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The archived material from this page is at Project:How to create a map/Expert maps. For current guidance and discussion on mapmaking, see Project:How to draw a map.



Can one of you buy a Mac and write up a how to for those of us with real computers?  ;) (WT-en) cacahuate talk 00:21, 17 June 2008 (EDT)

Wish I could! Macs are not big in South Africa, they became popular in the USA during the time South Africa was sanctioned and was never distributed here. One can buy them now, but they are horribly expensive and support if something goes wrong is few and far between. That's probably somethings I need to include somewhere in the South African article: If you decide to carry your Mac around while traveling South Africa, take good care of it and make sure you don't drop it; if you do, you will find it very difficult to get repaired. --(WT-en) Nick 01:59, 17 June 2008 (EDT)
Darcs, Osmarender and the rest should work without too much tweaking on OS X as well...? Is there any part of the instructions that you're having trouble with? (WT-en) Jpatokal 05:59, 12 July 2008 (EDT)
I do all of this stuff on a MacBook, as well as on my Kubuntu linux laptop. -- (WT-en) Mark 15:07, 12 July 2008 (EDT)
Damn you both. I'll try again (WT-en) cacahuate talk 01:24, 13 July 2008 (EDT)
Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't even figure out how to install xml starlet... I don't see instructions on their website, and when I download the files it launches in Real Player, and then freezes the program (WT-en) cacahuate talk 22:42, 20 September 2008 (EDT)

Custom layers on OpenStreetMap


Greetings from State of the Map 2008 in Limerick. It turns out that adding your own layers as overlays on OSM data is surprisingly easy, allowing you to create stuff like this:


Note that the icons are even clickable. I'll try to roll out a demo with Wikivoyage data once I get back home... (WT-en) Jpatokal 05:22, 12 July 2008 (EDT)

What if i dont use Ubuntu?


Merged from Project:How to create a map:

Would there happen to be a windows or dos version of xmlstarlet which someone has found to work? I might install Ubuntu, once i figure out how to swap back and forth easily (with virtual box) ... unfortunately i haven't :( --(WT-en) Acrosscanadatrails 02:36, 19 November 2008 (EST)

I think it should build under Cygwin too. -- (WT-en) Mark 09:49, 28 February 2009 (EST)

Map distances


Hi, I just basically wanted to point out that a map is helpful, but without a distances bar, not so much. It would be cool if there was an option to have a small

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

0m         500m

or whatever in one of the corners, so people know what to expect. Some maps may seem like they are walking maps, but may be on such a scale that you would need hours instead of minutes to walk from one place to the next. This would be really helpful in my opinion (WT-en) FreakRob 08:07, 20 November 2008 (EST)

Problem with Config.mk and the make command



I'm trying to create a map for the first time and am running into problems. I've downloaded all the software. I've edited Config.mk, changing the destination to Kilkenny, my home town. I've downloaded the data.osm. When I run make, it works, but I get a map of Paris.

I've tried to change the other settings in Config.mk (BORDER, IS_IN) as some refer to Paris, but I keep getting errors:

:~/Kilkenny$ make
wget -q -O article.xml http://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Special:Export?pages=Kilkenny
xmlstarlet sel -N mw=http://www.mediawiki.org/xml/export-0.3/ -t -v "/mw:mediawiki/mw:page/mw:revision/mw:text"
article.xml | xmlstarlet unesc > article.wiki
echo '<listings>' > listings.xml
sed 's/&/\&/g' < article.wiki >> listings.xml
echo '</listings>' >> listings.xml
wget -q -O rels.xml "http://openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/relations/search?type=name&value=1er+Arrondissement"
xmlstarlet sel -t -m "/osm" -v "relation[tag/@k = 'Is_In' and tag/@v = 'County Kilkenny']/@id" rels.xml > relid
wget -q -O relation.xml "http://openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/relation/`cat relid`/full"
make: *** [relation.xml] Error 1
make: *** Deleting file `relation.xml'

Can anyone help me?

Thanks, Aine

(WT-en) Pinkfluffybrick 00:14, 25 February 2009 (EST)

Hi Aine,
I'll try to help you with this. The first thing you need to do to get this to work is to create a border "relation" around Kilkenny in OSM. You can do this by adding ways to a relation, and then naming it a border. It's probably also a good idea to give the relation an "Is_In" tag, which will help identify it.
The next step is to edit Config.mk so that the wget commands in the make process find the Relation you've just made.
Now, if you like I could set all of this up for you. Would you rather I do that, or would you like for me to help you figure it out? -- (WT-en) Mark 08:34, 27 February 2009 (EST)
I think there's a problem in my trigonometry in the XSL. I've drawn a border around Kilkenny, but for some reason the computation comes out just to the west, so we wind up with the airfield instead of the town. I'll see if I can debug it. -- (WT-en) Mark 02:25, 28 February 2009 (EST)
It was a simple matter of declaring a couple of sorts to be numeric rather than text. I'm about to upload a new patch to the repository, which should get you all fixed up. Here's the Config.mk that I'm using:

################### SETTINGS ######################

# The name of the article in Wikivoyage
ARTICLE = Kilkenny

# The name of the border way in OSM
# this is specified in OSM with a name tag
BORDER = Kilkenny

# The parent place in OSM
# this is specifed in OSM with an Is_In tag
IS_IN = "County_Kilkenny"

# ORIENTATION can be either "landscape" or "portrait"
ORIENTATION = landscape

# SIZE can be "one-page" or "two-page"
SIZE = two-page

# Do you want a bell to ring when everything is done? (yes or no)
BELL = yes

# How should the listings boxes be placed (manual or auto )

# If using auto listings placement should expand the map to fit them?
# ( yes or no )
I forgot to mention, to get the new patches all you have to do is:
darcs pull -a
In the directory with your repository. -- (WT-en) Mark 05:15, 1 March 2009 (EST)

Creating maps without relations


It would be nice if map creation worked without relations... but it doesn't at the moment, so I'm snipping this out. (WT-en) Jpatokal 10:29, 17 March 2009 (EDT)

OSM Export screen
  • Once you are satisfied that everything is in place, click the [Export] tab and move the view so you can see the desired map area. Note that you will not see the changes you just made, but don't worry: they have been saved, it just takes a view (up to a day) until the OSM website gets around to rendering them.
  • Select "Format to export" as "OpenStreetMap XML Data" and download the resulting file. Name it data.osm and move it to your working directory.
    • The exporting can take several minutes if you're downloading a large chunk of a big city, so be patient. If your browser times out, try downloading the URL (http://api.openstreetmap.org/api/0.5/map?bbox=...) with the command line tool wget.

WTP-Maps app


Since a hard disk crash have robbed me of all the svg source files for the Copenhagen maps, I was trying to take the Linux approach, but the wikievent repository is dead, what gives? any alternative sources for wtp-maps? --(WT-en) Stefan (sertmann) Talk 05:49, 14 September 2009 (EDT)

Check with User:(WT-en) Mark, it's his code and server. (WT-en) Jpatokal 08:47, 14 September 2009 (EDT)
In fact it's the original Wikivoyage server, however the code is now on Gitorious as per the article. -- (WT-en) Mark 00:52, 29 September 2009 (EDT)



Swept in from pub:

According to the How to make a Map article (using opensource maps), to make a map that has the attractions pointed out on it, you need to have all attractions in the new listing format. What I'm curious about is: will the software simply not work if there are any attractions not in that format or will it simply skip them? (WT-en) Rastapopulous 20:10, 11 November 2009 (EST)

It would make it much easier to answer your questions if you linked to the article you are referring to. Do you mean this article about using OpenStreetMap (not "opensource") data? --(WT-en) Burmesedays 20:33, 11 November 2009 (EST)
Yes, that one. (WT-en) Rastapopulous 22:44, 11 November 2009 (EST)

"stroke-miterlimit: 10"


"stroke-miterlimit: 10" doesn't seem to select anything. " "stroke-miterlimit:10" does seem to work, so I guess that's what it should be? --(WT-en) globe-trotter 11:59, 8 January 2010 (EST)

hmm, seems to work now --(WT-en) globe-trotter 12:53, 8 January 2010 (EST)



rv. - map generation appears to be non-functional at this time, and generated maps appear to be copyrighted non-freely. Please discuss on talk. The service runs fine for me. The render queue looks OK as well. Which city did you try? I'll have a go. The license for the rendered images is CC-BY-SA (same as OpenStreetMap). —The preceding comment was added by (WT-en) Ludovico (talkcontribs)

At the time of my reversion, I had tried Rochester (New York) and found it unavailable for rendering. I also had tried Albion (New York) and Pittsburgh and both renders failed. Since then I have gotten successful renders for Medina (New York), Albion (New York), and Syracuse (New York), so maybe I was a bit hasty. However, I'm not clear on the licensing issue; the generated maps say "(c) 2011 MapOSMatic/ocitysmap authors. Map data (c) 2011 OpenStreetMap.org and contributors (CC-BY-SA)". Obviously the OSM data is licensed CC-BY-SA, but it's not at all clear that the generated map is licensed the same. (WT-en) LtPowers 20:54, 28 December 2011 (EST)
I just tried Pittsburgh again to no avail. (WT-en) LtPowers 20:58, 28 December 2011 (EST)