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Battles of the American Civil War - 1864
  • Battle of Olustee February 20, 1864 Florida Confederate victory: Union fails to take Florida.
  • First Battle of Dalton February 22-27, 1864 Georgia Confederate victory: After several days of intense skirmishing, Maj. Gen. George H. Thomas's army withdrew upon realizing Gen. J. E. Johnston's troops could repel any assault. However, the intelligence garnered from the Battle of Dalton helped pave the way for a Union victory in the summer.
  • Battle of Fort De Russy March 12-14, 1864 Louisiana Union victory: Fort DeRussy fell and the Red River to Alexandria was open.
  • Battle of Laredo March 18, 1864 Texas Confederate victory: Union force sent to destroy 5,000 bales of cotton located at St. Augustine's Plaza
  • Battle of Paducah March 25, 1864 Kentucky Confederate victory: Confederate raid by Forrest successful.
  • Battle of Elkin's Ferry April 3–4, 1864 Arkansas Union victory: Confederates unable to prevent Union river crossing.
  • Battle of Mansfield or Sabine Cross Roads April 8, 1864 Louisiana Confederate victory: Banks Union Red River Campaign halted by the Confederates.
  • Battle of Fort Pillow April 12, 1864 Tennessee Confederate victory: N.B. Forrest takes fort, massacres black soldiers.
  • Battle of Salyersville April 13–14, 1864 Kentucky Union victory: Confederates were driven into Salyersville with heavy losses.
  • Battle of Plymouth April 17, 1864 North Carolina Confederate victory: Confederate land forces, supported by naval ram, retake two Union forts near Plymouth, North Carolina.
  • Battle of Poison Spring April 18, 1864 Arkansas Confederate victory: Part of Red River Campaign in Arkansas, black troops massacred.
  • Battle of Spotsylvania Court House May 8–21, 1864 Virginia Inconclusive: Grant and Lee meet inconclusively, Grant writes to Halleck "I propose to fight it out on this line if it takes all summer".
  • Battle of Swift Creek May 9, 1864 Virginia Inconclusive: Union forces damage railroad, but are stopped by Confederate forces.
  • Battle of Adairsville May 17, 1864 Georgia Union victory: Failed Confederate attempt to destroy part of the Union force approaching Atlanta.
  • Battle of North Anna May 23–26, 1864 Virginia Inconclusive: Lee outmaneuvers Grant, but because of illness, he is unable to capitalize.
  • Battle of Dallas (Georgia) May 26 – June 4, 1864 Georgia Union victory: Confederate withdrawal in Georgia.
  • Battle of Old Church May 30, 1864 Virginia Union victory: Union forces drive Confederates back to Cold Harbor.
  • Battle of Cold Harbor May 31–June 12, 1864 Virginia Confederate victory: Lee repulses Grant, Confederate general says "This is not war, this is murder".
  • Battle of Marietta June 6 – July 3, 1864 Georgia Union victory: Sherman defeats Johnston.
  • Battle of Lynchburg June 17–18, 1864 Virginia Confederate victory: Fake Confederate reinforcements lead to Union retreat.
  • Battle of Kolb's Farm June 22, 1864 Georgia Union victory: Confederate attack fails due to poor terrain conditions.
  • Battle of Monocacy (Battle of Monocacy Junction) July 9, 1864 Maryland Confederate victory: Union Gen. Lew Wallace slows up Jubal Early, saving DC.
  • Battle of Fort Stevens July 11–12, 1864 District of Columbia Union victory: Failed Confederate attempt to capture Washington, D.C., President Lincoln, observing the battle, comes under Confederate fire.
  • Battle of Ezra Church July 28, 1864 Georgia Union victory: (Atlanta Campaign) Confederate attack on Union army northwest of Atlanta fails to gain element of surprise, finding entrenched Union forces. Union victory.
  • Battle of Brown's Mill July 30, 1864 Georgia Confederate victory: cavalry engagement during Atlanta campaign
  • Battle of Fort Smith July 31, 1864 Arkansas Union victory: Federal troops maintain control of western Arkansas
  • Second Battle of Deep Bottom August 14–20, 1864 Virginia Confederate victory: The Confederates drove back the Union threat, but at a cost of diluting their forces as the Union had hoped.
  • Battle of Globe Tavern August 18–21, 1864 Virginia Union victory: Confederate forces lose control of railroads at Petersburg.
  • Battle of Opequon (Third Battle of Winchester) September 19, 1864 Virginia Union victory: Sheridan defeats Early, several officers killed or wounded on both sides.
  • Battle of Fort Davidson September 27, 1864 Missouri Union victory: Union forces detonate their own fort after losing to Confederates.
  • Battle of Marianna September 27, 1864 Florida Union victory: Cavalry raid into Florida panhandle.
  • Battle of Peebles' Farm September 30, 1864 – October 2, 1864 Virginia Union victory: Union victory near Petersburg.
  • First Battle of Saltville October 1–3, 1864 Virginia Confederate victory: Confederates defeat Union Black Cavalry, war crimes committed against captured blacks.
  • Battle of Darbytown Road October 13, 1864 Virginia Confederate victory: Federal assault on Confederate fortifications repulsed with heavy casualties.
  • Battle of Cedar Creek October 19, 1864 Virginia Union victory: Sheridan defeats Early, drives Confederates from Shenandoah Valley.
  • St. Albans raid October 19, 1864 Vermont Confederate victory: Northernmost land action of the American Civil War
  • Battle of Westport October 23, 1864 Missouri Union victory: Union forces win decisive battle to take control of Missouri.
  • Battle of Mine Creek October 25, 1864 Kansas Union victory: Price's army crushed, flees back into Missouri.
  • Battle of Decatur October 26–29, 1864 Alabama Union victory: Confederates unable to cross river.
  • Battle of Johnsonville November 4–5, 1864 Tennessee Confederate victory: Confederates bombard Union forces during the night after a fire starts near union positions.
  • Battle of Bull's Gap November 11–13, 1864 Tennessee Confederate victory: Minor Confederate victory during U.S. Civil War.
  • Battle of Columbia November 24, 1864 Tennessee Confederate victory: Confederates divert attention.
  • Battle of Spring Hill November 29, 1864 Tennessee Union victory: Confederate mistakes allow Federal forces to redeploy, leading to the Battle of Franklin.
  • Battle of Honey Hill November 30, 1864 South Carolina Confederate victory: The third battle of Sherman's March to the Sea was a failed Union Army expedition under Maj. Gen. John P. Hatch that attempted to cut off the Charleston and Savannah Railroad in support of Sherman's projected arrival in Savannah.
  • Battle of Anthony's Hill (Battle of King's Hill) December 24, 1864 Tennessee Confederate victory: Forrest turns back Union pursuers after the Battle of Nashville.
  • Battle of Nashville December 15–16, 1864 Tennessee Union victory: Thomas attacks and virtually destroys Hood's Confederate Army of Tennessee.

  • Note: Sources are basically from converting Wikipedia Civil War tables, Wikidata id extraction and information found in Wikivoyage. This is experimental and to conform to WV use may have to be converted to markers or listings -- Matroc (talk) 01:08, 28 August 2018 (UTC)