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User:Eymrise France

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   <Term>     <Term>
           <String> Gene amplification </ String>
           <Number> 2 </ Number>
                   <Reference> 000007 </ Reference>
                   <Position> 1:32 </ Location>
                   <Transform> XX, 25, Perm </ Transform>
                   <Context>  Amplification of the MYC gene is </ b> associated with dmi </ Context>
               </ Occurrence>
                   <Reference> 000008 </ Reference>
                   <Position> 1:38 </ Location>
                   <Transform> XX, 15, Ins </ Transform>
                   This gene facilitated amplification of a 407-bp DNA fragment </ Context>
               </ Occurrence>
           </ Occurrences>
       </ Preferential>
   </ Term>

</ Concordancer>