Irish (Gaeilge) is one of the three Goidelic languages, the others being Scottish Gaelic and Manx. This Goidelic (or Gaelic) branch, together with the Brythonic branch (Welsh, Cornish and Breton), form the Celtic language family. Irish is compulsory in schools in the Republic of Ireland, but spoken as a first language only by a minority of the Irish population. It is also taught in Catholic schools in Northern Ireland, but is in general much rarer than in the Republic. Practically all native Irish speakers are also able to speak English, so learning Irish is not necessary to communicate. That said, many place names and personal names are in Irish, so at the very least, knowledge of Irish pronunciation is useful for getting around and meeting people. If you plan to visit a Gaeltacht, an area where Irish is the main language of communication, it is a very good idea to at least learn the basics. This shows respect to the local people you meet, and will almost certainly open doors for you that remain shut to tourists who only speak English.
Some features of Irish, which it has in common with other Celtic languages, but which may strike learners as odd are:
- 'mutations': sounds change, often at the beginning of words, as part of the grammar, e.g. cat 'cat', but mo chat 'my cat'
- the verb is usually at the beginning of the sentence
- prepositional pronouns that are conjugated, e.g. agam 'at me', agat 'at you', etc.
Outside of Ireland, the language is often referred to as Gaelic, but this is an error conflating Irish with its two sister languages. People in Ireland always refer to the language as Irish when speaking English.
Pronunciation guide
[edit]There are three major dialects in Irish, named for the three provinces in the north (Ulster, major cities Derry and Belfast), west (Connacht, major city Galway) and south (Munster, major cities Cork, Limerick, Waterford) of the island. The eastern province, (Leinster, major cities Dublin, Kilkenny), no longer has its own distinct dialect. The Caighdeán Oifigiúl (kaigh-DAWN iffig-OOL, official standard) has been in place since the mid-20th century after spelling was 'regularised' (to an extent). This is the official Irish that appears in phrasebooks and in Government publications. It is largely the same as the Munster dialect, with a very few exceptions. There are great differences in pronunciation between the dialects, with Munster differing the most from the other two. For example 'tá go maith', 'yes indeed' is pronounced 'TAY guh MAIGH' in Ulster but 'TAW guh MAH' in Connacht and Munster. There are also differences in the phrases used in everyday speech. In the phrasebook below, the Munster phrase has been used except where indicated. The conjugation of verbs, too, differs from dialect to dialect. Munster uses a contracted form in the past and present first person and in the third person of all three tenses. For example 'tá mé' ('TAW MAY', I am) is 'táim' ('TAW'm') in Munster, and 'bhí mé' (VEE MAY, I was) is 'bhíos' (VEE-us) in Munster.
[edit]These are the pronunciations of the vowels when stressed (stress with word-initial). Unstressed short vowels (not marked with an accent) are generally pronounced like an 'uh' sound.
- a
- like 'o' in "cod"
- á
- like 'aw' in "flaw"
- e
- like 'e' in "peg"
- é
- like 'ay' in "hay"
- i
- like 'i' in "tin"
- í
- like 'ee' in "heel"
- o
- like 'u' in "bud"
- ó
- like 'o' in "home"
- u
- like 'u' in "bud"
- ú
- like 'oo' in "cool"
- note
- vowel combinations/diphthongs in Irish (e.g. 'Gaeilge, 'seachtain) are slightly rounded and pronounced in the back of the mouth without using the lips at all. (e.g. 'Gaeilge' should not, strictly speaking, be pronounced with a w after the g.) Thus, correct pronunciation can be obtained only from imitating spoken Irish, but the pronunciation guide given here is an adequate enough approximation in that by using it, you will be perfectly understood by any Irish speaker.
[edit]Consonant combinations with h are sometimes written with a dot (séimhiú, shay-VOO) on the letter instead of the h and are sometimes silent. All consonants have two versions called caol (narrow, palatalized) and leathan (wide, velarized) (except for h, which is neither palatalized or velarized); this is indicated in writing by adjacent vowels.
As a rule, if the nearest vowel is a, o, or u, the consonant is broad. If the nearest vowel is e or i, it is slender.
- b
- like bed
- bh
- like W sound when broad; like a V sound when slender
- c
- like kid when broad; like the ty in Hungarian when slender (does not occur in English)
- ch
- as is Scottish 'loch' when broad; like high or German ich when slender
- d
- like dog but sometimes slightly softer, like the Icelandic ð or th in them, often like the English 'j' when followed by an 'e' or 'i'
- dh
- voiced h sound when broad, y when slender; sometimes vague gh sound (Munster dialect especially), always silent after long vowels
- f
- like fun
- fh
- silent (except in Ulster, where it's said like an h)
- g
- like go when broad; like the gy in Hungarian when slender (does not occur in English, with the closest approximation probably being the d in the French dure)
- gh
- see dh
- h
- like help
- l
- like lean
- m
- like mother
- mh
- same as bh but slightly softer
- n
- like nice
- ng
- like sing when broad and word initial (follow with a broad g otherwise); like onion when slender and word initial (follow with a slender g otherwise)
- p
- like pig
- ph
- like phone or whom
- r
- like rat when broad; like zh sound in vision when slender
- s
- like soon when broad; like sheen when slender
- sh
- like hear
- t
- like th in 'the', or occasionally like t in 'tin', depending on its placement in the word; sometimes pronounced as the English 'ch' in China when slender
- th
- like hear
Common diphthongs
[edit]Diphthongs are generally irregular and can be learned only by experience. For example, 'ai' in "Corcaigh" (the city and county of Cork) is pronounced like the 'i' in "dig" but the 'ai' in "faic" (nothing) is pronounced like the 'a' in "hack", and the 'ai' in "haigh!" (hi!, transliteration of a loan-word) is pronounced like the 'i' in "high".
Phrase list
[edit]There are differences in the phrases used in everyday speech in the different provinces. In the phrasebook below, the Munster phrase has been used except where indicated. The conjugation of verbs, too, differs from dialect to dialect. Munster uses a contracted form in the past and present first person and in the third person of all three tenses. For example 'tá mé' ('TAW MAY', I am) is 'táim' ('TAW'm') in Munster, and 'bhí mé' (VEE MAY, I was) is 'bhíos' (VEE-us) in Munster.
[edit]- Hello.
- Dia dhuit (DEE-a GHWIT) [Shortened form of, 'Go mbeannaí Dia dhuit', literal meaning is, 'May God bless you']
- the response to this greeting is
- Dia is Muire dhuit (DEE-a iSS MWIRR-a Gwit) [literally (May) God and (The Virgin) Mary bless you]
- How are you?
- Conas atá tú? (CUNN-us a-TAW too?)
- I'm well.
- Táim go maith (TAW'm guh MAH)
- What is your name?
- Cad is ainm duit? (COD iss ANNim dit?)
- My name is ______ .
- ______ is ainm dom (_____ iss annim dum)
- Nice to meet you.
- Deas bualadh leat. (JAHSS BOO-lah laht)
- Please.
- Le do thoil (singular), Le bhur dtoil (plural). (LE do HULL, LE wur DULL)
- Thank you/you (pl.).
- Go raibh maith agat/agaibh. (GUH ROH MAH ug-ut/ug-iv)
- You're welcome (in response to 'thank you'.
- Go ndéanaí mhaith duit/daoibh (singular/plural). ("Goh nyae-nee wah ditch/dee-iv") or
- Tá fáilte romhat/romhaibh. (TAW FOIL-chyeh ROWt/ ROW-iv)
- Yes.
- 'Sea (SHAA; note that there is no real translation for yes and no in Irish - the words here literally mean 'it is'. People usually use the question verb again in their replies, in the positive or negative, in the same tense, voice and person as the question was asked.)
- No.
- Ní hea (Nee haa; literally, 'it is not'. See note for 'Yes'.)
- Excuse me.
- Gabh mo leithscéal. (Goh mah lesh-kyale)
- I'm sorry.
- Tá brón orm. (TAW BROHN urr-im)
- Goodbye
- Slán (Slawn)
- I can't speak Irish [well].
- Níl Gaeilge [mhaith] agam. (neel GWAYL-geh [wah] ug-um)
- Do you speak English?
- An bhfuil Béarla agat? (ahn will BAYR-la ug-ut?)
- Is there someone here who speaks English?
- An bhfuil Béarla ag éinne anseo? (ahn will BAYR-la egg AYN-ya on-SHUH?)
- Help!
- Fóir dom! (Fore dum!)
- Look out!
- Bí curamach (BEE KOOR-mukh!)
- Good morning.
- Maidin maith. (mah-jin mah)
- Good evening.
- Tráthnóna maith. (Trah-no-nuh my)
- Good night.
- Oíche mhaith. (EE-hah wah)
- I don't understand.
- Ní thuigim. (NEE HIGG-im)
- Where is the toilet?
- Cá bhfuil an leithreas? (CAW will ahn LEH-HER-as?)
- Where are you from? (singular)
- Cá as duit? (CAW oss ditch?) OR Cé as thú? ("Kay ahss hoo?")
(plural) Cé as sibh? ("Kay ahss shiv?")
[edit]- Leave me alone.
- Lig dom. (ligg dum)
- Don't touch me!
- Ná bain dom! (NAW bine dum!)
- I'll call the police.
- Cuirfidh mé fios ar na Gardaí!. (KIRR-EE may FISS air nah gard-EE!)
- Police!
- Gardaí! (guard-EE!) (The literal translation of Gardai is 'Keepers')
- Stop! Thief!
- Stad! Gadaí! (STODD! god-EE!!)
- I need your help (singular).
- Tá do chabhair de dhíth orm. (TAW doh KHOWER deh YEE urr-um) (KH is guttural, OWER is like English "tower")
- It's an emergency.
- Is éigeandáil í. (Iss AE-GUN-dall EE.)
- I'm lost.
- Táim caillte. (TAW'M kyle-cheh)
- I lost my bag.
- Chaill mé mo mhála. (KYLE may muh WALL-a)
- I lost my wallet.
- Chaill mé mo thiachog. (KYLE may muh HEE-UH-Hohg)
- I'm sick.
- Tá mé tinn. (Taw may chin)
- I've been injured.
- Táim gortaithe. (TAWM GORT-i-HAH)
- I need a doctor.
- Tá dochtúir a dhíobháil orm. (Taw DOCH-TOOR deh YEE urr-im) (dochtúir is guttural)
- Can I use your phone?
- An bhfuil cead agam do ghutháin a úsáíd? (ON will KYAD a-GUM duh ghuh-HAWN a OO-SOYD?)
[edit]- 1
- aon (Ayon)
- 2
- dó (doe)
- 3
- trí (tree)
- 4
- ceathar (cah-har)
- 5
- cúig (koo-igg)
- 6
- sé (shay)
- 7
- seacht (shokht)
- 8
- ocht (okt)
- 9
- naoi (nay)
- 10
- deich (deh)
- 11
- aon déag (Ayon DAYeg)
- 12
- dó dhéag (doe yAYog)
- 13
- trí déag (tree DAYog)
- 14
- ceathar déag (cah-har DAYog)
- 15
- cúig déag (coo-igg DAYog)
- 16
- sé déag (shay DAYog)
- 17
- seacht déag (shokt DAYog)
- 18
- ocht déag (ukt DAYog)
- 19
- naoi déag (nay DAYog)
- 20
- fiche (fih-ha)
- 21
- fiche h-aon (fih-ah hAyon)
- 22
- fiche dó (fih-ah doe)
- 23
- fiche trí (fih-ah tree)
- 30
- triocha (truck-ah)
- 40
- daichead (dah-head)
- 50
- caoga (KWAY-ga)
- 60
- seasca (shas-ca)
- 70
- seachto (shokt-oe)
- 80
- ochto (UKT-oe)
- 90
- nocha (noe-KA)
- 100
- céad (kay-ahd)
- 200
- dhá chéad (ghaw kay-ahd)
- 300
- trí chéad (tree kay-ahd)
- 1000
- míle (mee-leh)
- 2000
- dhá mhíle (ghaw vee-leh)
- 1,000,000
- milliún (mill-yewn)
- number _____ (train, bus, etc.)
- uimhir a _____ (iv-urr ah)
- half
- leath (lah)
- less
- níos lú (nee-uss loo)
- more
- níos mó (nee-uss moe)
[edit]- now
- anois (ann-ish)
- later
- níos déanaí (nee-uss DAY-nee)
- before
- roimh (riv)
- morning
- maidin (moj-in)
- afternoon
- iarnóin (ear-NOE-inn)
- evening
- tráthnóna (tráthnóna)
- night
- oíche (EE-hah)
Clock time
[edit]- one o'clock AM
- haon a chlog ar maidin (HAY-ann ah klug err MOJ-in)
- two o'clock AM
- dó a chlog ar maidin (DOE ah klug err MOJ-in)
- noon
- nóin (noe-inn)
- one o'clock PM
- haon a chlog san iarnóin (HAY-ann ah klug san ear-NOE-inn)
- two o'clock PM
- dó a chlog san iarnóin (DOE ah klug san ear-NOE-inn)
- midnight
- meanoíche (mann EE-hah)
[edit]- _____ minute(s)
- _____ nóiméad (NOE-made)
- _____ hour(s)
- _____ uair (oor)
- _____ day(s)
- _____ lá/laethanta (law/LAY-hint-ah))
- _____ week(s)
- _____ seachtan(na) (shokt-inn(ah))
- _____ month(s)
- _____ mí (mee)
- _____ year(s)
- _____ blian(ta) (BLI-an(tah))
[edit]- today
- inniu (inn-yew)
- yesterday
- inné (inn-yay)
- tomorrow
- amárach (am-AW-rok)
- this week
- an seachtain seo (on shokt-inn shuh)
- last week
- an seachtain seo caite (on shokt-inn shuh cotch-ah)
- next week
- an seachtain seo chugainn (on shokt-inn shuh koo-inn)
- Sunday
- Domhnach (DOW-nok)
- Monday
- Luain (Loo-inn)
- Tuesday
- Máirt (MAWrt)
- Wednesday
- Céadaoin (KAY-deen)
- Thursday
- Déardaoin (dare-deen)
- Friday
- Aoine (EE-nah)
- Saturday
- Satharn (SAH-harn)
[edit]In Ireland, spring starts on the 1st of February.
- January
- Eanair (ann-arr)
- February
- Feabhra (fyow-rah)
- March
- Márta (mawr-tah)
- April
- Aibreán (ab-rawn)
- May
- Bealtainne (byowl-tin-neh)
- June
- Meitheamh (meh-hiv)
- July
- Iúil (oo-ill)
- August
- Lúnasa (loon-assah)
- September
- Mean Fomhair (mann foe-arr)
- October
- Deireadh Fomhair (derr-ah foe-arr)
- November
- Samhain (SOW-inn)
- December
- Nollaig (null-igg)
[edit]- black
- dubh (duv)
- white
- bán (bawn)
- gray
- liath (LEE-ath)
- red
- dearg (dahrg)
- pink
- bándearg (bawn dahrg)
- blue
- gorm (gurm)
- yellow
- buí (buee)
- green
- glas (gloss)
- orange
- oráiste (urr-AW-ish-tah)
- brown
- donn (done)
[edit]Bus and train
[edit]- How much is a ticket to _____?
- Cé mhéad atá ar thicéad go dtí _____? (kay VAYD ah-TAW air HICK-aid guh jee)
- One ticket to _____, please.
- Ticéad amháin go dtí _____, le do thoil. (TICK-aid ah-WAWN guh jee _____, leh duh hull)
- Where does this train/bus go?
- Cá rachaidh an traein/bus seo? (kaw ROCK-ee on train/bus shuh?)
- Where is the train/bus to _____?
- Cá bhfuil an traein/bus go dtí _____? (kaw will on train/bus guh jee _____?)
- Does this train/bus stop in _____?
- An stadfaidh an traein/bus seo i _____? (on STAWD-fee on train/bus shuh ih _____?)
- When does the train/bus for _____ leave?
- Cathain a fagfaidh an traein/bus go dtí _____? (CAW-hin ah FOG-fee on train/bus guh jee _____?)
- When will this train/bus arrive in _____?
- Cathain a bhainfidh an traein/bus amach i _____? (CAW-hin ah VAN-fee on train/bus ah-MOCK ih _____?)
[edit]- How do I get to _____ ?
- Cad é an bealach go dtí _____ ? (cod ay an BAHL-ock guh jee ______ ?)
- ...the train station?
- stáisiún traenach? (on STAW-shoon TRAY-nock?)
- ...the bus station?
- busáras? (on bus-AW-rass?)
- ...the airport?
- t-aerfort? (on TAIR-fort?)
- ...downtown?
- ...lár na cathrach? (LAWR na CAW-rock?)
- ...the youth hostel?
- brú óige? (on broo OH-geh?)
- ...the _____ hotel?
- ostán _____? (on USS-tawn?)
- ...the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate?
- consalacht Meiriceánach/Ceanadach/Astrálach/Briotanach? (on KUN-sah-lockt merry-KAW-nock/KYANNY-dock/oss-TRAWL-ock/BRIT-in-ock?)
- Where are there a lot of...
- Cá bhfuil a lán... (kaw will a lawn...)
- ...óstáin? (USS-tawn)
- ...restaurants?
- ...bialanna? (BEE-ah-LAWN-ah)
- ...bars?
- ...beáir? (bor)
- ...sites to see?
- ...laithreáin a fheiceáil? (LAH-rawn a ECK-oil)
- Can you show me on the map?
- An dtaispeánfaidh tú dom ar an léarscáil? (on DASH-PAWN-ee too dum air on LAIR-shkawl)
- street
- sráid (shrawd)
- Turn left.
- Cas ar chlé. (coss air khlay)
- Turn right.
- Cas ar dheis. (coss air yesh)
- left
- clé (clay)
- right
- deas (jass)
- straight ahead
- díreach ar aghaidh (DEE-rock air eye)
- towards the _____
- chun an/na_____ (kun on/nah)
- past the _____
- thar an/na_____ (har on/nah)
- before the _____
- roimh an/na_____ (riv on/nah)
- Watch for the _____.
- Bí ag faire amach don/do na_____. (bee eg FAR-eh a-MOCK dun/duh nah)
- intersection
- crosbhealach (cross-VYAL-ock)
- north
- tuaisceart (TUSH-kyart)
- south
- deisceart (DESH-kyart)
- east
- oirthear (OR-har)
- west
- iarthar (EER-har)
- uphill
- i gcoinne an aird (ih GUN-yeh on orj)
- downhill
- ag bun an cnoic (egg bun on knuck)
[edit]- Taxi!
- Tacsaí! (Tuhk-see)
- Take me to _____, please.
- thabhairt dom go dtí _____, le do thoil.(HOORt dum guh djee____, lehd HULL.)
- How much does it cost to go to _____?
- cé mhéad a chosnaíonn é a dhul go dtí _____? (kay vayd a HOHS-nee-uhn ay a ghul guh djee ____?)
- Take me there, please.
- Thabhairt dom ann, le do thoill. (HOOR-t dum ow-n)
[edit]- Do you have any rooms available?
- An bhfuil aon seomraí ar fáil? (on will ayn show'm-ree air fawl)
- How much is a room for one person/two people?
- Ce mhead ata seomra le haighaidh duine amhain/ beirt daoine? (kay veyd atAW showmrah leh high din-na awAN/ bert dee-nee )
- Does the room come with...
- Does the room come with... (...)
- ...bedsheets?
- ...bedsheets? (...)
- ...a bathroom?
- Seomra Folchta (show-mra ful-ka)
- ...a telephone?
- Guthán (guh-HAWN)
- ...a TV?
- Teilifís (Tele-feesh)
- May I see the room first?
- May I see the room first? (...)
- Do you have anything quieter?
- Do you have anything quieter? (...)
- ...bigger?
- ...bigger? (...)
- ...cleaner?
- ...cleaner? (...)
- ...cheaper?
- ...cheaper? (...)
- OK, I'll take it.
- OK, I'll take it. (...)
- I will stay for _____ night(s).
- I will stay for _____ night(s). (...)
- Can you suggest another hotel?
- Can you suggest another hotel? (...)
- Do you have a safe?
- Do you have a safe? (...)
- ...lockers?
- ...lockers? (...)
- Is breakfast/supper included?
- Is breakfast/supper included? (...)
- What time is breakfast/supper?
- What time is breakfast/supper? (...)
- Please clean my room.
- Glan mo sheomre le do thoil. (Glohn muh heomrah leh duh hul)
- Can you wake me at _____? | Can you wake me at _____? (...)
- I want to check out.
- I want to check out. (...)
[edit]- Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars?
- An nglacann tú/sibh le dollair Meiriceánach/Astrálach/Ceanadach? (On NG-loc-an too/shiv le dollar mer-i-CAWN-och/os-TRAWL-och/KYAN-a-dyoch?)
- Do you accept British pounds?
- An nglacann tú/sibh le puint Briotánach? (On NG-loc-an too/shiv le pwint bri-TAWN-och?)
- Do you accept credit cards?
- An nglacann tú/sibh le cártaí creidmheasa? (On NG-loc-an too/shiv le KAWR-tee cred-va-sa?)
- Can you change money for me?
- An féidir leat airgead a mhalartú ar mo shon? (On FAYH-dizh latch ar-gid a wol-ar-too ayr mu hun?)
- Where can I get money changed?
- Cás féidir liom airgead a mhalartú? (Kaws FAYH-dizh lum ar-gid a wol-ar-too?)
- Can you change a traveler's check for me?
- An féidir leat seic thaistil a mhalartú ar mo shon? (On FAYH-dizh latch shek HASH-til a wol-ar-too ayr mu shun?)
- Where can I get a traveler's check changed?
- Cás féidir liom seic thaistil a mhalartú? (Kaws FAYH-dizh lum shek HASH-til a wol-ar-too?)
- What is the exchange rate?
- Cad é an ráta malartú? (Cod ay on RAW-ta wol-ar-too?)
- Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)?
- Cá bfuil an pól an bhainc? (Kaw will on pull on vonk?)
[edit]- A table for one person/two people, please.
- Bord do duine amháin/beirt, le do thoil (bord duh DINN-eh ah-WAWN/burtch, leh duh hull)
- Can I look at the menu, please?
- An féidir liom a féachaint ar an bhiachlár, le do thoil? (uhn FAY-duhr lyom uh FEE-uh-khunt uhr uhn vee-uh-KHLAWR, lehd-HULL)
- Can I look in the kitchen?
- An féidir liom a féachaint sa chistin? (uh FAY-duhr lyom uh FEE-uh-khunt suh KHISH-tin?)
- Is there a house specialty?
- An bhfuil speisialtacht an tí?(uh vwil spehsheeltkht uhn tee?)
- Is there a local specialty?
- An bhfuil speisialtacht áitiúil? (uh vwil spehsheeltkht aw-TYOO-il?)
- I'm a vegetarian.
- Is feoilséantóir mé (is fyohl-shayn-TOOR meh.)
- I don't eat pork.
- Ní ithim muiceoil. (nee IH-im MWIH-kyoll)
- I don't eat beef.
- Ní ithim mairteola. (nee IH-im MAR-toll-ah)
- I only eat kosher food.
- Ithim bia coisir amháin. (IH-im bee-ah kosher ah-WAWN)
- Can you make it "lite", please? (less oil/butter/lard)
- Le níos lú saill, le do thoil? (leh neese loo sall, leh duh hull)
- fixed-price meal
- béile le luach seasta (BAY-leh leh LOO-kh SHASS-tah)
- à la carte
- à la carte (...)
- breakfast
- bricfeásta (BRICK-faw-stah)
- lunch
- lón (lone)
- tea (meal)
- tae (tay)
- supper
- suipéar (sip-AIR)
- I want _____.
- _____ atá uaim. (___at-AW wim)
- I would like a dish with _____.
- Ba mhaith liom baochas a mhias le _____(buh vah lyum BAY-uh-khas uh VEE-as leh _____)
- chicken
- sicín (shik-EEN)
- beef
- mairteola (mwir-TYOH-lah)
- fish
- iasc (eesk)
- ham
- liamhás (LEE-uh-vaws)
- sausage
- ispín (ispheen)
- cheese
- cáis (kawsh)
- eggs
- uibheacha (IV-ah-kah)
- salad
- sailéad (sai-LAYD)
- (fresh) vegetables
- glasraí (úr) (GLAHS-ree (OOR))
- bread
- arán (ah-RAWN)
- toast
- tósta (TOHS-tah)
- noodles
- núdail (NOO-dil)
- rice
- rís (reesh)
- beans
- pónairí (poh-NUH-ree...)
- sandwich
- ceapaire
- meat
- feoil
- pasta
- pasta
- May I have a glass of _____?
- An mbeidh gloine _____ agam? (uh meg GLI-neh...)
- May I have a cup of _____?
- An mbeidh cupán _____ agam? (un meg cuh-PAWN ____ uh-GUHM)
- May I have a bottle of _____?
- An mbeidh buidéal _____ agam? (un meg bi-DAYL ____ uh-GUHM)
- coffee
- caife (ka-feh)
- tea (drink)
- tae (tay)
- juice
- subh (soov)
- mineral water
- uisce mianraí (ISH-keh mee-uhn-REE...)
- water
- uisce (ISH-kah)
- beer
- beoir (bi-or)
- red/white wine
- Fíon dearg/bán (...)
- May I have some _____?
- An mbeidh roinnt _____ agam? (un meg rint ____ uh-GUHM?)
- salt
- sallan (...)
- black pepper
- piobar dubh(PI-burr DUH-v)
- butter
- im ('im')
- Excuse me, waiter? (getting attention of server)
- Gabh mo leischeal, a fhreastalaí? (guh muh leh-SHKAYL, uh RAHS-tuh-lee?)
- I'm finished.
- Táim críochnaithe. (tawm KREEKH-nuh-hah)
- It was delicious.
- Bhí sé go blásta. (vee shay go BLAWS-tuh)
- Please clear the table.
- glan an mbord, le d'thoil. (GLAHN an MORD lehd HULL...)
- Give me the bill, please.
- Tobhair dom an bhille, le do thoil. (on VILL-eh, lehd HULL)
[edit]- Do you serve alcohol?
- An ndíolainn sibh achól? (...)
- Is there table service?
- An bhfuil seirbhís boird i bhfeidhm? (...)
- A beer/two beers, please.
- (insert amount- ie. cup/glass/mug)beoir, le do thoil. (...)
- A glass of red/white wine, please.
- Gloinne fíon dearg/bán le do thoil. (...)
- A pint, please.
- Pionta, le do thoil. (...)
- A bottle, please.
- Buidéal, le do thoil. (...)
- _____ (hard liquor) and _____ (mixer), please.
- _____ agus _____, le do thoil. (...)
- whiskey
- uisce beatha (ISH-kaa baaha)
- vodka
- vodca (...)
- rum
- rum (...)
- water
- uice (ISH-kaa)
- club soda
- club soda (...)
- tonic water
- tonic water (...)
- orange juice
- sú oráiste (...)
- Coke (soda)
- Cóc (...)
- Do you have any bar snacks?
- An bhfuil aon sneaic beáir agat? (...)
- One more, please.
- Ceann amháin eile le do thoil. (...)
- Another round, please.
- Babhta eile, le do thoil. (...)
- When is closing time?
- Cathain a bhfuil sibh dúnta? (...)
- a Toast - To Health or Life
- Sláinte (Slawn-cha)
[edit]- Do you have this in my size?
- (...)
- How much is this?
- Cé mhéad é seo? (...)
- That's too expensive.
- Tá sé sin ró-dhaor. (...)
- Would you take _____?
- (...)
- expensive
- daor (...)
- cheap
- (...)
- I can't afford it.
- (...)
- I don't want it.
- Ní theastaíonn sé uaim (...)
- You're cheating me.
- (...)
- I'm not interested.
- (..)
- OK, I'll take it.
- OK. Tógfaidh mé é (...)
- Can I have a bag?
- An féidir liom mála a fháil? (...)
- Do you ship (overseas)?
- (...)
- I need...
- Is gá liom... (...)
- ...toothpaste.
- (...)
- ...a toothbrush.
- (...)
- ...tampons.
- (...)
- ...soap.
- (...)
- ...shampoo.
- (...)
- ...pain reliever. (e.g., aspirin or ibuprofen)
- (...)
- ...cold medicine.
- (...)
- ...stomach medicine.
- (...)
- ...a razor.
- (...)
- umbrella.
- (...)
- ...sunblock lotion.
- (...)
- ...a postcard.
- ...cárta phoist. (...)
- ...postage stamps.
- ...stampai. (...)
- ...batteries.
- (...)
- ...writing paper.
- ...páipéar. (...)
- ...a pen.
- ...peann. (...)
- ...English-language books.
- (...)
- ...English-language magazines.
- (...)
- English-language newspaper.
- ...nuachtán i mBéarla. (...)
- Irish-English dictionary.
- ...fóclóir Gaeilge-Béarla. (...)
[edit]- I want to rent a car.
- I want to rent a car. (Tá carr/gluaisteán ar cíos uaim)
- Can I get insurance?
- Can I get insurance? (An féidir liom árachas a fháil)
- stop (on a street sign)
- stop (Stad)
- one way
- one way (slí/bealach amháin)
- yield
- Géill slí (Gale shlee)
- no parking
- no parking (ná pairceáil)
- speed limit
- speed limit (luastheorann)
- gas (petrol) station
- gas station (stáisiún peitril)
- petrol
- petrol (peitreal)
- diesel
- diesel (díosal)
- gas (LPG)
- gas (LPG) (gás)
[edit]- I haven't done anything wrong.
- Ní dhéarna mé coir. (nee YAR-nah may kor)
- It was a misunderstanding.
- Ba mhíthuiscint é. (bah VEE-HISH-kint ay)
- Where are you taking me?
- Cá bhfuil tú ag tógail mé? (kaw will too ag TOWG-awl may)
- Am I under arrest?
- An bhfuil mé gafa? (on will may GOFF-ah)
- I am an American/Australian/British/Canadian citizen.
- Is saoránach Meiriceánach/Astrálach/Briotanach/Ceanadach mé. (iss sayr-AWN-ock merry-KAWN-ock/ass-TRAWL-ock/BRIT-annock/KYANNY-dock may)
- I want to talk to the American/Australian/British/Canadian embassy/consulate.
- Ba mhaith liom labhairt leis an ambasáid/consalacht Meiriceánach/Astrálach/Briotanach/Ceanadach. (bah wawh lum LOWR-t lesh on OM-bass-oyj/CUN-sill-ockt merry-KAWN-ock/ass-TRAWL-ock/BRIT-annock/KYANNY-dock)
- I want to talk to a lawyer.
- Ba mhaith liom labhairt le dlíodóir. (bah wawh lum LOWR-t leh DLEE-dor)
- Can I just pay a fine now?
- An féidir liom íocaíocht cáin amháin anois? (on FAY-jer lum EEK-ee-ockt koyn ah-WAWN ah-NISH)