User:(WT-en) Ekmsid/Workspace/BsAsEat

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There are four basics you must try in Argentina. Everyone knows Argentina is famous for beef. The other three special items are empanadas alfajores and ice cream.

Try asado (beef/steak barbecue) at a parrilla, restaurants specializing in roasted meats. There are expensive parrillas, and more simple and cost effective ones, . The bife de lomo (tenderloin) is unbelievably tender in comparison to US beef and is more reminiscent of European cuts. Jugoso means rare (literally "juicy"), however the Argentine concept of rare is very different from that of someone from the States (perhaps its a tourist thing, but an American ordering rare is likely to get something between medium well and hockey puck). Don't be afraid to order "azul" (blue), you will not get a blue steak, more like an American Medium Rare. If you like your meat bloody it might pay to learn words like "sangre" (blood), or to make statements like "me gusta sangre" (I like blood). Don't be afraid to spend two minutes stressing how rare you want your steak to your waiter- this is something no one talks about in guidebooks but every other American and Brit once you arrive will tell you the same thing.

It would be difficult to walk in any direction for more than 3 minutes and not encounter a place that makes empanadas.

As well few places hold in high regard ice cream as is it is held in Buenos Aires. There are many other things to enjoy but you would do well to start here.