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{{marker |type=city |name=Ingleside |lat=45 |long=-75 }}

==Indonesian phrasebook pseudo-phonetic edits==

Ann's pasties

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==Central Java Understand==
For cities, focus on what makes the city unique within its country. Don't duplicate information that can be found in other sections. Also, try not to go too deeply into information about lower levels in the hierarchy, except perhaps in how they relate to each other; leave that for the region or city articles.
Understand has a few standard but completely optional sub-headings:
People (for country/region articles)
Talk (for city and some region articles)
Holidays (for country articles)
Read (for iconic literature about the destination, not for travel guides)
Visitor information (for tourism information offices and contact information)
Feel free to add others as necessary.
Keep in mind that all of this information should be useful for travellers. For example, the 'history' section should not compete with ample Wikipedia articles, but help the traveller to link specific places and events to a larger historical period. The 'climate' section should contain what a traveller has to know, not what meteorologists find interesting.

The two provinces of Central Java and Yogyakarta have a combined land area roughly the same as Denmark, or twice the size of New Jersey. Within that relatively small area they have a population about the same as Canada, 36 million.

* '''Serat Centhini''' (SUH-rat CHUHN-tee-nee) — published in an English translation by Soewito Santoso as 'The Centhini Story: the Javanese Story of Life', this is a 19th century telling of an epic in which a Javanese prince undertakes a decade-long search for his siblings, separated after their kingdom is attacked. As he and his companions travel across Java, they meet people whose ideas give an insight into the Javanese way of life and beliefs 

* '''Para Priyayi''' (PAH-rah prih-YAH-yee), Umar Kayam — though the author was born in Ngawi just over the border in East Java, and the setting of the novel is not made explicit, the subject matter could well place it in Central Java. The hero, Sastrodarsono, and his descendants are followed from Sastrodarsono's appointment as a school teacher in the late colonial period, recounting their struggles against societal ties that restrict their efforts to modernise, through to the political upheavals of the mid-160s. Translated as '''Javanese Gentry''' by Vladislav Zhukov

*'''Ronggéng Dukuh Paruk''' (RONG-gehng DOO-koo PAH-ruk), Ahmad Tohari — from Purwokerto in the southwest of the region, this authors work vividly describe rural village lives. In this novel, published in English as '''The Dancer''', translated by..., the main protagonist is a young girl condemned to a life as a dancer and prostitute, after her parents are tragically killed. Her attachment to the village and one boy in particular is a constant thread as her life takes her far from the village

===Get In===
===By bus===
Intercity buses arrive at {{Geo|-7.3627|110.5148}} ''Tingkir'' Terminal on the southeast side of the town.

Buses that have come from [[Magelang]] over Mount Merbabu will come into {{Geo|-7.3644|110.4975}} ''Rejosari'' bus depot on the ring road.

==Javanese phrasebook==
; '''I/me/my''' : aku (''AH-koo''). kulå (''KOO-lo'').
; '''We/us/our''' : awaké dhéwé (''ah-WA'-ay DAY-way''). kita (''KEE-tah'').
; '''You/your''' : kowé (''KOH-way''). panjenengan (''pan-juh-NUHNG-an''). 
; '''He/she/it/him/his/her/its''' : dhéwéké (''day-WEH'-ay''). piyambakipun (''pee-yam-BA'-ee-poon'').
; '''They/them/their''' :

{{infobox|Edible adjectives|
; '''Salty''': asin (AH-seen)
; '''Sour''' : asem (AH-suhm)
; '''Sweet''' : legi (LUH-gee)
; '''Spicy''' : pedhes (PUH-duhs)
; '''Bitter''' : pait (PA-eet)
; '''Delicious''' : énak (EH-na'). écå (EH-cho)
; '''Plain, unsweetened''' : tawar (TAH-war). '''Unsweetened tea''' teh tawar (tay TAH-war)
; '''Cool, cold''' : adhem (''AH-duhm''). asrep (''AHS-ruhp'')
; '''Warm, hot''' : anget (ANG-uht)

There is a lot of overlap between Indonesian and Javanese in words related to eating. Here you will find Javanese words that are widely heard. If you are in a place where you need to book a table or ask what the house special is then you most certainly use Indonesian. Simpler eating places are a good place to practice Javanese. Don't be shy about mixing up Indonesian and Javanese.

; '''My tummy is rumbling''' : Wetengku klikikan (WUH-tuhng-koo KLIH-ki'-an)
; '''Is there a local specialty?''' : Åpå ånå panganan khas? (O-po O-no pang-AN-an hahs?). Punåpå wonten panganan khas? (MUHN-o-po WOHN-tuhn pang-AN-an hahs?)
; I'm a vegetarian. : Saya vegetarian. (''SA-yah VE-ge-ta-ree-an'')
; I don't eat pork. : Saya tidak makan babi. (''SA-yah TEE-dak MAH-kan BA-bee'')
; I don't eat beef. : Saya tidak makan sapi. (''SA-yah TEE-dak MAH-kan SAH-pee'')
; I don't eat seafood. : Saya tidak makan hasil laut (''SA-yah TEE-dah MAh-kan HA-seal LAH-oot'')
; I want _____. : Saya mau pesan _____. (''SAH-yah MAH-hu PEH-son'')
; I want a dish containing _____. : Saya mau makanan yang mengandung _____. (''SAH-yah MA-oo ma-KAH-nan yang meng-GAN-doong'')
; I'm allergic to ____: Saya alergi akan ____ (''SAH-yah AH-ler-gee AH-kan ____'')
; '''Chicken''' : pitik (''PIT-i'''). ayam (''AH-yam'').
; beef : daging sapi (''DA-king sah-pee'')
; '''Fish''' : iwak (''EE-wa''').
' '''Meat''' : iwak (''EE-wa'''). ''Note the word for fish and meat are the same''.
; pork : daging babi (''DA-king BA-bee'')
; lamb : daging kambing (''DA-king KAHM-bing'')
; '''Prawn/shrimp''' : urang (OO-rang)
; crab : kepiting (''ke-PEE-teeng'')
; squid : cumi (''COO-mee'')
; oyster : tiram (''TEE-ram'')
; cheese : keju (''KÉ-joo'')
; '''Egg''' : endhog (UHN-dog). tigan (TEE-gan). '''Fried egg''' endhog ceplok (UHN-dog CHUH-plok). '''Omelette''' endhog dadar (UHN-dog DAH-dar). 
; tofu : tahu (''TA-hoo'')
; (fresh) vegetables : sayuran (''SAH-yoo-ran'')
; cucumber : timun (''TEE-moon'')
; carrot : wortel (''WAR-tel'')
; lettuce : selada (''se-LAH-dah'')
; cauliflower : kembang kol (''KEHM-bang KOHL'')
; tomato : tomat (''TOHM-mat'')
; corn : jagung (''JAH-goong'')
; water spinach (a common green, leafy vegetable) : kangkung (''kahng-KOHNG'')
; amaranth/spinach : bayam (''BAH-yahm'')
; squash : labu (''LAH-boo'')
; bean : kacang (''KAH-chahng'')
; potato : kentang (''KUHN-tahng'')
; cassava : singkong (''SING-kong'')
; purple yam : ubi (''OO-bee'')
; sweet potato : ubi jalar (''OO-bee JAH-lard''')
; onion : bawang bombay (''BAH-wahng BOM-bay'')
; garlic : bawang putih (''BAH-wahng POO-teh'')
; shallot : bawang merah (''BAh-wahng MEH-rah'')
; mushroom : jamur (''JAH-moor'')
Here are those names from fruit that are regularly heard in Javanese. Many words for fruit are the same as in Indonesian, especially imported fruit.
; '''Fruit''' : woh
; apple : apel (''AH-pehl'')
; '''Banana''' : gedhang (GUH-dang). pisang (PEE-sang).
; '''Snakefruit''' : salak (SAH-la'). The slopes of Mount Merapi north of [[Yogyakarta|Jogja]] produce the famous ''salak pondoh''.
; orange : jeruk (JEH-rook)
; '''Papaya''' : katés (KAH-tehs)
; '''Mango''' : pelem (PUH-luhm)
; '''Waterapple/roseapple''' : jambu (JAM-boo). jambet (JAM-buht).
; pineapple : nanas (''NAH-nash'')
; melon : melon (''ME-lon'')
; '''Coconut''': klåpå (KLO-po). krambil (KRAM-bihl). If you want to ask for a young, green coconut to drink the water, that is '''degan''' (DUH-gan). If you want something cooked in coconut milk, that is '''santen''' (SAN-tuhn).
; starfruit: belimbing (''BEH-lim-beeng'')
; jackfruit: nangka (''NANG-kah'')
; breadfruit: sukun (''SOO-kuhn'')
; mangosteen : manggis (''MAHNG-gees'')
; soursop: sirsak (''SHEER-sack'')
; '''Durian''' : duren (''DOO-rehn'').
; '''Noodles''' : mie (mee). '''Javanese noodles''' mie Jåwå (usually written '''mie Jowo''' mee Jo-wo) are a staple street food. They can be '''Fried noodles''' mie goréng (mee GOH-rehng) or '''soupy noodles''' mie godhog (mee GOD-og) or '''damp noodles''' mie nyemek (mee NYUH-muh'). What makes them '''mie Jowo''' is being cooked on a charcoal brazier, '''anglo''' (ANG-gloh).
; '''Rice''' : segå (SUH-go). sekul (SUH-kool). '''Fried rice''' Segå goréng (SUH-go GOH-rehng),'''soupy rice''' segå godhog (SUH-go GOD-og), '''damp rice''' segå nyemek (SUH-go NYUH-muh') in a small amount of soup.
; porridge: bubur (''boo-boor'')
; ice cream: es krim (''ES Cr'im)
; cake: kue ('KOO-eh')
; soup : sup (''soup'')
; spoon : sendok (''SEND-dock'')
; fork : garpu (''GAR-poo'')
; knife : pisau (''PEE-saw'')
; May I have a glass of _____? : Bolehkah saya minta satu gelas _____? (''Bo-LEH-kah SAH-yah MEEN-tah SAH-too GEL-las'')
; May I have a cup of _____? : Bolehkah Saya minta satu cangkir_____? (''Bo-LEH-kah SAH-yah MEEN-tah SAH-too CHANG-keer'')
; May I have a bottle of _____? : Bolehkah aya minta satu botol _____? (''Bo-LEH-kah SAH-yah MEEN-tah SAH-too BOH-toll'')
; coffee : kopi (''CO-pee'')
; tea (''drink'') : teh (''TEH'')
; juice : jus (''JOOS'')
; water : air (''AH-eer'')
; May I have some _____? : Saya bisa minta _____? (''SAH-yah BEE-sah MEEN-tah'')
; salt : garam (''GAH-ram'')
; black pepper : lada hitam (''LAH-dah HEE-tam'')
; chili sauce : saus sambal (''SAH-oos SAM-bal'')
; tomato sauce : saus tomat (''SAH-oos TO-mat'')
; butter : mentega (''muhn-TEY-gah'')
; Excuse me, waiter? (''getting attention of server''): Permisi (''PER-mee-seeh'')
; I'm finished. : Saya sudah selesai. (''SAH-yah SOO-dah se-le-SAY'')
; I'm full. : saya kenyang (''SAH-yah KEN-yang'')
; It was delicious. : Tadi enak rasanya. (''TA-dee EH-nak RAH-sa-nya'')
; The check, please. : Minta bon. (''MEEN-tah Bond'')
makan (MAH-kahn)
I'm a vegetarian. 
Saya seorang vegetarian/saya tidak makan daging (literally "I do not eat meat"). (...)
I don't eat meat, chicken or seafood. 
Saya tidak makan daging, ayam atau makanan laut. (SAH-yuh TEE-dah' MAH-kahn DAH-ging, AH-yahm ah-tahw mah-KAH-nahn LOU(T))
Can you make it `lite', please? (=less oil/butter) 
Boleh kurangkan minyak / mentega? (...)
I want _____. 
Saya nak _____. (SAH-yuh NAH')
I want a dish containing _____. 
Saya nak makanan yang mengandungi _____. (...)
I am allergic to _____. 
Saya alah kepada ________.
daging lembu (...LUHM-boo)
daging babi (...BAH-bee)
kambing (KAHM-bing)
ketam (keh-TAHM)
sotong (SOH-tohng)
sotong katak (SOH-tohng KAH-tah')
ham (...)
keju (KAY-joo)
salad (...)
(fresh) vegetables 
sayur (SAH-yohr) (Note: On the East Coast of the Peninsula, sayur is a specific kind of dish, not just a generic word.)
timun (TEE-moon)
water spinach (a common green, leafy vegetable) 
kangkung (kahng-KOHNG)
bayam (BAH-yahm)
labu (LAH-boo)
kacang (KAH-chahng)
long bean 
kacang panjang (...pahn-JAHNG)
ubi kentang (OO-bee KUHN-tahng)
; '''Cassava''' : télå (''TAY-lo''). 
purple yam 
ubi keladi (...kuh-LAH-dee)
sweet potato 
ubi keledek (...kuh-LEH-deh')
bawang besar (BAH-wahng bih-SAHR)
bawang putih (...POO-teh)
bawang merah (...MEH-rah)
(May I have some _____? 
Boleh saya dapatkan _____? (...)
Can you please add ____? 
Boleh anda tambah _____?
garam (GAH-rahm)
gula (GOO-luh)
black pepper 
lada hitam (LAH-duh HEE-tahm)
chili pepper 
fresh chili pepper 
lada hidup
dried chili pepper 
lada kering
kayu manis (KAH-yoo mah-NEES)
bunga cengkeh (BOO-nguh CHENG-keh) or cengkeh
buah pala (BOO-ah PAH-luh)
kunyit (KOON-yi(t))
shrimp paste 
belacan (buh-LAH-chahn)
fish sauce 
budu (BOO-doo)
soy sauce 
kicap (KEE-chah(p))
mentega (muhn-TEY-gah)
minyak (MEAN-yah')
gulai (GOO-lye)
sour, with a tamarind base 
asam (AH-sahm)
goreng (GO-rehng)
panggang (PAHNG-gahng or pahng-GAHNG)
bake(d), char(red) over a wooden fire 
bakar (BAH-kahr)
rebus (reh-BOOS)
kering (kring)
sauce, gravy 
kuah (KOO-ah)
Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
Encik! (male) Cik! (female) Mek! (young female in Kelantan and Terengganu) (...)
I'm finished (eating). 
Saya sudah habis (makan). (hah-BEES)
I'm full. 
Saya kenyang. (SAH-yuh KUH-nyahng)
It is/was delicious. 
Sedaplah. (suh-DAHP-lah)
I liked it very much 
Saya suka sangat. (SAH-yuh SOO-kuh sah-NGAH(T))
It's too bitter. 
Terlalu pahit. (tuhr-LAH-loo pah-HEE(T))
It's too spicy. 
Terlalu pedas. (puh-DAHS)
It's too hot (in temperature). 
Terlalu panas. (pah-NAHS)
What did you put? 
Apa yang awak letak?
There's a fly in my soup. 
Ada lalat dalam sup saya. (ah-duh LAH-lah(t) dah-lahm SOO(P) SAH-yuh)
That's enough. 
Cukuplah. (choo-KOO(P)-lah)
I want a refund. 
Saya mahu ganti rugi.
Please clear the plates. 
Tolong ambil pinggan. (...)
Please clean the table 
Tolong bersihkan meja (...)
When will my order be ready? 
Bilakah pesanan saya akan sedia?
I would like to take away (literally, package) the food. 
Saya nak bungkuskan makanan. (BOONG-koos-kahn mah-KAHN-ahn)
The check/bill, please. 
Boleh saya dapatkan bil sekarang? (...)
I don't have change. 
Saya tak ada duit kecil. (DOO-i(t) kuh-CHEEL)
Can I pay by credit card? 
Boleh saya bayar dengan kad kredit? (BOH-leh SAH-yuh bah-YAHR DUH-ngahn kahd KRE-dee(t))

{{Infobox|Alcohol|Most Javanese are Muslims and the general impression given by the media and government is that alcohol is frowned up, and there may be difficulties in finding it. However, many Javanese men would not so no to a glass of beer if offered, if only to 'help them sleep' or 'warm them up'. There is an often-heard opinion that anything under 5% alcohol content is acceptable.

Various locally distilled spirits are made and widely available to those in the know. They are dangerous and should be avoided.

Of course, there are bars, nightclubs and karaoke rooms in all the larger Javanese towns, but you won't need to use Javanese there.}}

{{Infobox|Saying 'no' to drinking straws|Indonesia is drowning in plastic garbage. It is the world's second biggest contributor to plastic in the ocean. One of the worst offenders is the obsession with drinking straws. You will be offered one with every drink you buy. You will use it once, then it will either be burned or thrown in the river where it gradually makes its way to the ocean. Say no to drinking straws in this way:
; '''No, thank you, I don't want a straw''' : Nuwun séwu, aku ora butuh sedotan.}}

Java is a hot place and you need to stay hydrated. One of the best ways is to drink:
; '''Young coconut''' : degan (''DUH-gan'').
You will be able to identify the roadside stalls by the piles of old coconut shells by the side of the road. The Javanese love to add sugar syrup and maybe a dash of rose or pandan syrup. To avoid that, say:
; '''No sugar'''
Many restaurants will also offer young coconut. In that case you may want to ask:
; '''No ice'''.
For those cold, rainy nights (especially if you are up a mountain) you might need to resort to the Javanese tradition of:
; '''hot drinks''' : wedhang 
This a generic word for all hot drinks. They are usually teeth-numbingly sweet, and verge on desserts in some cases. One of the most palatable is:
; '''hot ginger drink''' : wedhang jahe
Another favourite involves a bunch of dried herbs and spices in the glass with the hot water:
wedang uwuh

* Widya Mitra
* Sputnik 
* Ming Yuan
* Pigeon chinese
* Selero bintaro
* Harumi
* Brasilia
* Massimo
* Doel noemani 

Javanese phrasebook
* Change banner photo
* Add reference to glottal stop