User:Stuart P. Bentley/Chatphrase Anonymous Tours

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See this thread on Reddit.

How this works


For offering tours

  1. Choose a date and time you'll be available to give a tour, along with a name for your tour.
  2. Write out the date and time (in Greenwich Mean Time so as to not give away your time zone).
  3. Enter the name, date and time into the box at and copy the link you get when you hit go.
  4. Add your offer to the list below (first the link, then the plaintext explanation).
  5. Go to your link on the device you're going to use to conduct the tour, before the scheduled time so the first visitor to use your phrase will be connected to you.

For taking tours


Just click the link when the scheduled time comes around (please wait until then to allow guides to get ready).

Using Chatphrase

  • Chatphrase works on the latest versions of Chrome and Firefox, including the Android versions. (iOS might work if you use this browser - I haven't tested it.)

Upcoming Offers
