The Southern suburbs of St. Petersburg are the area south of the Obvodny Canal. Although unknown to most visitors, the area boasts gorgeous industrial architecture and magnificent Stalinist buildings, together with monotonous and rather ugly Soviet-era apartment blocks. A former industrial borough, it was the place of strikes preceding the revolution of 1917, and the scene of the siege of Leningrad during World War II.
Get in
[edit]By train
[edit]The area is crossed by several commuter lines, most of which, unfortunately, are a little bit away from the tourist attractions. The main value of them, however, is the transport connection with the suburbs.
- 1 Baltiskii Station (Балтийский вокзал), Nab. Obvodnogo Kanala, 120 (
: Baltiiskaya). The only railway station in the south of St. Petersburg. This is one of the busiest railway stations in Russia by volume of suburban traffic. The station was modelled by architect Alexander Krakau after Gare de l'Est in Paris. Construction started in 1854. The station was opened on 21 July 1857 as the Peterhof Railway Station. The station retains a glass roof over the terminal platforms and is flanked by two-storey wings. The left one used to be reserved for members of the Russian royalty who went to their palaces in Strelna, Peterhof, Oranienbaum. A glass panel on the façade still features the original clock, designed by Pavel Bure, a celebrated watchmaker to the tsar and the ice-hockey players' ancestor. It is used by commuter trains for Petrodvorets (Peterhof), Lomonosov (Oranienbaum), Gatchina, Luga, and Strelna, and by trains to/from Aeroport station, with connecting buses to the airport
By metro
[edit]It's the best way to get to most places of interest south of the city.
- Line 1 From
: "Baltyskaya" (Балтийская) to
: "Prospekt Veteranov" (Проспект Ветеранов).
- Line 2 From
: "Sennaya Ploschad" to
: "Moscovskaya" (Московская), all stations are quite interesting to explore, but you can select the stations
: "Moskovskie Vorota" (Московские ворота), near Moscow Triumphal Arch, and "Moscovskaya", near Cesme Church and Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad, also here you can take a transfer to the Airport. Near to
: Kupchino (Купчино) could find a Children Railway and transfer to Commuter train Station
- Line 5
: "Obvodny Canal" (Обводный канал) - which is useful to the Saint Petersburg Main bus station (Avtovokzal),
: "Volkovskaya" (Волковская),
: "Bucharestskaya" (Бухарестская) and
: "Mezhdunarodnaya" (Международная) are also interesting in this regard.
- Line 3
: runs along the left bank of the Neva River down to
: "Rybatskoe" (Рыбацкое). The most interesting, with preserved industrial and working prerevolutionary buildings, are
: "Elizarovskaya" (Елизаровская) and
: "Lomonosovskaya" (Ломоносовская). At
: Rybatskoye (Рыбацкое) and
: Obukhovo (Обухово) transfer possibilities for commuter train.
[edit]- 1 House of Soviets (Дом Советов, Dom Sovetov), Moskovsky Prospekt, 212 (
: "Moscovskaya" (Московская)). The House of Soviets was planned to host the administration of Soviet Leningrad government, and built in the late 1930s. Because of the Nazi invasion of Soviet Union at the beginning of World War II, the building was never used for the intended purpose; it was fortified in 1941, and used as a local command post for the Soviet Red Army during the Siege of Leningrad. Some small bunkers, built from reinforced concrete, still stand at several corners. Later, the building housed the Soviet research institute, which focused on the design of electronic components for military objects. The office space in the building is rented out to various businesses. The square in front is called Moscow Square (Moskovskaya Ploshad). The square was remodelled and upgraded with a massive monument to Vladimir Lenin designed by Mikhail Anikushin, during the construction of the subway station Moskovskaya in 1970. In 2006, several fountain features were added at the square.
- 2 Chesme Church (Чесменская церковь), Ulitsa Lensoveta (улица Ленсовета), 12 (From
: 'Парк Победы' take
: 45 to 'Улица Ленсовета' or take
: 16 to 'Улица Гастелло/ Улица Ленсовета'), ☏ +7 812 373-6114, A memorial church, built by the Russian court architect Yury Felten in 1780, at the direction of Catherine the Great, to commemorate Russia's 1770 victory over Turkish forces in Chesme Bay. It was erected adjacent to the Chesme Palace between Saint Petersburg and Tsarskoye Selo; both are the earliest Neo-Gothic constructions in the St Petersburg area. It's considered by some to be St Petersburg's single most impressive church. The church precincts have been used as a war heroes' cemetery since the time of its consecration. The cemetery is known as the "Chesmenskoe War Veterans' Cemetery", and contains unnamed graves of Russian soldiers, dated 1812-1944.
- 3 Trinity church (Троицкая церковь), 235 Obukhovskoy Oborony prospekt (
: Proletarskaya (Пролетарская)). This church, built in the late 18th century, is nick-named 'Kulich and Paskha' for its unusial exterior resembling traditional Eastern Orthodox Easter dishes. The church resembles kulich (a tall, cylindrical bread topped with icing), and the belfry resembles paskha, a pyramid-shaped cottage cheese dessert.
[edit]- D.I.Mendeleyev Metrological Museum, 19, Moskovsky pr, ☏ +7 812 323-96-76. M-F 10:00-17:00. The Main Building of VNIIM, constructed by architect F.F.Beckman in 1879, houses the memorial study room of D.I.Mendeleyev and the gallery of portraits of outstanding scientists; the sections “D.I. Mendeleyev is the Founder of Scientific Metrology”, “Russian System of Measures” and "Home Chemical Laboratory of Mendeleyev" are in the so-called “Red Building” constructed by A.I. Von-Gogen, 1897. Monument to Mendeleyev outside. Visits are organized by prior arrangement. Excursions are in Russian and English.
- 4 Russian Railway museum (metro Baltyskaya). The museum moved to Baltiiskiy Railway Station in 2017. Samples of railway equipment (mainly the locomotives and wagons) built in Russia and the USSR, and others made in Germany, the USA, Austria and Finland.
- 5 Interactive Museum Grand - Layout Russia, Tsvetochnaya ulitsa, (Цветочная улица Flower st), д.16 (metro Moskovskie Vorota, walk to east). daily, 10h - 20h. Features a giant scale model of Russia, very popular, especially among children.
[edit]- 6 Moscow Triumphal Gate, Moskovsky Avenue (metro Moskovskie Vorota). A monument of Russian victories in the wars with Turkey, Persia and Poland, in the years 1826-31. Built in 1838, it's the world's largest building made of cast iron. Architect: V.Stasov, sculptor: B.Orlovsky.
- 7 Narva Triumphal Arch (metro Narvskaya). The gates are installed in memory of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, and inaugurated in 1834. The arch is 30 m high, decorated with figures of warriors and chariots of Fame. Architect: V.Stasov. In the upper part of the door is a museum which is a branch of the Museum of City Sculpture.
- 8 Monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad, Moskovskii prospekt (metro Moskovskaya). The monument is in the center of Victory Square and is dedicated to the heroic defense and break the blockade of Leningrad. The basis of it is a 48-m-high obelisk with sculptural figures of soldiers and workers, derogatively known among locals as "The Chisel" (Stameska). On the sides are two multi-figure sculpture groups that embody the defenders of Leningrad. In the center of the open Memorial Hall, made in the form of a broken ring, there is the sculptural group "Blockade." Under the monument there's an underground memorial hall of the museum. Memorial opened in 1975. Go to the center of the square and the memorial through the underpass.
- 9 Monument to Soldiers-Internationalists, Slavi Prospekt. The monument is in the correspondent park, near the intersection of Slavi Prospekt and the Bucharest street. The central part of the monument consists of two rocks, between which there is a bronze sculpture of "Warriors, rushing through the flames." On the ground in front of the monument is a sculpture of the Sorrowful Mother, ten granite slabs on which are carved the names of soldiers killed in Afghanistan, and the "eternal fire", lit from Piskarevsky cemetery. The monument was unveiled by the Council of the veterans of the war in Afghanistan "Afganvet" in 1998.
[edit]- 10 Moscow Victory Park (metro Park Pobedy). Moscow Victory Park is near the metro station "Park Pobedy" and covers an area bounded by streets Kuznetsovskaya, Basseinaya, Moscovski Prospekt and Yuri Gagarin Prospekt. The park area is 68 Ha. The Park features a former brick and pumice plant, which performed the role of crematorium during the siege of Leningrad. The park has a number of monuments: Monument to Marshal Georgy Zhukov, "Avenue of Heroes", "Alley of Memory," monuments "Rotunda" and "trolley", established in memory of the dead victims of the blockade and the city's defenders. The park has ponds, a former quarry, amusement park, cafes, you can hire boats, and in the winter - ice rink. Park was opened in 1946.
- 11 Aviators Park (metro Park Pobedy). On the site of a former airport. In the park there is a monument to military pilots and a MIG-19 fighter.
- Hero-Cities Park (metro Moskovskaya). Hero-Cities Park covers an area bounded by the Danube Avenue, Pulkovo and Moscow highway. In the central part of the park is the temple complex. Near Victory Square, two preserved bunkers from World War II.
- 12 Internationalists Park (metro Mezhdunarodnaya or Lomonosovskaya). Internationalists park covers an area bounded by Slavi Prospekt, Southern Highway, and the Bucharest street. In the park there is the correspondent monument, the Church of St. George, a pond and a monument to the fallen soldiers of Special Forces.
- Park Ekateringof (metro Narvskaya). It is on Ekateringofsky island, which is formed by beds of rivers Ekateringofka and Tarakanovka. The park was laid out on the orders of Peter the Great in 1711. Later a palace was built that belonged to Catherine I. Today, only the foundation of the palace is preserved. In the park there are ponds, tennis courts, rides and a so-called "Molvinskaya Column", considered to be a miniature of the Alexandrian column.".
- South Seaside Victory Park (Park Primorsky), Petergofskoe Highway (metro Avtovo or Veteranov Prospekt. It's best to get there from Avtovo by bus or tram.). South Seaside Park covers an area bounded by streets Marshal Zakharov, Doblesti, the Peterhof highway and the Dudergofskogo canal. The area has a large amusement park, children's playground and a café, as well as the "60 Years of Victory" fountain.
- Park I.V.Babushkina (metro Lomonosov). Park Grandma covers an area bounded by Farforovskaya street, Obukhov Defense avenue, and the railway. There are attractions and cafes, ice rink and tennis courts.
World War II memorials
- The monument to the soldiers of the Third Division of the Frunze militia - Slavi Prospekt, 10-1.
- Monument to Marshal Georgy Zhukov - Slavi Prospekt, 28.
- Monument to fallen soldiers - motorists - Dnepropetrovsk street, 18
- "Pulkovo Line" - 20-km. Pulkovo highway.
- The monument to the workers - the Great Patriotic War - Moscow highway, 13
- Memorials on the defensive line - Pulkovo highway, 21 th and 22 th km.
- The monument to the People's Militia of Leningrad - Letny Prospekt 34-2
- "Kirov Wave" ("Tank-Liberator") - Stachek Prospekt, 106
- "Kirov Wave" ("Green Belt of Glory") - Marshal Zhukov Prospekt, 78
- Monument to the sailors of the Baltic Shipping Company - Land Surveying channel, 5
- Monument "Blockade tram" - Stachek Prospekt, 108
- Monument to Marshal Govorov - Stachek Prospekt
- Monument Kanonertsam - soldiers blockade, workers - Kanonersky Island, 23
- "Walk of Fame" - Peterhof highway, crossing lane
- Monument "Brave Defenders of Leningrad" - Peterhof highway, crossing the street Tambasova
- Monument to the Sailors - Paratroopers - Peterhof highway, 75-2, the territory of the yacht club "Baltiets"
During World War II, on the territory of modern Nevski, Frunze, Moscow, and Kirov districts, there was a powerful line of defense of the southern outskirts of the city, called "fortified area" Izhora. It extended from the banks of the Neva to the coast of the Gulf of Finland in Avtovo. After the War, due to massive residential development in these areas, the line of fortifications was eliminated, leaving only some of the artillery pillboxes and machine-gun bunkers - only about sixty. Some of them are impromptu memorials, others are in a derelict state. The total length of the line corresponds to a line of defense around the modern Slavy Prospekt, Tipanova Street, and Leninsky Prospekt.
[edit]Shopping malls
[edit]- Warsaw Express (Варшавский экспресс), metro station Baltyskaya. In the former Warsaw station at Obvodny canal, d.118. In the complex there are cafes and restaurants, a cinema and an ice rink, a bowling alley, a platform for the game of curling, children playing machines, Railway Museum, and various shops.
- Yuzhni Polyus (Южный полюс, South Pole), Prazhskaya ulitsa, 48/50 (metro Lomonosovskaya). In addition to various shops, there are cafes and restaurants, a bowling alley, game machines for children.
- Rainbow (Радуга), Prospect Cosmonauts d.14 (metro Park Pobedy). The complex has cafes and restaurants, a cinema, children's slot machines, a variety of shops. Free bus from metro station "Park Pobedy" to mall.
- Rio (Рио), 2 Fucika street (metro Bucharestskaya). In the complex there are cafes and restaurants, a cinema, children's slot machines, a variety of shops.
Metro stations
[edit]There are shopping malls, entertainment or shopping centers in the ground subway stations of the 5th line from the station "Obvodny Canal" to the station "Mezhdunarodnaya."
Metro "Obvodny Canal" - "Ligov" mall.
Metro "Volkovskaya" - "Radius" mall.
Metro "Bucharestskaya" - "Continent" mall.
Metro "Mezhdunarodnaya"(International) - "Mezhdunarodnii" (International) mall.
- McDonald's (Макдоналдс), Moskovsky Prospekt, 195А (metro Moskovskaya), ☏ +7 8 812 327-66-44. There are other units near metro stations Narvskaya, Leninski Prospekt, Volkovskaya and Prospekt Slavi, and shopping malls.
- Pizza Hut (Пицца Хат), Moskovsky Prospekt, 222 (metro Moskovsky Prospekt), ☏ +7 8 812 373-71-73. Pizza chain.
- Subway, prospekt Narvskii 31 (metro Narvskaya). Other units near metro stations Moskovskaya, Elizarovskaya, Volkovskaya, Park Pobedy and Prospekt Veteranov.
Several other options are available in the aforementioned shopping malls adjacent to metro stations.
[edit]- 1 Metro Club (Метроклуб), 174 Ligovsky Pr (
Ligovsky Prospekt (Лиговский проспект)). 10PM-6AM. Saint Petersburg's biggest club, with 3 floors. Mostly for people aged 16-30. Eurodisco music such as techno, trance and house. Entry: 200-400 руб depending on time and date.
[edit]- Krupski (Крупский), st. Leni Golikova, 4 (metro station), ☏ +7 812 928-08-12.
- Pulkovo, Pobedy Ploschad 1, ☏ +7 812 740-39-00, fax: +7 (812) 740-39-13,
- Russia (Россия), ploschad Chernyshevsky, 11, ☏ +7 800 333-33-70, +7 812 329-39-02, +7 812 449-67-30, +7 812 449-67-27, +7 812 329-39-32, fax: +7 812 369-72-15.
- Crowne Plaza St.Petersburg Airport, 6, liter A, Startovaya Str. (5 km away from the Pulkovo Airport.), ☏ +7 812 240-42-00, fax: +7 (812) 240-42-01,
- Hostel All Seasons, 11, Yakovlevskiy lane, ☏ +7 812 327 10 70, From 650 RUB in low season.
- Hostel Metrotour, 47, Blagodatnaya street, ☏ +7 812 369-6451, From 330 RUB in low season.
[edit]- 1 Safari (гостиницы Сафари, мини-отель), Uliza Babushkaya (ул. Бабушкина), 47к3 (15km South to stop 'Улица Дудко' by Bus 95; M Елизаровская 1.6km N). Check-in: 13.00, check-out: 12.00. Good service and you might be able to negotiate a better price. Looks bad from outside, but from the inside is fairly new and clean. 2200-2500 руб.