User:DenisYurkin/Phrasebook International
Word list
[edit]These are words that some travellers report are widely understood. Other travellers find that claim dubious.
Criteria for (non)inclusion of a specific word/phrase is still under development; for now, just follow your intuition.
- air conditioner
- airplane
- auto/automobile
- apartments
- bank
- bikini
- block
- boss
- boyfriend
- bus/autobus
- bust (as sculpture and as breast)
- cacao
- catalog/catalogue
- catastrophe
- cheque
- chips
- cigar
- cigarette
- cofee
- compliment
- contrast
- credit card
- dentist
- deposit
- discount
- expedition
- GSM -- mobile phone
- guide (person)
- fridge/refrigerator
- grill
- hotel
- jacuzzi (may be misjudged as Yakuza!)
- mackerel
- mask (noun)
- metro
- microwave
- money
- no
- nonstop
- OK
- operation
- operator
- paprika
- parfume
- penthouse
- private
- problem
- salad
- salami
- sauna
- sex
- shampoo
- souvenir
- station
- steak
- stop
- stuart
- taxi
- telephone
- temperature
- therapia / therapy
- toilet
- tour
- tourist
- track
- tram/tramway
- trolleybus
- visit
- WC
- yes