Wikivoyage:Why register
Creating an account at Wikivoyage gives a bunch of benefits:
- Easier communication — you will receive others' comments on your personal talk page, even if your future visits are from a computer or device at another IP address.
- Gain credit for your contributions.
- Build a reputation — allow other Wikivoyagers to distinguish you from other anonymous users, and provide you with a greater level of trust.
- Protect your privacy — your IP address will be displayed in the history of articles if you are not editing from a registered account, but registering will allow you to maintain your privacy behind an alias (this will also hide your location).
- Have your own watchlist — a list of pages for which you want to keep track of future changes.
- Customize your Wikivoyage experience with the preferences menu.
- Make your own books, a collection of Wikivoyage articles you can save in PDF, or buy a copy of from PediaPress.
- Be able to edit semi-protected pages (after four days and three edits of registering).
- Have the opportunity to gain additional user rights, such as having your edits automatically patrolled, or becoming one of the drone underclass.
- Have a better time here - get recognised and be taken more seriously.
- Link edits to your account on other Wikimedia projects (if you have one).