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VfD discussion[edit]

Orphaned soft redirect that doesn't seem to serve any purpose, though I may be wrong! --Nicholasjf21 (talk) 00:02, 20 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

It is no longer soft. --Inas (talk) 00:37, 20 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]
This looks to be another copy of the Russia (Asia) kludge, where "Siberia isPartOf Russia (Asia)" just to get the proper breadcrumbs for Asia instead of the European ones. Is it in use? K7L (talk) 02:08, 20 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]
I made it. Yes, it is an attempt to allow eastern Russia to have an "Asia", rather than "Europe" breadcrumb. There was some discussion at Talk:Asia about the confusion caused by continental boundaries not aligning with national boundaries.Travelpleb (talk) 19:41, 20 February 2013 (UTC)[reply]

Result: Kept. -- AndreCarrotflower (talk) 04:07, 12 March 2013 (UTC)[reply]