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皆さん、こんにちは。日本語できない野蛮人ですから、絶対私が書いた探検ページのカタコトを直して下さい。(WT-en) Jpatokal 06:40, 16 Oct 2004 (EDT)



で、仲人の選挙の後は何をすればいいのでしょう?Project:Language_version_policyによると、go-betweenが選ばれてサーバーがセットアップされて(まだされていないみたい?)、そしてThe first monthの間に最低必須の8つのセクションを訳さなければならないのかな?じゃあ、とりあえず、このページを使って、Project:aboutでも訳してみようかな。 (WT-en) Ado

その前にまず インターフェースファイル の訳が必要です。
ただ、今の物が最新なのかがちょっと不明です(Talk を参考)。以前に Evan に聞きましたが、回答がありませんでした。なので、英語版インターフェース(Project:LanguageEn.php)から新規に、とにかく取り掛かった方が良いかもしれません。(後からアップグレードしても、文章を転送すればいいので。) -- (WT-en) Paul Richter 01:49, 25 Apr 2005 (EDT)



I suspect I'm breaking a little precedent here by introducing a dual-language Expedition, but Japan is a little further away from Wikivoyage's current domain and there's much more of a cultural barrier to cross this way we will have some assurance that folks signing up know what they are getting into. I'll be happy to attempt to translate any Japanese comments on request. (WT-en) Jpatokal 06:40, 16 Oct 2004 (EDT)

You should not say "野蛮人". It sounds really strange and stupid. ((WT-en) KagakuyaSan 18:48, 29 Mar 2005 (EST))

I'm a barbarian, so I don't know the right word for barbarian! So what would be better? (WT-en) Jpatokal 21:29, 29 Mar 2005 (EST)
It's OK to say "野蛮人" (unless you bite me!). by the way, I voted for you as "仲人". (It's funny because "仲人" is usually for marrige. maybe marrige of WikiTravel E and J?) (WT-en) Ado 05:07, 24 Apr 2005 (EDT)




どうもありがとう。Project:Japanese/ウィキトラベルについてに移動しました。(WT-en) Jpatokal 09:21, 8 Jun 2005 (EDT)

plunge forward ってちょっとしたキメ言葉な感じですが、どう訳すのがいいかなぁ、、、

直訳ですけど、「飛び込んで進め」はどう? あとWikivoyagerって言えば、「ウィキトレベラー」とか「ウィキ旅人」かな�� (WT-en) Jpatokal 07:48, 9 Jun 2005 (EDT)



So, is the translation done? Are we ready to roll out? I've got to do an upgrade to the newest 1.4.x version of Mediawiki anyways, so it might be a good time to add ja. --(WT-en) Evan 09:34, 15 Jun 2005 (EDT)

I think the LanguageJa.php file is ready to roll, so if you're OK with us working on the rest of the interface in a "live" system instead of a local sandbox then I think we're good to go... but expect to be pestered regularly with CSS tweak requests as we start (see eg. Project:Japanese/与那国). (WT-en) Jpatokal 10:20, 15 Jun 2005 (EDT)

ja: ready to go


The language version is now running; see: http://ja.wikivoyage.org/wiki/ . You can interwiki-link to and from all the other Wikivoyage versions, and you can interwiki link to Wikipedia ja with "WikiPedia".

Some things that need work:

  • I can't seem to get Apache to like the idea of redirecting to ja:メインページ for the main page. I'll continue to work on it. Right now it goes to ja:Main Page, which in turn redirects to メインページ. Functional but inelegant.
  • There are, as you can probably tell, a number of un-translated strings in the interface. I'll post a list of ones that need to be translated, and we can work the rest of them out.
  • Jpatokal and Paul Richter, please let me know when you've set up accounts, and I'll twiddle the bits to make you admins.
  • "Dmoz:" interwiki links don't yet work. I can't figure out what the "Regional" URL is (see http://dmoz.org/World/Japanese/ ). Help?

I'll also leave all the fun of announcing the new version to the members of this expedition. Congratulations on getting this language version started; I'm very excited about it! --(WT-en) Evan 13:52, 18 Jun 2005 (EDT)