User:(WT-en) Ekmsid/Workspace/BsAsLearn

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Learn Spanish[edit]

Many people interested in learning Spanish choose Argentina as an inexpensive destination to accomplish this. You will hear Argentine's refer to Spanish as Castellano more often than Españo, which betrays the county's individuality when it comes to the language, though there is logic behind their use of Castellano. Spain has several languages[1]. The dominant language is Castilian or Castellano. Spanish in Buenos Aires is Rioplatense Spanish.[2] The Spanish of Argentina uses the verb form of voseo [3] instead of tú. While the Spanish of Argentina is beautiful, it is slightly unusual sounding to the rest of Latin America. If you are lucky you will pick up a little of the slang of Buenos Aires known as Lunfardo, and is influenced by several other languages[4].

There are several options for studying Spanish. You can attend one of several fine schools, study individually with a tutor, or there are social groups where people get together for the purpose of talking in each others languages to improve their skills.


Schools provide a very rigorous schedule, typically, of intense study. Be wise, if you have spent 3 weeks in classes and find yourself getting overwhelmed, a week off will help your brain catch up. There is the occasional student who has been in classes for 6 weeks who's brain is clearly suffering from overload. The schools would rather keep you in class, so it's up to you to pace yourself.

  • Universidad de Buenos Aires, Laboratorio de Idiomas [5]
  • Centro Universitario de Idiomas [6]
  • Enforex [7] This is a satellite school from Spain. There is no mention as to whether they teach Spanish of Spain or if they follow Argentine Spanish. They are located in Microcentro and have a capacity for 200 students in 20 classrooms.
  • Ibero [8] This school has received attention in guide books. Their method of education is TEFL, a highly regarded method. You can expect, given their foreign press, a higher concentration of the younger backpacker crowd and a higher turnover of students. There has also been observed a high turnover of teachers and other difficulties[9].
  • Gorilla (this portion is just a marker. clearly gorilla is not the term, but this serves as a reminder to write about this)There are schools where the formal portion of education is a minor component of the program and the majority of the educational experience is a gorilla style immersion into Spanish, where the class moves to a public setting after some formal education to learn Spanish in a practical setting.


Many very qualified teachers advertise on craig's list[10], which is more known by foreigners on the Buenos Aires page than locals. Often these teachers have formal education in teaching language and prior or current experience in a school of language. As well, you will find people posting to trade time to informally improve in each others language without a formal structure.

Social Groups[edit]