User talk:AnónimoMCG

From Wikivoyage
Latest comment: 2 months ago by Ibaman in topic Blocked
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Hello, AnónimoMCG! Thank you for contributing to Wikivoyage, but please note that one or more of your recent edits has been reverted as it appeared to be an attempt to use this site to advertise or promote a business or service. Wikivoyage is created by travellers for travellers, and while business owners and employees are welcome to contribute, use of this site for promotional purposes is not allowed.

If you feel that your edits were incorrectly identified as promotional, please read Wikivoyage's guidelines on identifying promotional edits. If, after reading that guideline, you still feel your edits were incorrectly removed, please use this talk page or the talk page of the article where your edit was removed to explain why your change was not promotional. Note that it is very important that you discuss your proposed change before re-adding it since repeated promotional edits can lead to a temporary block of your account's ability to edit Wikivoyage, and in serious cases the business in question may be blacklisted from Wikivoyage.

LPfi (talk) 06:46, 16 July 2024 (UTC)Reply

Individual hotels should generally not be mentioned in country articles (check whether it is mentioned in the city article and add it there if it isn't) – and aren't some of the other hotels also liked by some stayers? –LPfi (talk) 06:57, 16 July 2024 (UTC)Reply



You failed to read and comply with the above, and as a result, you are now blocked. Ibaman (talk) 13:40, 19 July 2024 (UTC)]Reply