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From Wikivoyage

Tell us about your trip!

The Trip Reports section of My Voyage is the place to tell us about your travel experiences. From city breaks and long weekends to year-long expeditions, we want to hear about your voyages! This is a chance for you to share your photos and thoughts and spread the knowledge that you picked up en route.

How to write a trip report

  • Upload any photos you'd like to use to Wikimedia Commons—copy the uploaded file name(s) to use in your report.
  • Enter the name of the place you've visited in the box below, then click 'Create trip report'—you'll be directed to a blank space where you can write your report.

Read other users' reports


To read other users' reports, you can view the entire collection here. Feel free to comment on the report's discussion page and use the content they contain to improve Wikivoyage articles.