40"
local zoom = "5"
local width="400"
local height="350"
local text = frame.args['text'] or ""
if type ~= "maplink" then type = "mapframe" end
if coordinates == "" or coordinates == nil then
return ""
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'\n',' ')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%s+','')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@+','@')
if flip == 'no' or flip == "n" then
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'@','],[')
for str in string.gmatch(coordinates,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
str = string.gsub(str,'(.*),(.*)','%2,%1')
newcoordinates = newcoordinates .. str .. "],["
coordinates = string.gsub(newcoordinates,'%],%[$','')
if type == 'maplink' then
route = route .. '\n<maplink text="" group="' .. group .. '" class=no-icon>'
route = route .. '\n{'
route = route .. '\n\t"type": "Feature",'
route = route .. '\n\t"geometry":'
route = route .. '\n\t{"coordinates":'
route = route .. '\n\t[[' .. coordinates .. ']],'
-- route = route .. '\n\t' .. coordinates
-- route = route ..'\n]],'
route= route .. '\n\t"type":"LineString"},'
route = route .. '\n\t"properties":{'
route = route .. '\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",'
route = route .. '\n\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",'
route = route .. '\n\t\t"stroke":"#0000ff",'
route = route .. '\n\t\t"stroke-width":2'
route = route .. '\n}}</maplink>\n'
route = route .. '\n<mapframe text="' .. text .. '" latitude=' .. lat .. ' longitude=' .. long
route = route .. ' zoom=' .. zoom .. ' width=' .. width .. ' height=' .. height .. ' group=' .. group .. ' show=' .. show .. ">"
route = route .. '\n{"type":"Feature", "properties":{'
route = route .. '\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",'
route = route .. '\n\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",'
route = route .. '\n\t\t"stroke":"#0000ff",'
route = route .. '\n\t\t"stroke-width":2},'
route = route .. '\n\t"geometry":'
route= route .. '\n\t{"type":"LineString",'
route = route .. '\n\t"coordinates":'
route = route .. '\n\t[[' .. coordinates .. ']]'
route = route .. '\n}}}</mapframe>\n'
return route
-- Function to draw a maplink for producing a mapshape
-- Only need the Wikidata ID and color for fill as parameters (id=Q8888 - fill=#ffcc00
-- Optional parameter(s): description
-- rest filled in which you can edit
-- added type -- this fetches info based on wikidata and contents of OpenStreetMap
function p.drawmapshape(frame)
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ffcc00"
local output = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "mapshape"
if type == "geoshape" or type == "geoline" or type == "geomask" then
type = type
type = "geoshape"
if id == nil or id == "" then return end
id = checkid(id)
local description = frame.args['description'] or ""
local lat = latitude(id)
local long = longitude(id)
lat = string.format("%.6f",lat)
long = string.format("%.6f",long)
local language = frame.args['lang'] or mw.language.getContentLanguage(id).code
local title = ""
local wiki = language .. "wikivoyage"
local titlex = mw.wikibase.label(id)
local entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(id)
if entity == nil then return end
title = entity:getSitelink(wiki)
if title == nil or title == "" then
title = titlex
output = output .. '<maplink text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" zoom="5" width="600" height="500" group="mask" class="no-icon">\n'
output = output .. '\t{\n'
output = output .. '\t"type": "ExternalData",\n'
output = output .. '\t"properties": {\n'
output = output .. '\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
output = output .. '"description": "' .. description .. '",\n'
output = output .. '\t"fill": "' .. fill .. '",\n'
output = output .. '\t"fill-opacity": 0.2,\n'
output = output .. '\t"stroke": "#4d4d4d",\n'
output = output .. '\t"stroke-width": 1\n'
output = output .. '\t},\n'
output = output .. '\t"service": "' .. type .. '",\n'
output = output .. '\t"ids": "' .. id .. '"\n'
output = output .. '}\n'
output = output .. '</maplink>'
return output
-- RIGHT triangle - using a box as reference instead of a circle - slightly different than an equilateral triangle
-- does not point to anything just a triangular shape - have to adjust manually for the moment
function p.righttriangle(frame)
local shape = "letters"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local side = frame.args['side'] or 1
side = tonumber(side)
if side < 1 or side > 4 then
side = 1
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'letters'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'Text line'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
if r == nil or r == "" then r = .5 end
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4 = 0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4 = 0,0,0,0
local a = 45
local b = 135
local c = 225
local d = 315
if side == 1 then d = 225 end
if side == 2 then c = 135 end
if side == 3 then b = 45 end
if side == 4 then a = 315 end
local rx = r * 2 -- For something else
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + r * math.sin( angle4 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[".. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Triangle X|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- Need to draw one more set of points
function p.textline(frame)
local shape = "letters"
local line = frame.args['line'] or ""
if line == nil or line == "" then return "" end
if string.gsub(line,"^[% A-Z0-9a-z%[%]%(%)%-%-_%<%>%/:]+$","") ~= "" then
error("only A-Z a-z [ ] ( ) < > - _ / are alowed!")
if string.len(line) > 1 then -- funky add extraspace at beginning and end
line = "@" .. line .. "@"
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'letters'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'Text line'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local radius = frame.args['radius'] or .5
if radius == nil or radius == "" then radius = .5 end
radius = tonumber(radius)
if radius > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if radius <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
radius1 = radius * .75
radius2 = radius
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
if fill == nil or fill == "" then fill = "#ccef64" end
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
if stroke == nil or stroke == "" then stroke = "#0000ff" end
local coordinates = ""
local boxcoordinates = ""
local combinedcoords = ""
local type = "line"
local letter = ""
local factor = 2
local stringlength = 0
stringlength = string.len(line)
local lower = 0
_,lower = string.gsub(line,'%l','')
stringlength = stringlength - lower
stringlength = stringlength + (lower * .75)
local calc = 0
local adjust = frame.args['adjust'] or "none" -- TO MAKE ROUGH ADJUSTMENT OF STARTING POSITION
if adjust == nil or adjust == "" then
adjust = "none"
if adjust ~= "right" and adjust ~= "center" and adjust ~= "left" then
adjust = "none"
local boxit = frame.args['boxit'] or "n"
if boxit == "" or boxit == nil then boxit = "n" end
if boxit ~= "n" then boxit = "y" end
local frameit = {} -- CHANGE TO LineString with stroke-width of
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
local angle = 0
local recx1,recx2,recx3,recx4 = 0,0,0,0
local recy1,recy2,recy3,recy4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptxnew,latx,latxx,latxxx,latcc,ptx1,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4,ptx5,ptx6,ptx7,ptx8,ptx9 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
local ptx10,ptx11,ptx12,ptx13,ptx14,ptx15,ptx16,ptx17,ptx18,ptx19,ptx20 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
local ptynew,longx,longxx,longxxx,longcc,pty1,pty2,pty3,pty4,pty5,pty6,pty7,pty8,pty9 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
local pty10,pty11,pty12,pty13,pty14,pty15,pty16,pty17,pty18,pty19,pty20 = 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
-- Build a rectangular shape to get the 4 corners
-- Below is a square so have to extend it upward using a different center point
-- top corners
local a = 45 -- right upper corner - pty1
local b = 135 -- right lower corner - pty2
local c = 225 -- left lower corner -- pty3
local d = 315 -- left upper corner -- pty4
local e = 180 -- bottom center rectangle -- longxx,pty5
local f = 360 -- upper center rectangle -- longx,longxxx,longcc,pty6
local g = 270 -- upper center left side rectangle -- pty7,pty11,pty13,pty15,pty17,pty19,pty21
local h = 90 -- upper center right side rectangle -- pty8,pty12,pty14,pty16,pty18,pty20,pty22
local i = 140 -- add to letter Q -- pty9
local j = 160 -- add for letter Q -- pty10
-- move line over to right or left to approximate center of line
if stringlength > 1 then
if adjust == "center" then
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = 270 * math.pi /180
lat = lat + (radius * (stringlength * 1)) * math.cos( angle )
long = long + (radius * (stringlength * 1)) * math.sin( angle )
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
angle = 0
if adjust == "left" then
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = 270 * math.pi /180
lat = lat + (radius * (stringlength * 2)) * math.cos( angle )
long = long + (radius * (stringlength * 2)) * math.sin( angle )
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
angle = 0
if adjust == "right" then
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = 90 * math.pi /180
if boxit == "y" then
lat = lat + (radius * 4) * math.cos(angle)
long = long + (radius * 4) * math.sin( angle)
lat = lat + (radius * 2) * math.cos(angle)
long = long + (radius * 2) * math.sin( angle)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
angle = 0
-- Maybe WORK MOVING LETTERS AROUND ie lc letter followed by uppercase letter
local letterbefore = ""
local letterafter = ""
local letternow = ""
for zz = 1,string.len(line) do
letter = string.sub(line,zz,zz)
letterafter = string.sub(line,zz + 1, zz + 1)
letternow = letter
letterbefore = string.sub(line,zz - 1, zz - 1)
if string.find(letter,'%l') == 1 then
radius = radius1
letter = string.upper(letter)
radius = radius2
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = f * math.pi / 180
latx = lat + (radius*.5) * math.cos(angle)
longx = long + (radius*.5) * math.sin(angle)
angle = f * math.pi / 180
latcc = lat + (radius*.25) * math.cos(angle)
longcc = long + (radius*.25) * math.sin(angle)
angle = e * math.pi / 180
latxx = lat + (radius * .4) * math.cos(angle)
longxx = long + (radius * .4) * math.sin(angle)
angle = f * math.pi / 180
latxxx = lat + (radius) * math.cos(angle)
longxxx = long + (radius) * math.sin(angle)
angle = a * math.pi / 180
ptx1 = latx + radius * math.cos( angle )
pty1 = longx + radius * math.sin( angle )
recx1 = latx + (radius * 1.5) * math.cos( angle )
recy1 = longx + (radius * 1.5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + radius * math.cos( angle )
pty2 = long + radius * math.sin( angle )
recx2 = lat + (radius * 1.5) * math.cos( angle )
recy2 = long + (radius * 1.5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + radius * math.cos( angle )
pty3 = long + radius * math.sin( angle )
recx3 = lat + (radius * 1.5) * math.cos( angle )
recy3 = long + (radius * 1.5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = latx + radius * math.cos( angle )
pty4 = longx + radius * math.sin( angle )
recx4 = latx + (radius * 1.5) * math.cos( angle )
recy4 = longx + (radius * 1.5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = e * math.pi /180
ptx5 = lat + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle )
pty5 = long + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
angle = f * math.pi /180
ptx6 = lat + (radius + (radius * .2)) * math.cos( angle )
pty6 = long + (radius + (radius * .2)) * math.sin( angle )
angle = g * math.pi /180
ptx7 = latx + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle )
pty7 = longx + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
angle = h * math.pi /180
ptx8 = latx + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle )
pty8 = longx + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
angle = i * math.pi /180
ptx9 = lat + (radius * 1.2) * math.cos( angle )
pty9 = long + (radius * 1.2) * math.sin( angle )
angle = j * math.pi /180
ptx10 = latx + (radius * .8) * math.cos( angle )
pty10 = longx + (radius * .8) * math.sin( angle )
angle = g * math.pi /180
ptx11 = lat + (radius * .5) * math.cos( angle )
pty11 = long + (radius * .5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = h * math.pi /180
ptx12 = lat + (radius * .5) * math.cos( angle )
pty12 = long + (radius * .5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = g * math.pi /180
ptx13 = lat + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle )
pty13 = long + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
angle = h * math.pi /180
ptx14 = lat + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle)
pty14 = long + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
angle = g * math.pi /180 -- left right
ptx15 = latxx + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle )
pty15 = longxx + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
angle = h * math.pi /180
ptx16 = latxx + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle )
pty16 = longxx + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
angle = g * math.pi /180 -- left right of center bottom top
ptx17 = ptx5 + (radius * .5) * math.cos( angle )
pty17 = pty5 + (radius * .5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = h * math.pi /180
ptx18 = ptx5 + (radius * .5) * math.cos( angle )
pty18 = pty5 + (radius * .5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = g * math.pi /180 -- left right of center bottom top
ptx19 = ptx6 + (radius * .5) * math.cos( angle )
pty19 = pty6 + (radius * .5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = h * math.pi /180
ptx20 = ptx6 + (radius * .5) * math.cos( angle )
pty20 = pty6 + (radius * .5) * math.sin( angle )
angle = g * math.pi /180 -- left right
ptx21 = latxxx + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle )
pty21 = longxxx + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
angle = h * math.pi /180
ptx22 = latxxx + (radius * .7) * math.cos( angle )
pty22 = longxxx + (radius * .7) * math.sin( angle )
recx1,recy1 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(recx1)),string.format("%.6f",recy1)
recx2,recy2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(recx2)),string.format("%.6f",recy2)
recx3,recy3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(recx3)),string.format("%.6f",recy3)
recx4,recy4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(recx4)),string.format("%.6f",recy4)
ptx1,pty1 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx1)),string.format("%.6f",pty1)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
ptx5,pty5 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx5)),string.format("%.6f",pty5)
ptx6,pty6 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx6)),string.format("%.6f",pty6)
ptx7,pty7 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx7)),string.format("%.6f",pty7)
ptx8,pty8 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx8)),string.format("%.6f",pty8)
ptx9,pty9 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx9)),string.format("%.6f",pty9)
ptx10,pty10 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx10)),string.format("%.6f",pty10)
ptx11,pty11 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx11)),string.format("%.6f",pty11)
ptx12,pty12 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx12)),string.format("%.6f",pty12)
ptx13,pty13 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx13)),string.format("%.6f",pty13)
ptx14,pty14 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx14)),string.format("%.6f",pty14)
ptx15,pty15 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx15)),string.format("%.6f",pty15)
ptx16,pty16 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx16)),string.format("%.6f",pty16)
ptx17,pty17 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx17)),string.format("%.6f",pty17)
ptx18,pty18 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx18)),string.format("%.6f",pty18)
ptx19,pty19 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx19)),string.format("%.6f",pty19)
ptx20,pty20 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx20)),string.format("%.6f",pty20)
ptx21,pty21 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx21)),string.format("%.6f",pty21)
ptx22,pty22 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx22)),string.format("%.6f",pty22)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
latx,longx = string.format("%.6f",newlat(latx)),string.format("%.6f",longx)
latxx,longxx = string.format("%.6f",newlat(latxx)),string.format("%.6f",longxx)
latxxx,longxxx = string.format("%.6f",newlat(latxxx)),string.format("%.6f",longxxx)
latcc,longcc = string.format("%.6f",newlat(latcc)),string.format("%.6f",longcc)
-- 1st basic test of initial points are set for some letters -- trying letter N TEST ok
-- routine to break up letters into pieces then put them together building tables of some kind
-- for each character -- letter 1 (no matter what letter it is)
-- build coordinates for that letter no matter what it is ie. letter N do instructons xyz then put coordinates in array of letters
-- long road to haul
-- SINGLE CENTER POINT but adjusting for size looks like it might be difficult
-- SINCE THERE IS NOT EXEC in SCRIBUNTO another issue arises as well - be nice to put command in array - CHECK
coordinates = ""
if boxit == "y" then
if frameit[1] == nil then
frameit[1] = "[[" ..recy4 .. "," .. recx4 .. "],[" .. recy3 .. "," .. recx3 .. "]"
frameit[2] = ",[" .. recy4 .. "," .. recx4 .. "]]"
frameit[3] = ",[" .. recy2 .. "," .. recx2 .. "],[" .. recy1 .. "," .. recx1 .. "]" --for single letter
frameit[3] = ",[" .. recy2 .. "," .. recx2 .. "],[" .. recy1 .. "," .. recx1 .. "]"
if letter == "A" then
coordinates = "[[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]],[[" .. pty11 .. "," .. ptx11 .. "],[" .. pty12 .. "," .. ptx12 .. "]]"
elseif letter == "B" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR NOW coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" ..long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" ..longcc .. "," .. latcc .. "],[" .. pty14 .. "," .. ptx14 .. "],[" .. pty16 .. "," .. ptx16 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
elseif letter == "C" then
-- KEEP FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty16 .. "," .. ptx16 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "],[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "]"
elseif letter == "D" then
-- KEEP FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty16 .. "," .. ptx16 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
elseif letter == "E" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == "F" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
elseif letter == "G" then
-- KEEP FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "]"
elseif letter == "H" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == "I" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "]"
elseif letter == "J" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "]"
elseif letter == "K" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == "L" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "]"
elseif letter == "M" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[".. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == "N" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[".. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "]"
elseif letter == "O" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "],[" .. pty16 .. "," .. ptx16 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "]"
elseif letter == "P" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "]"
elseif letter == "Q" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "]],[[" .. pty9 .. "," .. ptx9 .. "],[" .. pty10 .. "," .. ptx10 .. "]]"
coordinates = "[[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "],[" .. pty16 .. "," .. ptx16 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "]],[[" .. pty9 .. "," .. ptx9 .. "],[" .. pty10 .. "," .. ptx10 .. "]]"
elseif letter == "R" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == "S" then
-- KEEP FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty14 .. "," .. ptx14 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "]"
elseif letter == "T" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "]"
elseif letter == "U" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4.. "," .. ptx4 .. "]"
elseif letter == "V" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "]"
elseif letter == "W" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "]"
elseif letter == "X" then
coordinates = "[[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]],[[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]]"
elseif letter == "Y" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "]"
elseif letter == "Z" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == "_" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
elseif letter == "-" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty12 .. "," .. ptx12 .. "],[" .. pty11 .. "," .. ptx11 .. "]"
elseif letter == "0" then
-- KEEP FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[".. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
coordinates = "[[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "],[" .. pty16 .. "," .. ptx16 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "]],[[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]]"
elseif letter == "1" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == "2" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .."]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty13 .. "," .. ptx13 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .."]"
elseif letter == "3" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR NOW coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty14 .. "," .. ptx14 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
elseif letter == "4" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty13 .. "," .. ptx13 .. "],[" .. pty14 .. "," .. ptx14 .. "]"
elseif letter == "5" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
elseif letter == "6" then
-- KEEP FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty13 .. "," .. ptx13 .. "],[" .. pty14 .. "," .. ptx14 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "]"
elseif letter == "7" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "]"
coordinates = "[[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "]],[[" .. pty11 .. "," .. ptx11 .. "],[" .. pty12 .. "," .. ptx12 .. "]]"
elseif letter == "8" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "],[" .. pty20 .. "," .. ptx20 .. "],[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. longcc .. "," .. latcc .. "],[" .. pty14 .. "," .. ptx14 .. "],[" .. pty16 .. "," .. ptx16 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty15 .. "," .. ptx15 .. "],[" .. pty13 .. "," .. ptx13 .. "],[" .. longcc .. "," .. latcc .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty19 .. "," .. ptx19 .. "]"
elseif letter == "9" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "]"
elseif letter == "(" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == ")" then
-- KEEP OLD FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
factor = 1
elseif letter == "[" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
elseif letter == "]" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],[" .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
factor = 1
elseif letter == "<" then
-- KEEP FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty22 .. "," .. ptx22 .. "],[" .. pty13 .. "," .. ptx13 .. "],[" .. pty18 .. "," .. ptx18 .. "]"
elseif letter == ">" then
-- KEEP FOR TIME BEING coordinates = "[" .. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
coordinates = "[" .. pty21 .. "," .. ptx21 .. "],[" .. pty14 .. "," .. ptx14 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "]"
factor = 1
elseif letter == "/" then
coordinates = "[" .. pty1 .. "," .. ptx1 .. "],[" .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "]"
elseif letter == "." then -- BUILD LATER
coordinates = "[" .. pty17 .. ",".. ptx17 .. "],[" .. pty17 .. "," .. ptx17 .. "]"
elseif letter == "@" then
coordinates = coordinates
elseif letter == " " then
coordinates = coordinates
factor = 1.75
elseif letter == ":" then
coordinates = "[[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "],[" .. longx .. "," .. latx .. "]],[[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "],[" .. long .. "," .. lat .. "]]"
if combinedcoords == "" then
combinedcoords = coordinates
elseif coordinates ~= "" then
combinedcoords = combinedcoords .. "],[" .. coordinates
if string.find(letternow,'%l') == 1 and (string.find(letterafter,'%u') == 1 or string.find(letterafter,'%d') == 1) then
radius = radius2
factor = 2
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle = 90 * math.pi /180
ptxnew = lat + (radius * factor) * math.cos( angle )
ptynew = long + (radius * factor) * math.sin( angle )
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptxnew)),string.format("%.6f",ptynew)
factor = 2
coordinates = combinedcoords
if boxit == "y" then
boxcoordinates = '{ "type": "FeatureCollection", "features": [ {"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type":"LineString", "coordinates":' .. frameit[1] .. frameit[3] .. frameit[2] .. '},"properties":{ "title": "", "description": "", "stroke":"#000000", "stroke-width":1 }},'
if string.match(coordinates,'%]%]%,%[%[') then
part1a = string.gsub(part1a,'LineString','MultiLineString')
coordinates = "[" .. coordinates .. "]"
part1b = string.gsub(part1b,'%"stroke%-width%"%:1','"stroke-width":3')
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%[%[%[%[','[[[')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%]%]%]',']]]')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,',%[%[%[',',[[') -- TROUBLE SHOOT LATER
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,'%]%]%],',']],')
if boxit == "y" then
part1a = string.gsub(part1a,'{"type": "Feature"',boxcoordinates .. '{"type": "Feature"')
part1b = string.gsub(part1b,'</maplink>',']}</maplink>')
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
return coordinates
-- House
local shape = "house"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat,long = "",""
if id == nil or id == "" then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'house'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'A house'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ''
local r = frame.args['radius'] or ".5"
r = tonumber(r)
if r > 10 then error("10 for radius is MAX") end
if r <= 0 then error("r has to be greater than 0") end
local fill = frame.args['fill'] or "#ccef64"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#0000ff"
local marker = frame.args['marker'] or "no"
if marker == nil or marker == "" then marker = "no" end
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nill or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local coordinates = ""
local type = frame.args['type'] or "line" -- default line for LineString
if type ~= "line" then
type = "poly"
local part1a,part1b,part2a,part2b,part3a,part3b,part4a,part4b = parts(lat,long,group,title,description,fill,stroke)
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4 = 0,0,0,0
local angle5,angle6,angle7,angle8 = 0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptx5,ptx6,ptx7,ptx8 = 0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4 = 0,0,0,0
local pty5,pty6,pty7,pty8 = 0,0,0,0
local a = 360
local b = 270
local c = 270
local d = 240
local e = 120
local f = 90
local g = 90
local h = 360
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + (r+r/3) * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + (r+r/3) * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + (r*1.20) * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + (r*1.20) * math.sin( angle4 )
angle5 = e * math.pi /180
ptx5 = lat + (r*1.20) * math.cos( angle5 )
pty5 = long + (r*1.20) * math.sin( angle5 )
angle6 = f * math.pi /180
ptx6 = lat + r * math.cos( angle6 )
pty6 = long + r * math.sin( angle6 )
angle7 = g * math.pi /180
ptx7 = lat + (r+r/3) * math.cos( angle7 )
pty7 = long + (r+r/3) * math.sin( angle7 )
angle8 = h * math.pi /180
ptx8 = lat + r * math.cos( angle8 )
pty8 = long + r * math.sin( angle8 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
ptx5,pty5 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx5)),string.format("%.6f",pty5)
ptx6,pty6 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx6)),string.format("%.6f",pty6)
ptx7,pty7 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx7)),string.format("%.6f",pty7)
ptx8,pty8 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx8)),string.format("%.6f",pty8)
lat,long = string.format("%.6f",newlat(lat)),string.format("%.6f",long)
coordinates = "[" .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "],[" .. pty2 .. "," .. ptx2 .. "],["
coordinates = coordinates .. pty3 .. "," .. ptx3 .. "],[".. pty4 .. "," .. ptx4 .. "],["
coordinates = coordinates .. pty5 .. "," .. ptx5 .. "],[".. pty6 .. "," .. ptx6 .. "],["
coordinates = coordinates .. pty7 .. "," .. ptx7 .. "],[".. pty8 .. "," .. ptx8 .. "],["
coordinates = coordinates .. pty .. "," .. ptx .. "]"
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part4a .. coordinates .. part4b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part3a .. coordinates .. part3b
if type == "poly" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[' .. coordinates .. ']},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
if marker == "yes" or marker == "y" then
coordinates = coordinates .. '\n* {{marker|type=vicinity|name=Center House|lat=' .. lat .. "|long=" .. long .. '}}\n'
return coordinates
-- x - draw 2 lines to make an X
function p.x(frame)
local shape = "x"
local id = frame.args['id'] or ""
local lat = frame.args['lat'] or ""
local long = frame.args['long'] or ""
local r = frame.args['radius'] or 2
if id == "" or id == nil then
if frame.args['lat'] == nil then error("Missing argument lat!") end
if frame.args['long'] == nil then error("Missing argument long!") end
lat = frame.args['lat']
long = frame.args['long']
if tonumber(frame.args['lat']) > 90 or tonumber(frame.args['lat']) < -90 then
error("Latitude must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(frame.args['long']) > 180 or tonumber(frame.args['long']) < -180 then
error("Longitude must be between 180 and -180!") end
id = checkid(id)
lat = latitude(id)
long = longitude(id)
local group = frame.args['group'] or 'other'
local title = frame.args['title'] or 'X'
local description = frame.args['desc'] or ""
if description == nil then description = "" end
local fill = "#000000"
local stroke = frame.args['stroke'] or "#ffccaa"
if string.len(stroke) ~= 7 then error("Incorrect length for argument color!") end
if string.gsub(stroke,"#[0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f][0-9A-Fa-f]","") ~= "" then
error("Incorrect hexidecimal format for argument color!") end
local strokewidth = frame.args['strokewidth'] or "3"
local mapframe = frame.args['mapframe'] or "no"
if mapframe == nil or mapframe == "" then mapframe = "no" end
local a,b,c,d = 315,135,45,225
local angle1,angle2,angle3,angle4 = 0,0,0,0
local ptx,ptx2,ptx3,ptx4 = 0,0,0,0
local pty,pty2,pty3,pty4 = 0,0,0,0
lat = math.log(math.tan((90 + lat) * math.pi/360)) / (math.pi/180)
angle1 = a * math.pi / 180
ptx = lat + r * math.cos( angle1 )
pty = long + r * math.sin( angle1 )
angle2 = b * math.pi /180
ptx2 = lat + r * math.cos( angle2 )
pty2 = long + r * math.sin( angle2 )
angle3 = c * math.pi /180
ptx3 = lat + r * math.cos( angle3 )
pty3 = long + r * math.sin( angle3 )
angle4 = d * math.pi /180
ptx4 = lat + r * math.cos( angle4 )
pty4 = long + r * math.sin( angle4 )
ptx,pty = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx)),string.format("%.6f",pty)
ptx2,pty2 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx2)),string.format("%.6f",pty2)
ptx3,pty3 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx3)),string.format("%.6f",pty3)
ptx4,pty4 = string.format("%.6f",newlat(ptx4)),string.format("%.6f",pty4)
local coords = ""
coords = ptx .. "," .. pty .. "@" .. ptx2 .. "," .. pty2 .. "@" .. ptx3 .. "," .. pty3 .. "@" .. ptx4 .. "," .. pty4
-- if coords ~= "" then return coords end
local separator = "@"
local coordsx = {}
local coordinates = ""
local count = 1
local type = "line"
for str in string.gmatch(coords,"([^"..separator.."]+)") do
if str ~= nil and str ~= "" then
lat = string.gsub(str,",.*",'')
long = string.gsub(str,"^.*,",'')
if tonumber( lat ) > 90 or tonumber( lat ) < -90 then
error("Latitudes must be between 90 and -90!") end
if tonumber(long) > 180 or tonumber(long) < -180 then
error("Longitudes must be between 180 and -180!") end
coordsx[count] = string.format("%.6f",long) .. "," .. string.format("%.6f",lat)
count = count + 1
local mod = math.mod(table.getn(coordsx),2)
if mod == 1 then error("Need even number of matching coordinates!") end
-- local i = 1
-- for i = 1,table.getn(coordsx),1 do
-- coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. coordsx[i] .. "]@@@@@"
-- i = i + 1
-- coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. coordsx[i] .. "]]@@@@@["
-- if i == table.getn(coordsx) then break end
-- end
for k,v in ipairs(coordsx) do
if math.mod(k,2) == 1 then
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. v .. "]@@@@@"
coordinates = coordinates .. "[" .. v .. "]]@@@@@["
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,"@@@@@",",")
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates,"%],%[$",'')
coordinates = string.gsub(coordinates, '%,$','')
-- if coordinates ~= "" then return coordinates end
local part1a = '<maplink class="no-icon" text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
local part1a = part1a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '">\n{"type": "Feature","geometry":'
local part1a = part1a .. '{ \n\t"type":"MultiLineString",\n\t"coordinates":\n'
local part1b = '\n\t"properties":{\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
local part1b = part1b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n'
local part1b = part1b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":' .. strokewidth .. '\n}}\n</maplink>\n'
local part2a = '<mapframe text="" latitude="' .. lat .. '" longitude="' .. long .. '" '
part2a = part2a .. 'zoom="5" group="' .. group .. '" width="600" height="400" >\n{"type": "FeatureCollection",\n\t"features":'
part2a = part2a .. '[\n\t\t{\n\t\t"type": "Feature",\n\t\t"geometry": { \n\t"type":"MultiLineString",\n\t"coordinates":\n\t\t'
local part2b = '\n\t"properties":{\n\t\t"title": "' .. title .. '",\n'
part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"description": "' .. description .. '",\n\t\t'
part2b = part2b .. '\t\t"stroke":"' .. stroke .. '",\n\t\t"stroke-width":' .. strokewidth .. ',\n\t\t\t'
part2b = part2b .. '}\n}]}\n</mapframe>\n'
-- No Polygons just MultiLineString
if mapframe == "y" or mapframe == "yes" then
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part2a .. coordinates .. part2b
coordinates = '[[' .. coordinates .. ']]},'
coordinates = part1a .. coordinates .. part1b
-- No Markers unless wanted can code - could end up with a few or large amount of markers
return coordinates
return p