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User:(WT-en) Joaoleitao

From Wikivoyage
This is the imported user page of user João Leitão, Joaoleitao on wikitravel.org/en. All contributions that this user had made on Wikitravel up until August 2012 were imported. The imported revisions of this contributor are labelled as "(WT-en) Joaoleitao".
Read more about the Migration from Wikitravel.


[[Image:Joao_Leitao.jpg|340px|border:solid navy 1px;|Me enjoying Icelandic countryside in August 2008.]]

Hello and welcome to my Wikivoyage page. I love to travel and to share accurate travel information.

My pages here in Wikivoyage are a bit around the countries I have traveled.

I'm currently trying to put together the Nkob Wikivoyage page, but also added some information on Saharan Morocco and Rissani. In the future I'll try to update and create better pages for Merzouga, Khamlia, Hassilabied and Ouarzazate.

Fully built pages in Wikivoyage

Quick Bio

I was born in Lisbon - Portugal but I live in the city of Ouarzazate after living fwe years in Erfoud - the Gate of Sahara Desert - Morocco. I also lived in New York City - USA for approximately 1 year all together; Kankaanpää - Finland for half year; and in Lviv - Ukraine for half year. I also spent 3 months in Istanbul - Turkey.

Visited Countries & Territories

Europe Albania; Andorra; Austria; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; Denmark; Czech Republic; Estonia; Finland; France; Gagauzia; Gibraltar;Italy;Kosovo; Macedonia; Germany; Greece; Hungary; Iceland; Latvia; Liechtenstein; Lithuania; Luxembourg; Malta; Moldova;Montenegro; Poland; Portugal; Romania; Russian Federation; Serbia; Slovakia; Slovenia; Spain; Sweden; Switzerland; Transnistria; United Kingdom; Ukraine.

Africa Egypt; Gambia; Morocco; Mauritania; Mali; Senegal; Western Sahara (Moroccan Western Sahara); Ceuta; Kenya; Uganda; Democratic Republic of Congo; Southern Sudan;.

Asia Armenia; Georgia; Iraq; Israel; Jordan; Nagorno Karabakh; Oman; Palestine; Iran; Kazakhstan; Turkey; Uzbekistan; United Arab Emirates; Nepal.

America USA; Canada; Cuba.


"Mais espantados ficariam se as tivessem visto como eu as vi: cortejos com milhares de figurantes, multidões em movimentos aguerridos, manadas de elefantes conduzidos por soldados (como se cavalos de batalha fossem aquelas alimárias), naufrágios em que se perderam tesouros e mais tesouros, travessias de pântanos e florestas com feras muitas, combates em alto mar em que todos (ou quase todos) pereceram, cidades cercadas e logo mais totalmente destruídas por incêndios, princesas formosas em seus palácios deslumbrantes e mendigos mutilados, paixões e desvarios."

Fernão Mendes Pinto (1509 – 1583)

This user is a proud Portuguese.
I lived in the following Portuguese Cities:
This user lives in Morocco since 2006.
I lived in the following Moroccan Cities:
Babel user information
pt-N Este utilizador tem como língua materna o português.
Users by language
Babel user information
en-4 This user has near native speaker knowledge of English.
Users by language
Babel user information
fr-3 Cet utilisateur dispose de connaissances avancées en français.
Users by language
Babel user information
es-3 Esta persona tiene un conocimiento avanzado del español.
Users by language
71 This user has traveled to 71 countries.