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Talk:Sado Island

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This article is growing nicely! Would it make any sense to start to split this up into cities? Not sure how the division should go though -- Ryotsu, Sawata/Mano, Ogi, Aikawa? (WT-en) Jpatokal 00:46, 17 May 2006 (EDT)

I am not certain it would look fine, because there are places outside of the above division (ex : north coast, or kanai, or the central plain as a whole...). Another idea would be to order things a little bit in Do/See. Rather by towns, I would suggest "Kosado / Kunikaka / Osado", without splitting into sub articles, but rather in subparagraphs. (WT-en) Pmust 01:23, 17 May 2006 (EDT)

I don't know enough about the details to add anything to the article, but I have heard that Sado has more Noh theatres (stages) per square mile than anywhere else... I don't know how frequently things are performed, or how officially, or how traditionally - if anyone knows more, it'd be a great thing to add to the article. LordAmeth 08:24, 20 July 2007 (EDT)

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