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Hi! I'm Lpachuau, from the very remoted and landlocked State of Mizoram, Indian Union. Actually, Mizoram State is not the only place my people lives. The Chin State of Union of Myanmar is also my Nation's State which is much bigger in size and more in population than this Indian State.

My tribe, Mizo, lived in this region since 500 A.D. They lived sovereign and not influenced by any external forces untill the British Expedition in the 19th Century. And, the British divided our land into many pieces due to its unfriendly terrains to ease the administration.

So, after decolonisation, some people of my tribe become Indian, some Myanmarese (Burmese), some Bangladeshi. In India itself, where maximum number of my people live, some live in Manipur, Tripura, Nagaland, Assam and Meghalaya States.

But, inspite of we are living under different nations or regions, we still keep our traditions and customs alive and separated from our neighbouring tribes and nations.

One of the greatest gift of traditions my Nation still keeping alive is our language, Mizo Ţawng (ţawng itself means language). The Mizo Ţawng has many dialects of its own as almost all the clans and sub-clans have their own way of speaking in the olden times. They used to said every Village have its own style of speaking in the olden times as the communications between the Villages were very poor. Due to this some clans' way of speaking the language was more and more deviated from the others. After years passed away, those style of speaking become dialects. But, when the education was introduced by the Chiristian missionaries, the language born again.

Now you can study my language upto Ph.D. level in the Mizoram University and the Manipur University. The language named MIZO is also now the official language of the Mizoram State of the Indian Union.