Wikivoyage:List of common misspellings
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- Aborignal -> Aboriginal
- abandonned -> abandoned
- abotu -> about
- acesable -> accessible
- acesabel -> accessible
- acesabele -> accessible
- acesible -> accessible
- acesibel -> accessible
- acesibele -> accessible
- accesable -> accessible
- accesabel -> accessible
- accesabele -> accessible
- accesible -> accessible
- accesibel -> accessible
- accesibele -> accessible
- acessable -> accessible
- acessabel -> accessible
- acessabele -> accessible
- acessible -> accessible
- acessibel -> accessible
- acessibele -> accessible
- accessable -> accessible
- accessabel -> accessible
- accessabele -> accessible
- accessibel -> accessible
- accessibele -> accessible
- accesories -> accessories
- acessories -> accessories
- accesory -> accessory
- acessory -> accessory
- accomadate -> accommodate
- accomidate -> accommodate
- accomodate -> accommodate
- accommadate -> accommodate
- accommidate -> accommodate
- acomadate -> accommodate
- acomidate -> accommodate
- acommadate -> accommodate
- acommidate -> accommodate
- acommodate -> accommodate
- acomodate -> accommodate
- accomadated -> accommodated
- accomidated -> accommodated
- accomodated -> accommodated
- accommadated -> accommodated
- accommidated -> accommodated
- acomadated -> accommodated
- acomidated -> accommodated
- acommadated -> accommodated
- acommidated -> accommodated
- acommodated -> accommodated
- acomodated -> accommodated
- accomadates -> accommodates
- accomidates -> accommodates
- accomodates -> accommodates
- accommadates -> accommodates
- accommidates -> accommodates
- acomadates -> accommodates
- acomidates -> accommodates
- acommadates -> accommodates
- acommidates -> accommodates
- acommodates -> accommodates
- acomodates -> accommodates
- accomadating -> accommodating
- accomidating -> accommodating
- accomodating -> accommodating
- accommadating -> accommodating
- accommidating -> accommodating
- acomadating -> accommodating
- acomidating -> accommodating
- acommadating -> accommodating
- acommidating -> accommodating
- acommodating -> accommodating
- acomodating -> accommodating
- accomadatin -> accommodation
- accomadation -> accommodation
- accomadtion -> accommodation
- accomidation -> accommodation
- accomodation -> accommodation
- accommadatin -> accommodation
- accommadation -> accommodation
- accommadtion -> accommodation
- accommidation -> accommodation
- accommodatin -> accommodation
- accommodtion -> accommodation
- accomodatin -> accommodation
- accomodtion -> accommodation
- acomadatin -> accommodation
- acomadation -> accommodation
- acomadtion -> accommodation
- acomidation -> accommodation
- acomodatin -> accommodation
- acomodation -> accommodation
- acomodtion -> accommodation
- acommadatin -> accommodation
- acommadation -> accommodation
- acommadtion -> accommodation
- acommidation -> accommodation
- acommodatin -> accommodation
- acommodation -> accommodation
- acommodtion -> accommodation
- accomadatins -> accommodations
- accomadations -> accommodations
- accomadtions -> accommodations
- accomidations -> accommodations
- accommadatins -> accommodations
- accommadations -> accommodations
- accommadtions -> accommodations
- accommidations -> accommodations
- accommodatins -> accommodations
- accommodtions -> accommodations
- accomodatins -> accommodations
- accomodations -> accommodations
- accomodtions -> accommodations
- acomadatins -> accommodations
- acomadations -> accommodations
- acomadtions -> accommodations
- acomidations -> accommodations
- acommadatins -> accommodations
- acommadations -> accommodations
- acommadtions -> accommodations
- acommidations -> accommodations
- acommodatins -> accommodations
- acommodations -> accommodations
- acommodtions -> accommodations
- acomodatins -> accommodations
- acomodations -> accommodations
- acomodtions -> accommodations
- accomany -> accompany
- accomanying -> accompanying
- accompish -> accomplish
- accompishes -> accomplishes
- accompished -> accomplished
- accordian -> accordion
- accordianists -> accordionists
- accoustically -> acoustically
- aquire -> acquire
- aquired -> acquired
- accros -> across
- accross -> across
- acros -> across
- arcoss -> across
- acess -> access
- activites -> activities
- activitties -> activities
- addres -> address
- adress -> address
- aditional -> additional
- aditionally -> additionally
- adjacant -> adjacent
- ajacant -> adjacent
- ajacent -> adjacent
- ajoin -> adjoin
- ajoined -> adjoined
- ajoining -> adjoining
- adventourous -> adventurous
- adviced -> advised
- asthetic -> aesthetic
- asthetics -> aesthetics
- afect -> affect
- afected -> affected
- afecting -> affecting
- afficionado -> aficionado
- afficionados -> aficionados
- affilliate -> affiliate
- afiliate -> affiliate
- afilliate -> affiliate
- affilliated -> affiliated
- afiliated -> affiliated
- afilliated -> affiliated
- affilliates -> affiliates
- afiliates -> affiliates
- afilliates -> affiliates
- aggresive -> aggressive
- agressive -> aggressive
- aggresively -> aggressively
- agressively -> aggressively
- aircon -> air-con (unless it's non-aircon?)
- airconditioned -> air-conditioned
- aireline -> airline
- airelines -> airlines
- aiport -> airport
- airoport -> airport
- aiports -> airports
- airoports -> airports
- alchohol -> alcohol
- alchol -> alcohol
- alchoholic -> alcoholic
- alcholic -> alcoholic
- allign -> align
- alligned -> aligned
- alright -> all right (acceptable in some contexts)
- allong -> along
- aslo -> also
- alternativly -> alternatively
- allthough -> although
- amatuer -> amateur
- amentities -> amenities
- amaizing -> amazing
- ampitheater -> amphitheatre
- ampitheatre -> amphitheatre
- ampitheaters -> amphitheatres
- ampitheatres -> amphitheatres
- amoung -> among
- amung -> among
- amoungst -> amongst
- amungst -> amongst
- ammount -> amount
- Amtrack -> Amtrak
- amusemnet -> amusement
- amusment -> amusement
- antartic -> antarctic
- antartica -> antarctica (except in Spanish)
- antropological -> anthropological
- antropologist -> anthropologist
- antropology -> anthropology
- anual -> annual
- anually -> annually
- aposle -> apostle
- aposles -> apostles
- apartament -> apartment
- apartement -> apartment
- appartment -> apartment
- appartament -> apartment
- appartement -> apartment
- apartaments -> apartments
- apartements -> apartments
- appartments -> apartments
- appartaments -> apartments
- appartements -> apartments
- apperance -> appearance
- aproach -> approach
- aprox -> approx
- aproximate -> approximate
- aproximately -> approximately
- aproximatly -> approximately
- aquaduct -> aqueduct
- aquaducts -> aqueducts
- arange -> arrange
- aranged -> arranged
- arangement -> arrangement
- arangements -> arrangements
- archaelogic -> archaeologic
- archaelogical -> archaeological
- archaelogically -> archaeologically
- archaelogist -> archaeologist
- archaelogists -> archaeologists
- archaelogy -> archaeology
- archipeligo -> archipelago
- archipilago -> archipelago
- archipiligo -> archipelago
- achitecture -> architecture
- architechture -> architecture
- architecure -> architecture
- arive -> arrive
- arived -> arrived
- aroudn -> around
- arround -> around
- artisit -> artist
- artisits -> artists
- asfalt -> asphalt
- asociate -> associate
- asosciate -> associate
- asosiate -> associate
- assosiate -> associate
- assosciate -> associate
- asociated -> associated
- asosciated -> associated
- asosiated -> associated
- assosiated -> associated
- assosciated -> associated
- asociation -> association
- asosciation -> association
- asosiation -> association
- assosiation -> association
- assosciation -> association
- asociations -> associations
- asosciations -> associations
- asosiations -> associations
- assosiations -> associations
- assosciations -> associations
- asterix -> asterisk (except for the French name Astérix)
- Artic -> Arctic
- aruond -> around
- asend -> ascend
- asended -> ascended
- asending -> ascending
- althetic -> athletic
- atheltic -> athletic
- althetics -> athletics
- atheltics -> athletics
- athmosphere -> atmosphere
- atmoshere -> atmosphere
- atmospher -> atmosphere
- atol -> atoll
- atols -> atolls
- atendant -> attendant
- atendent -> attendant
- attendent -> attendant
- atendants -> attendants
- atendents -> attendants
- attendents -> attendants
- austrailia -> australia
- austrailian -> australian
- automaticly -> automatically
- availble -> available
- availiable -> available
- availible -> available
- avaliable -> available
- awsome -> awesome
- azur -> azure
- baclaureate -> baccalaureate
- bakc -> back
- backerie -> bakery
- backery -> bakery
- backeries -> bakeries
- balcon -> balcony
- balcons -> balconies
- balast -> ballast
- balconey -> balcony
- barganing -> bargaining
- barroque -> baroque
- basicaly -> basically
- basicly -> basically
- basiclly -> basically
- beatiful -> beautiful
- beatifull -> beautiful
- beautifull -> beautiful
- becuase -> because
- begger -> beggar
- beggers -> beggars
- beggin -> begin
- biggin -> begin
- bigin -> begin
- beginer -> beginner
- begginer -> beginner
- bigginer -> beginner
- bigginner -> beginner
- biginer -> beginner
- biginner -> beginner
- beggining -> beginning
- begining -> beginning
- beginnig -> beginning
- biggining -> beginning
- bigginning -> beginning
- bigining -> beginning
- biginning -> beginning
- behavoir -> behavior
- behemouth -> behemoth
- beeing -> being
- Belguim -> Belgium
- benefitting -> benefiting
- beutiful -> beautiful
- beutifully -> beautifully
- beetwen -> between
- beetween -> between
- betwen -> between
- bewteen -> between
- belond -> beyond
- bellond -> beyond
- bicyle -> bicycle
- bicykle -> bicycle
- bicyles -> bicycles
- bicykles -> bicycles
- bilion -> billion (acceptable foreign language spelling)
- bilions -> billions (acceptable foreign language spelling)
- boarder -> border (unless living at school or attacking a ship)
- boundrie -> boundary
- boundry -> boundary
- boundarys -> boundaries
- boundries -> boundaries
- boundrys -> boundaries
- bekfast -> breakfast
- beakfast -> breakfast
- breakfeast -> breakfast
- breakfest -> breakfast
- brekfast -> breakfast
- brigde -> bridge
- brigdes -> bridges
- Buddism -> Buddhism
- Budhism -> Buddhism
- Budism -> Buddhism
- Buddhust -> Buddhist
- Buddist -> Buddhist
- Budhist -> Buddhist
- Budist -> Buddhist
- Buddists -> Buddhists
- Budhists -> Buddhists
- Buddhusts -> Buddhists
- Budists -> Buddhists
- bufet -> buffet
- bufete -> buffet
- bufette -> buffet
- buffete -> buffet
- buffett -> buffet
- buffette -> buffet
- buidling -> building
- bulding -> building
- buliding -> building
- buidlings -> buildings
- buldings -> buildings
- bulidings -> buildings
- bungalo -> bungalow
- bungalos -> bungalows
- buritto -> burrito
- burittos -> burritos
- beauraux -> bureau (singular) - bureaus -or- bureaux (plural)
- bureaux -> Is it? - bureau (singular) - bureaus -or- bureaux (plural)
- busines -> business
- bussines -> business
- bussiness -> business
- busness -> business
- byproduct -> by-product
- ceasar -> caesar (or spelt with a capital c if it is in a name)
- caeser -> caesar (or spelt with a capital c if it is in a name)
- cafeteiria -> cafeteria
- calandar -> calendar
- calander -> calendar
- calandars -> calendars
- calanders -> calendars
- calliagraphic -> calligraphic
- camabert -> camembert
- Cambodain -> Cambodian
- cantine -> canteen
- capucino -> cappuccino
- cappucino -> cappuccino
- capuccino -> cappuccino
- caraven -> caravan
- caravens -> caravans
- carnaval -> carnival (except in French)
- Caribean -> Caribbean
- Carribbean -> Caribbean
- Carribean -> Caribbean
- castel -> castle
- catedral -> cathedral (except in Spanish)
- cathederal -> cathedral
- catherdral -> cathedral
- catholicsm -> catholicism
- caucusus -> caucasus
- cought -> caught
- cieling -> ceiling
- cielings -> ceilings
- celcius -> Celsius
- cematary -> cemetery
- cematery -> cemetery
- cematry -> cemetery
- cememtery -> cemetery
- cementery -> cemetery
- cemetary -> cemetery
- cemetry -> cemetery
- cemitary -> cemetery
- cemitery -> cemetery
- cemitry -> cemetery
- centrury -> century
- cerimony -> ceremony
- cirtificate -> certificate
- chalange -> challenge
- chalenge -> challenge
- challange -> challenge
- chalanging -> challenging
- chalenging -> challenging
- challanging -> challenging
- caracteristic -> characteristic
- caracteristics -> characteristics
- cheezy -> cheesy
- childern -> children
- chocalate -> chocolate
- chosing -> choosing
- cristian -> Christian
- cinamon -> cinnamon
- circut -> circuit
- clasified -> classified
- cleanlyness -> cleanliness
- costal -> coastal (unless it's a rib)
- cockels -> cockles
- coctail -> cocktail
- cofee -> coffee
- coffe -> coffee
- colapse -> collapse
- colapsing -> collapsing
- colection -> collection
- collction -> collection
- collonies -> colonies
- collonade -> colonnade
- collony -> colony
- coloseum -> colosseum
- comercial -> commercial (except in Spanish)
- comforable -> comfortable
- confortable -> comfortable
- comeing -> coming
- comming -> coming
- commecially -> commercially
- comemmorate -> commemorate
- comemorate -> commemorate
- commemmorate -> commemorate
- comemmorated -> commemorated
- comemorated -> commemorated
- commemmorated -> commemorated
- comemmorates -> commemorates
- comemorates -> commemorates
- commemmorates -> commemorates
- comemmorating -> commemorating
- comemorating -> commemorating
- commemmorating -> commemorating
- comemmoration -> commemoration
- comemoration -> commemoration
- commemmoration -> commemoration
- comemmorative -> commemorative
- comemorative -> commemorative
- commemmorative -> commemorative
- comercail -> commercial
- comerical -> commercial
- commercail -> commercial
- commerical -> commercial
- comercaily -> commercially
- comericaly -> commercially
- commercaily -> commercially
- commericaly -> commercially
- comercailly -> commercially
- comerically -> commercially
- commercailly -> commercially
- commerically -> commercially
- comision -> commission
- comission -> commission
- commision -> commission
- comisions -> commissions
- comissions -> commissions
- commisions -> commissions
- comitee -> committee
- comittee -> committee
- commitee -> committee
- commited -> committed
- commmonplace -> commonplace
- compareable -> comparable
- comparitively -> comparatively
- completly -> completely
- complcated -> complicated
- compresive -> compressive
- computor -> computer
- computors -> computers
- consession -> concession
- consessions -> concessions
- conceirge -> concierge
- conect -> connect
- conected -> connected
- confectionary -> confectionery
- consistant -> consistent
- consistantly -> consistently
- conspicious -> conspicuous
- conspiciously -> conspicuously
- constuction -> construction
- consulat -> consulate
- contiains -> contains
- contempory -> contemporary
- contemprary -> contemporary
- continualy -> continually
- continous -> continuous
- continously -> continuously
- covenience -> convenience
- conviently -> conveniently
- coookie -> cookie
- coookies -> cookies
- customes -> costumes
- conterfeit -> counterfeit
- convienent -> convenient
- convienient -> convenient
- convinient -> convenient
- convienently -> conveniently
- convieniently -> conveniently
- conviniently -> conveniently
- coonservation -> conservation
- corespondant -> correspondent
- corespondent -> correspondent
- correspondant -> correspondent
- corespondants -> correspondents
- corespondents -> correspondents
- correspondants -> correspondents
- cosmipolitian -> cosmopolitan
- coud -> could
- counterfiet -> counterfeit
- counterfiets -> counterfeits
- countermessure -> countermeasure
- countermessures -> countermeasures
- cupon -> coupon
- cource -> course
- cruse -> cruise
- cruser -> cruiser
- cruncy -> crunchy
- courtain -> curtain
- curiousity -> curiosity
- cusine -> cuisine
- decieve -> deceive
- Desember -> December
- delcared -> declared
- decour -> decor
- definate -> definite
- definete -> definite
- defiantly -> definitely (word confusion?)
- definateley -> definitely
- definately -> definitely
- definatly -> definitely
- defineteley -> definitely
- definetely -> definitely
- definetly -> definitely
- definitly -> definitely
- defintley -> definitely
- degress -> degrees
- delicios -> delicious
- delicius -> delicious
- delienation -> delineation
- delux -> deluxe
- demarkation -> demarcation
- densly -> densely
- deparment -> department
- deparments -> departments
- departement -> department -or- département
- departements -> departments -or- départements
- dependant -> dependent
- deposite -> deposit
- derrogative -> derogative
- decend -> descend
- decendant -> descendant
- decendent -> descendant
- descendent -> descendant
- decendants -> descendants
- decendents -> descendants
- descendents -> descendants
- decended -> descended
- decending -> descending
- decends -> descends
- dissecated -> desiccated
- dispair -> despair
- destionation -> destination
- destionations -> destinations
- destoy -> destroy
- destoyed -> destroyed
- devestate -> devastate
- devestate -> devastated
- devasting -> devastating
- devestating -> devastating
- dilipidated -> delapidated
- dail -> dial
- dipthong -> diphthong
- diphtong -> diphthong
- dipthongs -> diphthongs
- diphtongs -> diphthongs
- diferent -> different
- difernt -> different
- differnt -> different
- diffrent -> different
- difrent -> different
- directoin -> direction
- directoins -> directions
- directlty -> directly
- dissapear -> disappear
- dissapeared -> disappeared
- dissepearing -> disappearing
- disapoint -> disappoint
- dissapoint -> disappoint
- dissappoint -> disappoint
- disapointed -> disappointed
- dissapointed -> disappointed
- dissappointed -> disappointed
- disposible -> disposable
- distingushed -> distinguished
- dolar -> dollar
- dolars -> dollars
- dophinarium -> dolphinarium
- dont -> don't (contraction) - but using "do not" is better
- doubtfull -> doubtful
- droping -> dropping
- drugist -> druggist
- drugists -> druggists
- durring -> during
- easeily -> easily
- easly -> easily
- easyly -> easily
- ecclectic -> eclectic
- ecletic -> eclectic
- edfice -> edifice
- efficent -> efficient
- Ekammai -> Ekamai (a place in Bangkok, Thailand)
- Ekkamai -> Ekamai (a place in Bangkok, Thailand)
- Ekkammai -> Ekamai (a place in Bangkok, Thailand)
- embaras -> embarrass
- embarass -> embarrass
- embarras -> embarrass
- embbaras -> embarrass
- embbarass -> embarrass
- embbarras -> embarrass
- embbarrass -> embarrass
- embarased -> embarrassed
- embarassed -> embarrassed
- embarrased -> embarrassed
- embbarased -> embarrassed
- embbarassed -> embarrassed
- embbarrased -> embarrassed
- embbarrassed -> embarrassed
- embarasing -> embarrassing
- embarassing -> embarrassing
- embarrasing -> embarrassing
- embbarasing -> embarrassing
- embbarassing -> embarrassing
- embbarrasing -> embarrassing
- embbarrassing -> embarrassing
- embarasment -> embarrassment
- embarassment -> embarrassment
- embarrasment -> embarrassment
- embbarasment -> embarrassment
- embbarassment -> embarrassment
- embbarrasment -> embarrassment
- embbarrassment -> embarrassment
- emmigration -> emigration
- incourage -> encourage
- enforcment -> enforcement
- Engish -> English
- enaugh -> enough
- enourmous -> enormous
- enthusiest -> enthusiast
- enthusiests -> enthusiasts
- enterence -> entrance
- entrace -> entrance
- enterences -> entrances
- entraces -> entrances
- entrepeneur -> entrepreneur
- entrepeneurs -> entrepreneurs
- enviroment -> environment
- eqivalant -> equivalent
- eqivalent -> equivalent
- eqivelant -> equivalent
- eqivelent -> equivalent
- eqivilant -> equivalent
- eqivilent -> equivalent
- equivalant -> equivalent
- equivelant -> equivalent
- equivelent -> equivalent
- equivilant -> equivalent
- equivilent -> equivalent
- eqivalants -> equivalents
- eqivalents -> equivalents
- eqivelants -> equivalents
- eqivelents -> equivalents
- eqivilants -> equivalents
- eqivilents -> equivalents
- equivalants -> equivalents
- equivelants -> equivalents
- equivelents -> equivalents
- equivilants -> equivalents
- equivilents -> equivalents
- eqiped -> equipped
- eqipped -> equipped
- equiped -> equipped
- especialy -> especially
- espescially -> especially
- ect -> etc
- ettiquette -> etiquette
- eventfull -> eventful
- exagerrating -> exaggerating
- excelent -> excellent
- excellant -> excellent
- exelent -> excellent
- exellent -> excellent
- exeptional -> exceptional
- exhcange -> exchange
- exchhange -> exchange
- excercise -> exercise
- excercises -> exercises
- excercised -> exercised
- excercising -> exercising
- exibit -> exhibit
- exibits -> exhibits
- exhibiton -> exhibition
- exibition -> exhibition
- exhibitons -> exhibitions
- exibitions -> exhibitions
- existance -> existence
- existant -> existent
- expext -> expect
- expeled -> expelled
- expencive -> expensive
- experiance -> experience
- experince -> experience
- experianced -> experienced
- experinced -> experienced
- explaination -> explanation
- explainations -> explanations
- exquisit -> exquisite
- extenal -> external
- extream -> extreme
- extreame -> extreme
- extreamly -> extremely
- extremly -> extremely
- facilaties -> facilities
- facilaty -> facility
- facilites -> facilities
- facilties -> facilities
- faility -> facility, failure
- farenheit -> fahrenheit
- fascade -> facade
- fascades -> facades
- faught -> fought
- feasable -> feasible
- Febuary -> February
- fetuccini -> fettuccini
- fettucini -> fettuccini
- fiary -> fairy
- figuer -> figure
- figuers -> figures
- firey -> fiery
- philo -> filo (unless it's the city of Philo, near Ukiah, Mendocino County)
- fistfull -> fistful
- fistfulls -> fistfuls
- fontain -> fountain
- forcast -> forecast
- forcasts -> forecasts
- foriegn -> foreign
- formely -> formerly
- forrest -> forest
- forrests -> forests
- fortrice -> fortress
- fourty -> forty
- freind -> friend
- freinds -> friends
- frend -> friend
- frends -> friends
- freqent -> frequent
- freqently -> frequently
- friendlyness -> friendliness
- frind -> friend
- frinds -> friends
- freindly -> friendly
- frendly -> friendly
- frindly -> friendly
- frolick -> frolic
- fron -> from
- funary -> funerary
- fungii -> fungi
- furnature -> furniture
- futher -> further
- gadly -> gladly, gadfly
- gaint -> giant
- gaints -> giants
- galery -> gallery
- gaurd -> guard
- gaurantee -> guarantee
- gaurded -> guarded
- geneological -> genealogical
- geografically -> geographically
- garuantee -> guarantee
- geniune -> genuine
- gerkin -> gherkin
- gerkins -> gherkins
- glaciar -> glacier
- glaciars -> glaciers
- gladiatiorial -> gladiatorial
- glamourous -> glamorous
- glas -> glass
- glases -> glasses
- guarentee -> guarantee
- guerilla -> guerrilla
- guerillas -> guerrillas
- Guinnes -> Guinness
- Guiness -> Guinness
- gurantee -> guarantee
- gurantees -> guarantees
- gurkin -> gherkin
- goddes -> goddess
- godess -> goddess
- gorcery -> grocery
- gossipp -> gossip
- gossipping -> gossiping
- goverment -> government
- goverments -> governments
- graffity -> graffiti
- grammer -> grammar
- grimey -> grimy
- groseries -> groceries
- guage -> gauge
- haggel -> haggle
- haltet -> halted
- handfull -> handful
- handfulls -> handfuls
- handywork -> handiwork
- haras -> harass
- harras -> harass
- harrass -> harass
- harased -> harassed
- harrased -> harassed
- harrassed -> harassed
- harasment -> harassment
- harrasment -> harassment
- harrassment -> harassment
- ahve -> have
- hazerd -> hazard
- hazerdous -> hazardous
- headquater -> headquarter
- headquatered -> headquartered
- headquaters -> headquarters
- harty -> hearty
- heigth -> height
- heigtht -> height
- heitht -> height
- hieght -> height
- hight -> height
- heigthen -> heighten
- heigthten -> heighten
- heithten -> heighten
- hieghten -> heighten
- highten -> heighten
- heigthened -> heightened
- heigthtened -> heightened
- heithtened -> heightened
- hieghtened -> heightened
- highteneded -> heightened
- heigths -> heights
- heigthts -> heights
- heithts -> heights
- hieghts -> heights
- hights -> heights (unless it's "The Hights", Oakland)
- helpfull -> helpful
- heplful -> helpful
- hemiphere -> hemisphere
- heros -> heroes
- hyatus -> hiatus
- highrise -> high-rise
- hinderance -> hindrance
- historicaly -> historically
- hitchike -> hitchhike
- hitchiker -> hitchhiker
- hitchikers -> hitchhikers
- hitchiking -> hitchhiking
- holyday -> holiday
- holywood -> Hollywood
- hosehold -> household
- howerver -> however
- howwever -> however
- hygeine -> hygiene
- hygene -> hygiene
- hygine -> hygiene
- hygeinic -> hygienic
- hygenic -> hygienic
- hyginic -> hygienic
- hygeinically -> hygienically
- hygenically -> hygienically
- hyginically -> hygienically
- inacesable -> inaccessible
- inacesabel -> inaccessible
- inacesabele -> inaccessible
- inacesible -> inaccessible
- inacesibel -> inaccessible
- inacesibele -> inaccessible
- inaccesable -> inaccessible
- inaccesabel -> inaccessible
- inaccesabele -> inaccessible
- inaccesible -> inaccessible
- inaccesibel -> inaccessible
- inaccesibele -> inaccessible
- inacessable -> inaccessible
- inacessabel -> inaccessible
- inacessabele -> inaccessible
- inacessible -> inaccessible
- inacessibel -> inaccessible
- inacessibele -> inaccessible
- inaccessable -> inaccessible
- inaccessabel -> inaccessible
- inaccessabele -> inaccessible
- inaccessibel -> inaccessible
- inaccessibele -> inaccessible
- unacesable -> inaccessible
- unacesabel -> inaccessible
- unacesabele -> inaccessible
- unacesible -> inaccessible
- unacesibel -> inaccessible
- unacesibele -> inaccessible
- unaccesable -> inaccessible
- unaccesabel -> inaccessible
- unaccesabele -> inaccessible
- unaccesible -> inaccessible
- unaccesibel -> inaccessible
- unaccesibele -> inaccessible
- unacessable -> inaccessible
- unacessabel -> inaccessible
- unacessabele -> inaccessible
- unacessible -> inaccessible
- unacessibel -> inaccessible
- unacessibele -> inaccessible
- unaccessable -> inaccessible
- unaccessabel -> inaccessible
- unaccessabele -> inaccessible
- unaccessible -> inaccessible
- unaccessibel -> inaccessible
- unaccessibele -> inaccessible
- includeing ->including
- incomunicative -> incommunicative
- incrediable -> incredible
- independance -> independence
- indicitive -> indicative
- indispensible -> indispensable
- infered -> inferred
- infrastucture -> infrastructure
- ingrediant -> ingredient
- ingrediants -> ingredients
- inhabbitant -> inhabitant
- inhabitent -> inhabitant
- inhabitents -> inhabitants
- inlcude -> include
- inlcudes -> includes
- inlcuding -> including
- inpsiring -> inspiring
- instalation -> installation
- instalations -> installations
- instuctor -> instructor
- instuctors -> instructors
- intelligensia -> intelligentsia
- internationaly -> internationally
- intervall -> interval
- intervalls -> intervals
- intesection -> intersection
- intesections -> intersections
- imaturity -> immaturity
- imediate -> immediate
- imigrant -> immigrant
- imigrants -> immigrants
- immediete -> immediate
- immedietely -> immediately
- immidiate -> immediate
- immitation -> imitation
- immpecable -> impeccable
- impecable -> impeccable
- impeccible -> impeccable
- impromtu -> impromptu
- inaccesssible -> inaccessible
- incredably -> incredibly
- independant -> independent
- independet -> independent
- incredable -> incredible
- Inidan -> Indian
- inexhaustable -> inexhaustible
- influance -> influence
- inpolite -> impolite
- insistant -> insistent
- intenational -> international
- interiour -> interior
- intrepetation -> interpretation
- interrest -> interest
- intrest -> interest
- internationnal -> international
- intervall -> interval
- invitiation -> invitation
- Irelend -> Ireland
- Isan -> Isaan (North-East Thailand)
- Issan -> Isaan (North-East Thailand)
- isssue -> issue
- ismuth -> isthmus (or maybe bismuth)
- itinaries -> itineraries
- itinarys -> itineraries
- itinerarys -> itineraries
- itineriries -> itineraries
- itinerirys -> itineraries
- itineries -> itineraries
- itinerys -> itineraries
- itiniraries -> itineraries
- itinirarys -> itineraries
- itinary -> itinerary
- itineriry -> itinerary
- itinery -> itinerary
- itinirary -> itinerary
- it's -> its (genitive) -or- it is (contraction)
- It's -> It is (contraction)
- japaneese -> Japanese
- japenese -> Japanese
- jewelery -> jewelry
- jewellry -> jewelry (American spelling) -or- jewellery (British spelling)
- jewlery -> jewelry
- journie -> journey
- journies -> journeys
- kathoey -> katoey
- cayak -> kayak
- kethup -> ketchup
- killerwhale -> killer whale
- killerwhales -> killer whales
- koh -> ko - for thai islands (but NOT for Cambodian islands, eg Koh Kong)
- cosher -> kosher
- lable -> label
- labled -> labelled
- lackluster -> lacklustre
- larggest -> largest
- largst -> largest
- laise -> liaise
- lanscape -> landscape
- lanscapes -> landscapes
- latern -> lantern
- laterns -> lanterns
- launchpad -> launch pad
- lazer -> laser
- lazers -> lasers
- ligitimate -> legitimate
- leisurly -> leisurely
- lenght -> length
- liase -> liaise
- liais -> liaise
- libary -> library
- liklihood -> likelihood
- liqeur -> liqueur
- liqour -> liquor
- liqours -> liquors
- liquers -> liquors
- literaly -> literally
- litterature -> literature
- livliest -> liveliest
- loacted -> located
- longtail -> long-tail
- longtailed -> long-tailed
- longtails -> long-tails
- lugggage -> luggage
- magnficent -> magnificent
- magnificant -> magnificent
- magnificient -> magnificent
- mantain -> maintain
- mantained -> maintained
- maintenence -> maintenance
- maintinance -> maintenance
- malace -> malice
- managged -> managed
- manuscrip -> manuscript
- manuscrips -> manuscripts
- Marsielle -> Marseille
- massiv -> massive
- matress -> mattress
- mattres -> mattress
- matresses -> mattresses
- mattreses -> mattresses
- mausolem -> mausoleum
- mesure -> measure
- mesures -> measures
- meditaton -> meditation
- Meditteranean -> Mediterranean
- Meditterranean -> Mediterranean
- Mediteranean -> Mediterranean
- Mediterranian -> Mediterranean
- Mediterrannean -> Mediterranean
- memorabelia -> memorabilia
- memorobilia -> memorabilia
- menues -> menus
- merengue -> meringue (unless it's music)
- mirengue -> meringue (or if it's music, then merengue)
- merengues -> meringues (unless it's music)
- mirengues -> meringues (or if it's music, then merengues)
- midrange -> mid-range
- milage -> mileage
- milion -> million
- milions -> millions
- minfields -> minefields
- minut -> minute
- minuts -> minutes
- missleading -> misleading
- monestaries -> monasteries
- monastary -> monastery
- monastry -> monastery
- monestary -> monastery
- momument -> monument
- Maroccan -> Moroccan
- mosiac -> mosaic
- mosiacs -> mosaics
- mosquitos -> mosquitoes
- mountian -> mountain
- moutain -> mountain
- mountainering -> mountaineering
- montainous -> mountainous
- mountaineous -> mountainous
- mountainus -> mountainous
- mountianous -> mountainous
- mountians -> mountains
- moutains -> mountains
- mouthfull -> mouthful
- mouthfulls -> mouthfuls
- multistorey -> multi-storey
- multistory -> multi-storey
- minicipal -> municipal
- municipial -> municipal
- municiple -> municipal
- museaum -> museum
- musuem -> museum
- museaums -> museums
- musuems -> museums
- Napolean -> Napoleon
- necasary -> necessary
- necasery -> necessary
- necassary -> necessary
- necassery -> necessary
- neccasary -> necessary
- neccasery -> necessary
- neccesary -> necessary
- neccesery -> necessary
- neccassary -> necessary
- neccassery -> necessary
- neccessary -> necessary
- neccessery -> necessary
- necesary -> necessary
- necesery -> necessary
- necessery -> necessary
- neceesary -> necessary
- necasarily -> necessarily
- necaserily -> necessarily
- necassarily -> necessarily
- necasserily -> necessarily
- neccasarily -> necessarily
- neccaserily -> necessarily
- neccesarily -> necessarily
- necceserily -> necessarily
- neccassarily -> necessarily
- neccasserily -> necessarily
- neccessarily -> necessarily
- neccesserily -> necessarily
- necesarily -> necessarily
- neceserily -> necessarily
- necesserily -> necessarily
- necasarilly -> necessarily
- necaserilly -> necessarily
- necassarilly -> necessarily
- necasserilly -> necessarily
- neccasarilly -> necessarily
- neccaserilly -> necessarily
- neccesarilly -> necessarily
- necceserilly -> necessarily
- neccassarilly -> necessarily
- neccasserilly -> necessarily
- neccessarilly -> necessarily
- neccesserilly -> necessarily
- necesarilly -> necessarily
- neceserilly -> necessarily
- necessarilly -> necessarily
- necesserilly -> necessarily
- necesities -> necessities
- neccesities -> necessities
- neccessities -> necessities
- necesity -> necessity
- neccesity -> necessity
- neccessity -> necessity
- negociate -> negotiate
- negociated -> negotiated
- negociating -> negotiating
- negotable -> negotiable
- neigbor -> neighbour
- neihborhood -> neighbourhood
- neihborhoods -> neighbourhoods
- nighclub -> nightclub
- nighclubs -> nightclubs
- nighspot -> nightspot
- nighspots -> nightspots
- neigbors -> neighbors
- noisey -> noisy
- nonaircon -> non-aircon
- nontheless -> nonetheless
- norhernmost -> northernmost
- northen -> northern
- noteable -> notable
- noth -> north
- noticable -> noticeable
- noticably -> noticeably
- notworthy -> noteworthy
- noumerous -> numerous
- numberous -> numerous
- numers -> numbers
- obsticle -> obstacle
- obviuos -> obvious
- obviosly -> obviously
- ocasion -> occasion
- ocassional -> occasional
- occaisionally -> occasionally
- occasionaly -> occasionally
- occassional -> occasional
- occassionally -> occasionally
- occationally -> occasionally
- occurance -> occurrence
- occured -> occurred
- occuring -> occurring
- ocenarium -> oceanarium
- octogonal -> octagonal
- ocurred -> occurred
- ofering -> offering
- oferings -> offerings
- offerd -> offered
- offical -> official
- offically -> officially
- officialy -> officially
- oftenly -> often
- olimpic -> olympic
- omelet -> omelette
- omelets -> omelettes
- omelete -> omelette
- omeletes -> omelettes
- omision -> omission
- omlette -> omelette
- omlettes -> omelettes
- oneway -> one-way
- openend -> opened
- opertunity -> opportunity
- oportunity -> opportunity
- oposite -> opposite
- oposites -> opposites
- opulant -> opulent
- ordanance -> ordinance
- originaly -> originally
- orginal -> original
- orginated -> originated
- orietal -> oriental
- overloook -> overlook
- overloooked -> overlooked
- overun -> overrun
- pallate -> palate
- pallette -> palette
- paralel -> parallel
- paralell -> parallel
- paralels -> parallels
- paramilitarie -> paramilitary
- paraphenalia -> paraphernalia
- parc -> park
- parlaiment -> parliament
- parlaiments -> parliaments
- parliment -> parliament
- parliments -> parliaments
- parliamint -> parliament
- parliamints -> parliaments
- parlimentarian -> parliamentarian
- parlimentary -> parliamentary
- particulary -> particularly
- particullarly -> particularly
- particullary -> particularly
- passanger -> passenger
- passangers -> passengers
- paticularly -> particularly
- pavillion -> pavilion
- pavillions -> pavilions
- peacefull -> peaceful
- peice -> piece
- peices -> pieces
- peirce -> pierce
- peircing -> piercing
- penetence -> penitence
- peninnsula -> peninsula
- penninsula -> peninsula
- percieve -> perceive
- performace -> performance
- permantent -> permanent
- peroid -> period
- peroids -> periods
- perserverance -> perseverance
- persistance -> persistence
- persistant -> persistent
- personnell -> personnel
- perrenial -> perennial
- falic -> phallic
- fallic -> phallic
- phalic -> phallic
- Phattalung -> Phatthalung (Thailand)
- photoe -> photo
- photoes -> photos
- pickeled -> pickled
- picknick -> picnic
- pikled -> pickled
- pizeria -> pizzeria
- playgrand -> playground
- playgrands -> playgrounds
- pleaseant -> pleasant
- pleasent -> pleasant
- poliet -> polite
- polution -> pollution
- polular -> popular
- pommegranate -> pomegranate
- posess -> possess
- posession -> possession
- posessions -> possessions
- posses -> possess
- possesion -> possession
- possesions -> possessions
- possibily -> possibly
- possibilty -> possibility
- possiblity -> possiblity
- Portugeese -> Portuguese
- Portugese -> Portuguese
- postion -> position
- potates -> potatoes
- preceeding -> preceding
- precint -> precinct
- precints -> precincts
- predomiantly -> predominantly
- prefacture -> prefecture
- preferance -> preference
- preferrable -> preferable
- preferrably -> preferably
- preffered -> preferred
- premisis -> premises
- preperation -> preparation
- preperations -> preparations
- prestine -> pristine
- primative -> primitive
- pristene -> pristine
- privat -> private
- privelege -> privilege
- priveledge -> privilege
- privelige -> privilege
- privelidge -> privilege
- priviledge -> privilege
- privilidge -> privilege
- privilige -> privilege
- problen -> problem
- problens -> problems
- proceding -> proceeding
- proclimation -> proclamation
- produc -> product
- producs -> products
- profecient -> proficient
- proffesional -> professional
- programm -> program -or- programme
- prominant -> prominent
- pronounciation -> pronunciation
- pronounciations -> pronunciations
- probabaly -> probably
- propably -> probably
- propreitory -> proprietary
- provice -> province
- provinicial -> provincial
- proximaty -> proximity
- proximety -> proximity
- purchace -> purchase
- purchaces -> purchases
- purchacing -> purchasing
- quik -> quick
- quietitude -> quietude
- rainning -> raining
- realisticaly -> realistically
- reallt -> really
- realy -> really
- realtive -> relative
- realtively -> relatively
- reciept -> receipt
- reciepts -> receipts
- recieve -> receive
- recieved -> received
- recipies -> recipes
- reccomendation -> recommendation
- reccomendations -> recommendations
- reccomend -> recommend
- reccomended -> recommended
- reccomends -> recommends
- reccommend -> recommend
- reccommended -> recommended
- recomend -> recommend
- recomendable -> recommendable
- recomends -> recommends
- recomended -> recommended
- recommand -> recommend
- recommands -> recommends
- recommented -> recommended
- refered -> referred (or perhaps refereed)
- reffered -> referred
- regulary ->regularly
- rehearsel -> rehearsal
- reknowned -> renowned
- relict -> relic
- relicts -> relics
- relegious -> religious
- relavant -> relevant
- relavent -> relevant
- relevent -> relevant
- religous -> religious
- rememberance -> remembrance
- reminicent -> reminiscent
- remanant -> remnant
- remanent -> remnant (unless it's magnetism)
- remenant -> remnant
- remenent -> remnant
- remanants -> remnants
- remanents -> remnants (unless it's magnetism)
- remenants -> remnants
- remenents -> remnants
- remnance -> remnants
- rennaisance -> renaissance
- repelant -> repellent
- repellant -> repellent (maybe not; online dictionary @ accepts both)
- resembelance -> resemblance
- resemblence -> resemblance
- reservior -> reservoir
- resevior -> reservoir
- resevoir -> reservoir
- reserviors -> reservoirs
- reseviors -> reservoirs
- resevoirs -> reservoirs
- residant -> resident
- residants -> residents
- reson -> reason
- resonable -> reasonable
- resourses -> recourses
- ressort -> resort
- restarant -> restaurant
- restaraunt -> restaurant
- restarent -> restaurant
- restaront -> restaurant
- restauant -> restaurant
- restauraunt -> restaurant
- restaurent -> restaurant
- restauront -> restaurant
- restautant -> restaurant
- resterant -> restaurant
- resteraunt -> restaurant
- resterent -> restaurant
- resteront -> restaurant
- restorant -> restaurant
- restoraunt -> restaurant
- restorent -> restaurant
- restoront -> restaurant
- restourant -> restaurant
- restouraunt -> restaurant
- restourent -> restaurant
- restouront -> restaurant
- restrant -> restaurant
- restraunt -> restaurant
- restrent -> restaurant
- restront -> restaurant
- restuarant -> restaurant
- restuaraunt -> restaurant
- restuarent -> restaurant
- restuaront -> restaurant
- resturant -> restaurant
- resturaunt -> restaurant
- resturent -> restaurant
- resturont -> restaurant
- restarants -> restaurants
- restaraunts -> restaurants
- restarents -> restaurants
- restaronts -> restaurants
- restauants -> restaurants
- restauraunts -> restaurants
- restaurents -> restaurants
- restauronts -> restaurants
- restautants -> restaurants
- resterants -> restaurants
- resteraunts -> restaurants
- resterents -> restaurants
- resteronts -> restaurants
- restorants -> restaurants
- restoraunts -> restaurants
- restorents -> restaurants
- restoronts -> restaurants
- restourants -> restaurants
- restouraunts -> restaurants
- restourents -> restaurants
- restouronts -> restaurants
- restrants -> restaurants
- restraunts -> restaurants
- restrents -> restaurants
- restronts -> restaurants
- restuarants -> restaurants
- restuaraunts -> restaurants
- restuarents -> restaurants
- restuaronts -> restaurants
- resturants -> restaurants
- resturaunts -> restaurants
- resturents -> restaurants
- resturonts -> restaurants
- restauranteur -> restaurateur (no 'n' in restaurateur)
- resurgance -> resurgence
- restauration -> restoration
- rigeur -> rigueur
- rigourous -> rigorous
- rigourously -> rigorously
- rikshaw -> rickshaw
- riksha -> rickshaw
- rikshaws -> rickshaws
- rikshas -> rickshaws
- risoto -> risotto
- rissoto -> risotto
- rissotto -> risotto
- riveside -> riverside
- romansque -> romanesque
- ruine -> ruin
- ruines -> ruins
- sacond -> second
- salat -> salad
- salpeter -> saltpeter
- sandwhich -> sandwich
- sandwhiches -> sandwiches
- sandwidch -> sandwich
- sandwidches -> sandwiches
- sandwitch -> sandwich
- sandwitches -> sandwiches
- satelite -> satellite
- satelites -> satellites
- saterday -> saturday
- saterdays -> saturdays
- satilite -> satellite
- scenary -> scenery
- scupture -> sculpture
- scuptures -> sculptures
- seabord -> seaboard
- seige -> siege
- seiges -> sieges
- selacious -> salacious
- selll -> sell
- sellling -> selling
- senic -> scenic
- sealion -> sea lion
- sealions -> sea lions
- seperate -> separate
- seperated -> separated
- seperately -> separately
- seperating -> separating
- seperatist -> separatist
- seperatists -> separatists
- serveral -> several
- severly -> severely
- sevice -> service
- serivce -> service
- sevice -> serviced
- serivced -> serviced
- shoping -> shopping
- shreded -> shredded
- signifigant -> significant
- signiture -> signature
- sigth -> sight
- sigths -> sights
- sinagogue -> synagogue
- sinagogues -> synagogues
- sirious -> serious
- sitaute -> situate
- sitauted -> situated
- Skandinavia -> Scandinavia
- skillz -> skills
- sleding -> sledding
- slipperly -> slippery
- sloagen -> slogan
- snorkling -> snorkeling
- somwhere -> somewhere
- songtaew -> songthaew
- songtaw -> songthaew
- songteaw -> songthaew
- songtheaw -> songthaew
- songtaews -> songthaews
- songtaws -> songthaews
- songteaws -> songthaews
- songtheaws -> songthaews
- soop -> soup
- souce -> sauce, source
- sourond -> surround
- souronding -> surrounding
- sourrond -> surround
- southest -> southeast
- souveneir -> souvenir
- souveneirs -> souvenirs
- souvenier -> souvenir
- souveniers -> souvenirs
- souvernir -> souvenir
- souvernirs -> souvenirs
- souvineers -> souvenirs
- spectactular -> spectacular
- sqaure -> square
- surounded -> surrounded
- sourronding -> surrounding
- sourrounding -> surrounding
- spagetti -> spaghetti
- spase -> space
- spicey -> spicy
- splended -> splendid
- Standsted -> Stansted
- streest -> streets
- stright -> straight
- stuning -> stunning
- subseqent -> subsequent
- substancial -> substantial
- substitude -> substitute
- succeded -> succeeded
- succes -> success
- sucess -> success
- succesful -> successful
- sucessful -> successful
- suggar -> sugar
- suppy -> supply
- suprising -> surprising
- suprisingly -> surprisingly
- surburb -> suburb
- surburbs -> suburbs
- surond -> surround
- suronding -> surrounding
- suround -> surround
- surounds -> surrounds
- surounding -> surrounding
- suroundings -> surroundings
- surpress -> suppress
- surrond -> surround
- surronding -> surrounding
- suvenior -> souvenir
- suveniors -> souvenirs
- swiming -> swimming
- Switerland -> Switzerland
- synonomous -> synonymous
- tandori -> tandoori
- targetted -> targeted
- targetting -> targeting
- tarten -> tartan
- tartens -> tartans
- tastful -> tasteful
- teh -> the
- telphone -> telephone
- temerature -> temperature
- temeratures -> temperatures
- tempale -> temple
- tempales -> temples
- tempel -> temple
- tempels -> temples
- tempoerature -> temperature
- tequial -> tequila
- terace -> terrace
- terrase -> terrace
- terrases -> terraces
- terrasse -> terrace
- testement -> testament
- theer -> there
- theerafter -> thereafter
- there's -> there is (contraction)
- there're -> there are (contraction)
- thier -> their
- threshhold -> threshold
- threshholds -> thresholds
- throughfare -> thoroughfare
- throgh -> through
- throug -> through
- throuhg -> through
- throughtout -> throughout
- tipical -> typical
- tipycal -> typical
- tomorow -> tomorrow
- tomatoe -> tomato
- tourit -> tourist
- tourits -> tourists
- toursists -> tourists
- traditionnal -> traditional
- trafic -> traffic
- traffick - > traffic
- trafficing -> trafficking
- traslate -> translate
- traslated -> translated
- tranport -> transport
- transitor -> transistor
- transparenet -> transparent
- trasport -> transport
- trasportation -> transportation
- travler -> traveler -or- traveller
- travlers -> travelers -or- travellers
- troley -> trolley
- trolly -> trolley
- troups -> troops (or troupes, which is the plural of troupe)
- truely -> truly
- turist -> tourist
- turists -> tourists
- turqoise -> turquoise
- twelth -> twelfth
- tipical -> typical
- tipic -> typical
- typic -> typical
- ubiqitous -> ubiquitous
- uncautious -> incautious
- undergound -> underground
- undesireable -> undesirable
- uneffected -> unaffected
- unexeceptional -> unexceptional
- unfeasable -> unfeasible
- unforgetable -> unforgettable
- unlikley -> unlikely
- unpleasent -> unpleasant
- unpleasently -> unpleasantly
- untill -> until
- uphil -> uphill
- usefull -> useful
- usuall -> usual
- usualy -> usually
- valuble -> valuable
- valueable -> valuable
- valubles -> valuables
- valueables -> valuables
- Vancover -> Vancouver
- variaty -> variety
- varity -> variety
- variatys -> varieties
- variaties -> varieties
- varietys -> varieties
- vasal -> vassal
- vasals -> vassals
- vegatable -> vegetable
- vegitable -> vegetable
- vegatables -> vegetables
- vegitables -> vegetables
- vegatarian -> vegetarian
- vegitarian -> vegetarian
- vegatarians -> vegetarians
- vegitarians -> vegetarians
- veiw -> view
- veiws -> views
- vender -> vendor
- venders -> vendors
- vetran -> veteran
- vetrans -> veterans
- fibrant -> vibrant
- vigilent -> vigilant
- vilage -> village
- vinagrette -> vinaigrette
- vinagrettes -> vinaigrettes
- vinyard -> vineyard
- wineyard -> vineyard
- winyard -> vineyard
- vinyards -> vineyards
- wineyards -> vineyards
- winyards -> vineyards
- vitually -> virtually
- visable -> visible
- vist -> visit
- vistor -> visitor
- vistors -> visitors
- vulcano -> volcano (except in Italian or the island called vulcano)
- vulcanos -> volcanoes
- vulcanoes -> volcanoes
- volcan -> vulcan -or- volcano (except in Spanish where a volcano is a volcan)
- walet -> wallet
- walett -> wallet
- wallett -> wallet
- warfarre -> warfare
- warey -> wary
- whatch -> watch
- waterfal -> waterfall
- waterfals -> waterfalls
- weathly -> wealthy
- wheater -> weather
- wheather -> weather
- wierd -> weird
- wher -> where
- whereever -> wherever
- wether -> whether (or weather)
- whitch -> which
- wich -> which
- wizzing -> whizzing
- whoes -> whose
- weild -> wield
- weilding -> wielding
- winarys -> wineries
- winerys -> wineries
- winarie -> winery
- winary -> winery
- whiht -> with
- whit -> with
- whith -> with
- withold -> withhold
- wolwerine -> wolverine
- wonderfull -> wonderful
- worderful -> wonderful
- worderfull -> wonderful
- wunderful -> wonderful
- wodden -> wooden
- wrldwide -> worldwide
- worthwile -> worthwhile
- writen -> written
- you'l -> you’ll
- youself -> yourself
This section temporarily de-activated Entries that were clogging up the Maintenance Page (busses/buses 150+ articles, cafe/café 550+ articles) busses -> buses (though busses is acceptable) cafe -> café (one of the few English words spelt with an accent - because it's a French word)
This section temporarily de-activated Case-sensitive entries - as all instances are returned, regardless of case (caesar 20+ articles, scuba 100+ articles) caesar -> Caesar (spelt with a capital c if it is in a name) SCUBA -> scuba