The Right Bank corresponds to the urban area of Saint Petersburg east of the River Neva and the Center. It's hardly visited by tourists, but has its share of hidden charms.
Get in
By train
[edit]- 1 [formerly dead link] Ladozhskii Station (Ладожский вокзал), Zanevsky Prospekt (Заневский проспект, Площадь Карла Фаберже), 73 (
:Ladozhskaya «Ладожская»,
: 4М, 4МА, 5, 21, 24, 27, 30, 77, 82, 92, 123, 168, 429, 453, 462, 531, 532, 533, 860Л
: 8, 10, 59, 64;
: 1, 22;
: К-5, К-17, К-21, К-32, К-77, К-92, К-95, К118, К-123, К-167, К-187, К-271, К-322, К-369, К-401, К-429, 430, 430А, К-462Р, 531К, К-533.). - This is the newest and most modern passenger railway station in Saint Petersburg, designed by architect Nikita Yavein, is one of the largest in Russia with a capacity of up to 50 commuter departures and 26 long distance departures accommodating 4,500 passengers per hour. Built at a cost of nine billion rubles (US$300 million), the station opened in 2003 for the 300th anniversary of the city's founding. - Vladimir Putin himself inaugurated the new station in his hometown. Transport: For various destinations including Petrozavodsk 835 руб, Arkhangelsk 1697 руб, Tyumen 3038 руб, Tula 1435 руб Krasnodar 2839 руб, Murmansk 2030 руб, Ekaterinburg, Cheliabinsk, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Astana (Kazakhstan), Helsinki (night-train Leo Tolstoi). Suburban trains. —
By metro
[edit]Four metro stations serve this area:
: Novocherkasskaya «Новочеркасская» (under Zanevsky Sq. Formed by the intersection of Zanevsky and Novocherkassk avenues);
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская» (on the Ladozhskii Square. Serves the railway station of same name.);
: Prospect Bolshevikov «Проспект Большевиков» (on the corner of Kollontai and Pyatiletok streets);
: Ulitsa Dybenko «Улица Дыбенко» (at the corner of Bolshevikov and Dybenko avenues).

- 1 Porokhovye Factory, Sverdlovskaya embankment, ? (
: Novocherkasskaya «Новочеркасская», then
: 90). Founded in 1710 by Peter the Great, this gunpowder producing plant was the flagship of the chemical industry in Russia for 200 years. It is still operational. This district is hardly visited by tourists, but in its own way is very picturesque, with Imperial and Soviet industrial architecture.
- 2 Nienschantz monument (
: Ploshchad Alexandra Nevskogo II 'Площадь Александра Невского-2', across the bridge). It's a place with a claim to be the spot where the city was actually founded in 17th century, as here stood the Swedish fortress conquered by Peter the Great, at the confluence of the Neva and Okhta. Nowadays there is a nice commemorative marker, and no crowds at all.
- 3 St. Ilya's Church (Церковь во имя Святóго Прорóка Или́и), Ilyinskaya Sloboda (Ильинская слобода), 4 (From
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская» take Tram 64 or
: 27, 92, 168 or
: 92 to 'Лесопарковая улица/ Рябовское шоссе' - from the station. Metro "Finland Station":
: 37,
: 37; - from
: Prospect Bolshevikov «Проспект Большевиков»
: 164
: 102, 122; - from
: Akademicheskaya 'Академическая':
: 102, 153,
: 102). The temple is open for visits: M-F 09:15-18:30, Sa 09:15-19:30, Su 06:45-19:00. Nice yellow church on the grounds of the Okhtinskaya gunpowder plant (Охтинский пороховой завод), built in the style of early Russian classicism, a circular rotunda surrounded by a colonnade of sixteen Ionic columns. Its construction started in 1782, and was completed and consecrated in 1785.
- 4 Zanevsky Park (Заневский парк), Malookhtinskiy prospekt, 98 (From
: Novocherkasskaya «Новочеркасская» take Tram 10, 23, 65 to stop 'Таллинская улица').
- 5 Malookhtinsky Park (Малоохтинский парк), Novocherkassky prospekt (
: Novocherkasskaya «Новочеркасская» further
: 7, 10, 23 to stop Республиканская улица).
- 6 Utkina Dacha estate, Utkin prospekt, 4 (From
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская» NE 1.5km). Country house, built in 1790s, reported to be amazingly quiet and derelict. Access is forbidden as of July 2014.
- 7 Novy Okkervil. A massive building - apartment building complex, where approx. 15-20000 people live. Contains some shops and a pub.
- Okhta (Охта). A historical district near the mouth of the Okhta River, contains a mix of colourful 19th-century apartments, early Stalinkas, and later, Soviet blocks near the Neva, as well as in the back of the area. The dead ends and alleys are pretty hard to navigate, but it's totally worth it!
[edit]- 1 Polyustrovsky Park (Полюстровский парк, Парк имени 50-летия Октября), Shosse Revolutsii (Шоссе Революции) (trolley № 43
: 23, 30).
- 2 Neva garden with the statue of the Okhtenka (сад Нева со статуей Охтенки), Shosse Revolutsii (Шоссе Революции) (trolley № 43,
: 23, 30). The statue pictures "a Finnish girl from Okhta".
- 3 Ice Palace (Ledoviy Dvorets, Ледовый Дворец), prospekt Pyatiletok (Проспект Пятилеток), 1 (
: Prospekt Bolshevikov 'Проспект Большевиков'), ☏ +7 812 718-6620, Cash desks: Daily 11:00-20:00. It was built for the 2000 Ice Hockey World Championships and opened in 2000 and cost US$60 million. It holds 12,300 people. One of several sports arenas that also serves as a concert hall for pop and rock concerts. 800-10000 руб.
- 4 Park "Malinovka" (парк «Малиновка»), Idustrialnii prospekt (между улицей Передовиков и Индустриальным проспектом), (tram 8, 10, 59, to stop 'Улица Передовиков/ Проспект Косыгина').
- Ladozhskiy Park (Ладожский парк), prospekt Kosygina (Проспект Косыгина) (
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская»
: 8, 10, 59).
[edit]This area features a great number of so-called "neighborhood stores", supermarkets and hypermarkets:
- 1 Auchan hypermarkets (Ашан), Murmansk Highway, km 12 (Всеволожский район, Мурманское шоссе, 12 км)/Narodnaya ulitsa, 82 (from
: Ulitsa Dybenko 'Улица Дыбенко'
: К339 to stop 'Народная улица, 100'), ☏ +7 812 448-60-24, +7 812 448-46-85. 08:30—22:00. Hypermarket in TC MEGA IKEA.
- 2 [formerly dead link] Carousel hypermarket (Карусель), Kollontai st (ул. Коллонтай,), 3 (
: Prospekt Bolshevikov 'Проспект Большевиков' further
: 27, 65, А, Аа, to 'ул. Коллонтай'), ☏ +7 812 448-43-20, 24 hr.
- 3 [formerly dead link] Carousel hypermarket (Карусель), prospekt Bolshevikov, 32 (from
: Ulitsa Dybenko 'Улица Дыбенко' further
: 4, 97, 140.
:14, 27, 28 to 'Проспект Большквиков дом 33'), ☏ +7 812 449-81-20. 24 hr.
- 4 Lenta Khasanskaya (Лента), ul. Khasanskaya, 17, корп. 1 (
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская» further
: 8 to stop 'Хасанская улица'), ☏ +7 812 363-25-97, toll-free: +7 800 700-4111. 24h.
- 5 Lenta (Dalnyevostochnii) (Лента (Дальневосточный)), Dalnyevostochnii prospekt (Дальневосточный проспект), 16, корп. 1 (
: Prospekt Bolshevikov
: 23, 27 to stop 'ТК Лента (Дальневосточный проспект)'), ☏ +7 812 448-02-82, toll-free: +7 (800) 700-4111. 24 hr.
- 6 Metro hypermarket (гипермаркет «Metro»), prospekt Kosygina (пр-т Косыгина), 4, лит. А (
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская»
: 8, 10, 59). M-F 07:00-22:00, Sa Su 08:00-22:00.
- 7 "National" shopping mall (торговый комплекс «Народный»), prospekt Kosygina (Проспект Косыгина), 21 (
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская»
: 8, 10, 59), ☏ +7 812 577-2873. Daily 08:00-02:00. This is an absolutely legendary place among locals. It's very, very, very cheap!
- 8 OK Zanevskii (О'Кей), Zanevskii prospekt.(Заневский проспект), 65, корп. 1, лит. А (
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская»), ☏ +7 812 703-70-05. 24 hr.
- 9 OK Bolshevikov (О'Кей), corner of prospekt Bolshevikov and ul. Podvoyskogo (from
: Ulitsa Dybenko 'Улица Дыбенко' or Prospekt Bolshevikov
: К57, К122, К140, К161, К215, K218, К239, К264, К388, К401, К409, К801 to stop 'Проспект Большевиков, угол улицы Подвойского'), ☏ +7 812 703-70-07. 09h-23h.
- 10 OK Idustrialnii (О'Кей), Idustrialnii prospekt ( Индустриальный проспект), 25 (corner with Pr. Entusiastov,
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская» further
: 8, 10, 59, 64 to stop 'Индустриальный проспект/ Проспект Косыгина'), ☏ +7 812 703-70-13. 09:00—23:00.
- 11 Pyatyorochka supermarket (Пятёрочка), prospekt Bolshevikov, 24 (from
: Ulitsa Dybenko 'Улица Дыбенко' 200m).
- 12 Perekryostok supermarket (Перекрёсток), Zanevskiy prospekt, 67 (
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская»), ☏ +7 812 336-39-00. 24 hr.
- 13 Juny Shopping Center (торгово-развлекательный центр «Июнь»), Idustrialnii prospekt (проспект Индустриальный), 24 (
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская» further
: 8, 10, 59, 64 to stop 'Индустриальный проспект/ Проспект Косыгина').
- 14 Nevskiy Department Store, Prospekt Bolshevikov, 6 (
: Prospect Bolshevikov «Проспект Большевиков»).
- 15 Market at Bolshevikov, prospekt Pyatiletok, 1А (
: Prospect Bolshevikov «Проспект Большевиков»).
- 1 McDonald´s (Макдоналдс), Idustrialnii prospekt (Индустриальный пр.), 22 (
: Ladozhskaya «Ладожская» further
: 8, 10, 59, 64 to stop 'Индустриальный проспект/ Проспект Косыгина'), ☏ +7 812 8 812 406-77-37. 10:00—22:00. That very well-known fare.
- 2 Pizza Hut, prospekt Bolshevikov (пр. Большевиков), 9, корп. 1, лит. А (
: Prospect Bolshevikov «Проспект Большевиков»), ☏ +7 812 589-58-38. Other very well-known fare.
- 3 Subway (САБВЭЙ), prospekt Novocherkassky 28/19 (
: Novocherkasskaya
: 7, 10, 23 to stop 'Улица Помяловского'), ☏ +7 812 528-68-21.
[edit]- 1 Okhtinskaya (Охтинская), Bolsheokhtinski (Большеохтинский проспект), 4 (
: 22, 1a, 105 to stop 'Улица Тарасов'), ☏ +7 812 227-44-38, +7 812 227-37-67, +7 812 227-86-02, fax: +7 (812) 227-26-18, +7 (812) 227-23-85, 293 rooms, with single, double and triple accommodation. Nice views of the Neva and the Smolny complex. Free WiFi and free TV channels movies in all rooms, noncontact electronical lock keys, furniture, mini-bar, air conditioning, mirror, telephone, shower or bathtub, towels, hair dryer, toiletries, etc. Buffet breakfast is always included. Single/double from 2500 руб/3100 руб.