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Latest comment: 4 years ago by Lazarus1255 in topic Caution box - Still relevant?
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Lombok Accommodation


It is unfair to have ANY accommodation listed on the main Lombok page. Either the "sleep" section should include all sleep accommodations or none. Senggigi/Mansit is a big enough area to include The Oberoi Lombok, and * Hotel Tugu Lombok and The Anandita. As the Kuta area expands with the new airport, all of the tourist locations must be changed to something like:"Greater Kuta" "Seketong", "Greater Senggigi", etc. Therefore, I put the Oberoi, et. al. into the Senggigi subsection.

Fine, we just need to make sure the article scope is defined accordingly. A map would be nice... (WT-en) Jpatokal 22:06, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

It doesn't make sense to repeat all of the other sections such as "Getting There", etc. are repeated in each sub-area of Lombok. (WT-en) BenJohnson

Every article on Wikivoyage has the same standard sections, and "Get in" needs to cover how you would get there from nearby places. So the basic idea is that Lombok tells you how to get to the island (plane, ferry, etc), and then Senggigi tells you how to get to Senggigi from the airport, port, etc. (WT-en) Jpatokal 22:06, 30 June 2009 (EDT)

I would like to add a link to "Lombok by Bicycle 2004",

but I don't yet know how ! Any advice for a new user ?

If it's an event, go ahead and add it under "Do" -- be sure to include all the needed information here, not just the link! Check out Project:External links and Project:Where you can stick it for more! Hope this helps, (WT-en) Majnoona 02:13, 18 June 2006 (EDT)
Thanks Maj ..I think I have added the link OK ..not sure how to make Automatic sig for this post however :( ../ Textbot 2006.jun 18

Use ~~~~ to sign your comments. Maj, explained this on your talk page for future reference. - (WT-en) Andrew Haggard (Sapphire) 02:32, 18 June 2006 (EDT)

--- tks Sapphire goes >> (WT-en) Textbot 02:41, 18 June 2006 (EDT)

Ghost hotel


No point listing places that are closed... (WT-en) Jpatokal 00:12, 25 November 2007 (EST)

  • Nusa Bunga, Klui, Central Lombok, tel: +62 0370 693035 fax: +62 370 693036 web: . The hotel is located 4 kilometers north of Senggigi at the southern end of the beach at Kelui.

Still closed but has a new owner and is currently under renovation (oct 2009)

bungalows are now demolished, the road frontage fenced off and the site is still under renovation in January 2010 (WT-en) felix 13:23, 26 January 2010 (EST)
Re-opening as JeevaKlui (sic) with planned opening date of 1 august 2010. Rebuilt as a small boutique resort hotel(WT-en) felix 04:29, 12 July 2010 (EDT)
Opened on august 1, 2010 (WT-en) felix 10:22, 2 August 2010 (EDT)

The link for cycling in Lombok returns a permission denied when I click on it. Has the status changed since the add?

Good work on the Lombok articles


Some excellent work on the main Lombok article and Senggigi in the past 24 hours. This has been done by an anonymous user on roaming Speedy IP Whoever you are, would be good if you registered here as this same IP is being used by others also. Really good work and please keep it up! --(WT-en) Burmesedays 21:46, 7 October 2009 (EDT)

Structure of the Lombok Articles


(moved from Talk:Senggigi)

Structural proposal from Felix505 for this article and others in Lombok


Felix, you are dead right with your understanding of official administrative divisions. I don't see how that is appropriate for a travel guide though? And it would massively over-complicate I think. Do you think you could write fully developed articles for each of those 30 odd locations you mention, plus the 4 regional guides for each of 4 regions you propose, bearing in mind the comments about what goes where and repetition etc on your talk page? I think the current structure of Lombok as a region and then each destination as simply that, is more advisable. By all means add more destinations, but when doing so bear in mind that:

  • each destination must be able to support a fully developed article with See, Do, Sleep, Eat etc
  • no repetition of background information already in higher level articles
  • aside from Senggigi, Mount Rinjani and Gili Islands, the existing Lombok articles for well known destinations are still under-developed and short of even the usable bar.

Once again, I must thank you for all your efforts and please keep it up. --(WT-en) Burmesedays 23:11, 9 October 2009 (EDT)

Agree with Burmesedays. Felix555, just to underline the point, on Wikivoyage we don't really give a shit about administrative divisions; what matters is what makes sense for the traveler, and I think the four-way split you propose for South, Central-Eastern, Northern and Western is quite sensible. (WT-en) Jpatokal 01:16, 10 October 2009 (EDT)
Those regional divisions do make sense but I think 4 regional articles would be very tough to do in this case. I am struggling to see how Lombok would support four different sub-regions. IMHO, there is not nor will there be enough destination collateral, hence my thought that Lombok direct -> destinations would be far more manageable.--(WT-en) Burmesedays 01:40, 10 October 2009 (EDT)
In response to -Burmesedays-
Good heavens I am not for a moment suggesting all those places have a page, that would be ridiculous at this time an without doubt for some time yet into the distant future.Can't agree more with what you say here Burmesedays:
  • each destination must be able to support a fully developed article with See, Do, Sleep, Eat etc
  • no repetition of background information already in higher level articles
  • aside from Senggigi, Mount Rinjani and Gili Islands, the existing Lombok articles for well known destinations are still under-developed and short of even the usable bar.
On your third point it might be time to give consideration to a further region. Maybe Tangung needs to be carved off and work started on building a page with a separate emphasis suiting that different region.
The Tangung 'area' that includes Sira, Medana, Tangung and possibly Pemenang and Bangsal do currently fulfil the minimum requirements I think and doing a page for them would alleviate the absurdity of previous information that tended to generalise that area as some sort of northern end of Senggigi, which it most certainly is not. Certainly you can eat/drink/sleep/see/do/buy etc in the Tanjung area and it has some pretty outstanding nearby attractions to which that area is very central ie Rinjani/Sanuru/Bayan and north east coast/Gilli's/Monkey forest and the Gorge on the way through to Ampenan and has the added attraction of a significant resort hotel, a golf course and a new boat marina.
I think it would be a mischief to tag it on to Renjani as Tanjung was not looking much like an active volcano the last time I was there and I hope it stays that way. Likewise it is not Gilli Islands although Gilli is most certainly a destination to go to from Tangung.
Bangsal is gateway to Gilli's and Pemenang has a market and many other services in addition to being the connecting point to the road to Ampenan with the Monkey forest and Gorge on the way. Further to that the new road connecting Malimbu to the Pemenang-Ampenan road is going to offer an alternative scenic route forming a small triangle with an appex at Pemenang. So hence my detail on possible regions of Lombok for future partitioning with particular emphasis on the west coast as it is currently the main destination..
I think it is important to understand there are at least 4 regions (some might even say 5) of Lombok. Further to this administration divisions DO effect tourists at least indirectly.
In response to -Jpatoka-:
In no way do I suggest rigidly following Lombok's administrative zones and I am not putting them forward as a current template for a Wikipages coverage. I put all that info in there merely to give clarity to the regions and sub-districts of Lombok and how they might develop in the future.
One of the main things that motivated me to descend upon the Lombok and Senggigi pages was the geographic confusions in describing Senggigi within the greater west coast context.
If Emaar does really go ahead the south needs to be put on the map and it is a popular destination in it's own right already.
When the airport goes into service things are going to need some serious attention and it may be prudent to have some forward thinking happening concerning defining the regions in advance of the airport happening.
So how about this as a 'current' starting point, starting in the north and working down with the those indicated in bold as 'pages' and those indicated in CAPS as being 'region pages':
  • Renjani and inc (Renjani, Sanura, Gilli Lawang, Gilli Sulat,, Bayan, ObelObel,)
  • Tangung inc. (Tangung, Medana, Sire, Pemanang, Bagsal, Hu/ton Monyet/Malimbu)
  • Gilli Islands inc. ( Gilli T, Gilli M Gilli A}
  • Senggigi inc.(Mangsit , Senggigi, Batu Bolong, Batu Layar,) - (maybe also Kelui/Setangi but I am at a loss as to how)
  • Mataram inc ( Mataram, Ampenan, Cakranegara, Sweta, Nermada)
  • Praya inc. (Selong, Kayangan, Gilli Pentangan, Gilli Pasaran, Gilli Lampu)
  • Kuta inc., ( Kuta, Tangung Aan, Sekotong, Gilli Gede, Southern Beaches)
  • (+ possibly next year - Bandara Udara Internasional Lombok Baru)
The bali page seems to provide a pretty good template for moving forward and as they say in Lombok..."better than nothing". I think Wikivoyage "Bali" is a most valuable template and the map/region system has good utility and is easy on the eye. Lombok could certainly use a map in any case or at least a good public domain sat photo with a regional overlay showing significant points. ie Mataram, senggigi, new airport location and similar. A sat photo may be appealing due to the rather interesting 'look' of Rinjani but the block colour a graphic approach is going to be easier on the eye.(WT-en) felix

content for region pages (current limitations)


Sorry -Burmesedays- I did of course see your comments on issues of lack of suitable content for 4 region pages. I am just trying to get some sense into the region structure as a starting point. I think one of my main points here at is the need to consider doing a Tangung page in the immediate future as this situation of Senggigi being used as a generic term for the west coast needs to be fixed and Tangung/Pemenang area really does deserve it's own identity. Later maybe the south has to be looked at with some urgency due to the airport looming up. //Felix-

no doubt in my mind that Tanjung needs its own article. As for the regional structure, why not just plunge ahead and then everyone can review later? When you start a page, you will find the relevant templates here (Tanjung would be the small city template for example. Good luck! Also Felix,. it would be good if you signed your name with a timestamp after each comment on a talk page. The button to do this is on the toolbar to the left of the large dash (or you can manually type 2 dashes and 3 tildes: --~~~~ --(WT-en) Burmesedays 05:21, 11 October 2009 (EDT)
Thanks again for the useful advice and tips. (WT-en) felix 11:49, 11 October 2009 (EDT)
BTY I think the multiple spontaneous user log-outs may have been a cookie corruption issue as I have at times had to just give up on trying to remain logged in due to the need to keep on re-authenticating. I have done a deep cleanse of all caches, cookies and SOL's and I hope that problem has now gone.(WT-en) felix 01:58, 13 October 2009 (EDT)

Implement the Lombok regional structure


As per Felix505's suggestion let's try a regional structure as follows:

I will put this into place today but have other Wikivoyage priorities at the moment, so others will need to assign the destinations to each region and write the articles. Best of luck. --(WT-en) Burmesedays 22:58, 12 October 2009 (EDT)

the basics of this are now in place. --(WT-en) Burmesedays 23:59, 12 October 2009 (EDT)
Nice work -Burmesedays-. In putting that up and clarifying a starting point we now have at least a structure to move forward with. As time permits I will try and write up some preliminary content for at least the Tanjung area. Anything north of Tanjung-Godang should be included in the Northern Region along with Rinjani as should anything lying inland as that quickly rises to the slopes of Gunung Rinjani.
My view is that we also need to define a southern limit for Tanjung. I suggest the southern limit should certainly be no further south than Pandanan (a to the little north of Nipah/Malimbu). Maybe though it should just stop at Bangsal/Pemenang.
After thinking about it further and with a little more clarity of thought I think the Tanjung area should logically include Teluk Nare due to it's obvious affiliation with the whole Gili thing and definitely go no further south than that. (WT-en) felix 13:59, 26 January 2010 (EST)
The Tanjung part of the coast is also defined by a topographic change from the alluvial flood plains of the area around Pemenang to the quite different terrain and topography of the many bays and prominent headlands that continues along the coast to the south at Batu Layar/Montong where things start to flatten out again to the south west of Gunung Sari. This of course is a topographical effect of Gunung Tampole and Gunung Punikan and of course Rinjani itself.
This West Region could then include Huton Monyet (monkey forest, the Pemenang-Ampenan scenic george and winding mountain road and the new road linking across to Malimbu and the west coast road as attractions "to see" on Senggigi page, Tanjung page and Mataram page hence linking their individual identities with both a geographic link as well as the transportation routes linking them together. User:Felix505|felix]] 01:49, 13 October 2009 (EDT)
Felix, when replying in a discussion, it is much clearer if you use the colon convention to indent the reply (please see your replies above which I have edited). Then it is much easier to see at a quick glance who is replying to what. Thanks. --(WT-en) Burmesedays 02:07, 13 October 2009 (EDT)
OK got that on the indent(WT-en) felix 10:15, 13 October 2009 (EDT)

Taxi pane info regional discriptions and notes on Dengue Fever Outbreak jan 2010


I have been a bit unwell and also very busy so have not been able to further the process described above. However I am going to try and pay it some attention over the next few weeks as time permits. Today I intend to at least try to update the airport taxi pane with the current zone rates. All my airport drive-by or visits have not afforded the opportunity to get a copy of the current info until yesterday. Of course the list is too long to post as it would fill and entire page. There are 23 zones in all. I might try listing all 23 zones with an indicative destination applicable to each zone and then if anyone would like to give comments on culling down to a suitable list we can take it from there pre posting a final version. I will try and complete the blank pane as a starting point on upload that to the 'live' page. Then I will start work on the full 23 zones for a future possibly more comprehensive revision.

On a different topic I post here information current 26 january 2010 that Lombok is experiencing a serious (DHF) Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever outbreak.

The hospitals are full and it is VERY difficult to get a hospital bed and even more difficult to get a private room. Dengue fever is common in Lombok especially at this time of year. Dengue fever is a mosquito borne illness.

It is effecting the West Lombok tourism precincts and other regions. The problem has existed since at least mid-december.

I can speak with some authority on the current situation as I contracted it myself and it was very hard to get a hospital room or bed. Indeed I attempted to get into a hospital myself for several days and could not and eventually lapsed into unconsciousness with a temperatures peaking at 40C-41C and quite low blood platelet levels. Clearly I survived but a 16 year old nephew did not, he was discharged from hospital and died in his family home the next day. Currently I have two friends in hospital here. Accordingly I am aware of the current hospital situation, they are all overflowing and indeed I had to put one friend into a rapidly converted and emptied out office room as there was nothing else available in the hospital.

This is NOT a health crisis and there are no people lining corridors on Gurneys' or anything like that but it is however a serious health issue here at present. I certainly do not want to promote any 'Global War Against Common Sense' like panics here due to this post on the discussion page. This is just an annual outbreak of the same grinding mosquito borne diseas problems that occur throughout the tropics and most especially in the 3rd world.

Anyone already in Lombok or anywhere else in Indonesia and SE Asia or planning to visit there should exercise all normal anti-malarial precautions and use mosquito nets when sleeping and obtain mosquito repellent and use it appropriately. Indonesian Hospitals are usually very well qualified in treating Dengue as it is common throughout Indonesia as well as other tropical areas including SEAsia and northern Australia. Speedy medical intervention is recommended as the potential for severe dehydration and high fever is very dangerous. If diagnosed with DHF or suspected DHF I would recommend rapid local hospital admission to a good local hospital rather than repatriation as the trip home would require reasonably intensive medical supervision and be unnecessarily stressful for the patient. Pulmonary and Cerebral edema are possible complications of Dengue so a sufferer should seek rapid professional medical intervention. There is currently no 'cure' for DHF only medical assistance in mitigating complications. Delaying medical intervention should be avoided as prompt professional intervention significantly mitigates both the risks and the suffering of DHF.

If small bright red spots appear on the body, legs or arms seek immediate medical attention as this may indicate a DHF infection. They are readily distinguishable from insect bites or hives being of a dense red color and they are not normally raised with the skin remaining flat. There are several low grade viruses circulating in Lombok at present (probably arriving with tourists from the northern hemisphere) but they are not serious only lasting for a few days at the most with 'flu and cold' symptoms including a runny nose and headache. However if the symptoms are severe and involve an elevated and enduring fever then seek medical opinion to exclude the possibility of a DHF or Malaria infection.

In the case of severe fever high fluid intakes and electrolyte management is critical. Intravenous infusion of saline solution will assist a Dengue Fever sufferer and would be expected as normal in the treatment of confirmed or suspected Dengue fever. Confirmation is by way of Laboratory analysis of a fresh drawn blood sample. Paracetamol will reduce fever. The use of Aspirin and other NSAID's such as Ibuprofen and Naproxen should be avoided in cases of suspected or confirmed DHF.

Nursing care may be required for a serious case of DHF as the illness is often quite debilitating making it difficult for a patient to self manage or to care for themselves even in a hospital situation. The provision of a 24/7 personal carer is advised unless in a VERY high standard Hospital with plentiful, willing and available nursing staff. If your gums start bleeding rinsing with COLD water may assist.

Depressed Blood Platelet levels in Indonesia are described as 'Thrombos' (it should be over 150 in a normal healthy person, anything down around 100-135 is worrying and certainly requires immediate medical intervention). Blood Pressure (BP) is described as 'Tensi' in Indonesia. Fever is 'Panas' (literally this means -hot-). DHF fevers can reach 40C-41C. Dengue is pronounced 'Den-w e' and sometimes just referred to as "malaria" by local people although of course it is not Malaria but it is a 'Mosquito Borne Disease'. Antibodies-DHF: Anti Dengue Igm (Hasil-result will be negatif or positif) Blood Platelet [Thrombocytes] (PLT) or in Indonesia - [Thrombos] when within the normal range is 150-390…450. PLT under 150 (<150) suggests the presence of a medical problem requiring professional medical attention and that should be sought without delay. When seeking confirmation of (DHF) Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever both PLT and IgM results should be sought by laboritorium analysis to support the observation of supporting symptoms by a suitably qualified medical professional.

Caution is recommended for visiting Lombok at this time, however my personal view is that it is NOT presenting a sufficient reason for a normal healthy person to postpone a visit or to leave the region, just be careful and seek medical attention if suffering very severe body aches, headaches, and high fever. Vomiting and appetite loss may also occur with the onset of DHF but the vomiting is not normally serious or prolonged, appetite loss is however commonly prolonged and dietary intake needs both nursing/carer support and careful management .

Severe vomiting and diarrhoea would normally be attributed gasto-intestinal infections arising from food or water borne bacteria or viral contamination and are common with travellers throughout SE Asia.

Anyone already in Lombok or planning to visit should exercise all normal anti-malarial precautions, use mosquito nets or other mosquito control methods when sleeping, obtain mosquito repellent and use it appropriately.

Locally supplied Minyak Tawon has some insect repellent properties and is not considered poisonous. Indeed it is used medicinally and for treating cuts, abrasions and insect bites. Do not expose to mucous membranes and skin test prior to use. (WT-en) felix 01:36, 26 January 2010 (EST)

Hi Felix. Good to see you back and sorry to hear you have been unwell. In your absence, User:(WT-en) Whatsinaname did a lot of good work on Kuta (Lombok) and some on Lembar, but otherwise, not much has changed with the Lombok articles. --(WT-en) Burmesedays 01:42, 26 January 2010 (EST)

Thanks for letting me know I will have a look and see what User:(WT-en) Whatsinaname has done. Great to see some input happening. Best wishes and maybe you can have a look over the taxi zone draft on the Talk page when I get the info up, I will get the basis info per (your) existing draft of destination list onto the main page asap though...cheers (WT-en) felix 02:08, 26 January 2010 (EST)

Yes that is a great effort on the Kuta page and a great start on Lembar. Can't say I know much about Lembar myself as I always seem to go there in the dark and most of it remains a mystery to me aside from the obvious. I notice that User:(WT-en) Whatsinaname also did some tidying up on the lombok page with some further cleaning up of some lingering messy artefacts from a fair while back and also cleaning up some of my own sloppy and inappropriate capitalisation and similar. I also note with some amusement that User:(WT-en) Whatsinaname appears to be a north american as the double 'l's were all removed from traveller and similar (traveller-traveler). Well I will take that no further other than to say that the 'correct' spelling is traveller :) I had probably just better keep quiet about the Capitalisations though.
I am trying not to laugh as I write this.... I guess until we all start calling it 'American' then we will just have to go on calling it 'English' and while we are still doing that then it is correctly spelt traveller.
Certainly I will not be changing them all back though as there are far too many far more serious typos and spelling errors to deal with in the world than worrying about that at the moment.
It does make me curious though, is there a wikivoyage spelling 'style' and if so is it UK english or US english?
Most times I just mix mine up at random without even noticing but I certainly draw the line using a 'z' instead of an 's'.
My own language is at most times admittedly a fairly hopeless mish-mash.
I notice that there has been a bit of work done on tidying up a lot of the text since I last had a good look, the page has much improved for it.(WT-en) felix 14:46, 26 January 2010 (EST)
I have now put some info into the taxi pane. I have the full list available but upon looking over it whilst compiling the current info into the pane I think it best if I just upload a scanned image onto a talk page or similar. It is literally a page full of destinations within the 23 zones. I cannot do an image upload at this time as all my current attempts only result in repeated requests for a user login accordingly I have given up that idea for the moment. I have not previously uploaded an image into wikivoyage and so am unfamiliar with the process. As I am logged in already and have logged out and back in again I assume it is a temporary server error and will try again later.

If a destination is missing and someone feels it is important to include it please put a note here and I will endeavour to find the destination on the 'official' list and add it on. (WT-en) felix 14:46, 26 January 2010 (EST)

Regions 2


The exercise of producing a Lombok region map went on the backburner, but I am now re-addressing this and will have a draft map ready soon based on the amended five region structure for the island. Sadly the free sources are not good and a lot of the minor roads will be missing.

Map is done and uploaded. Comments please. I have also suggested a number of articles (all redlinked). These are not really speculative, but destinations worthy of an article. Anyone who knows Lombok please just plunge forward.

--(WT-en) Burmesedays 10:31, 29 March 2010 (EDT)

The map look great and changes the look and utility of the page in a very positive way. The colour coding now falls into place well and the whole page is starting to look good. I have been a bit distracted by things lately but I will try and do something on Tanjung soon. I already have some photos and some ideas in my head but I have not yet applied anything to a draft page. The map is somewhat inspiring though:) (WT-en) felix 02:51, 10 May 2010 (EDT)felix505

broken link to reference article


I have noticed that the academic institution previously hosting SVEN CEDERROTH's article "From Ancestor Worship to Monotheism, Politics of Religion in Lombok" is not currently giving access to his article. As it is an article widely referenced in academic papers I imagine the problem is either temporary or that the article will reappear elsewhere. I have contacted the institution concerned with an enquiry and will update the link as information comes to hand. I have not edited the article to remove the link appearing in the culture section of the lombok article at this time as it may just be a temporary site problem at the university. (WT-en) felix 04:51, 12 July 2010 (EDT)

Lombok - transition to new international/domestic airport

Swept in from the pub

Lombok's new international airport Bandara Internasional Lombok (BIL), (--- IATA, ICAO:WADL) opened on 1 October 2011. The new airport in Praya has replaced operations at Selaparang International Airport in Mataram. Selaparang Airport was closed for airline operations on the evening of 30 September 2011.

I am working all today and into the night and may not be able to do a suitable transition on all the Lombok articles.

Due to the WT 'purge issues the new page versions are possibly not appearing.

As the current edits contain critical information for arriving and departing passengers it would be wonderful if IB can do something to ensure that only the current newly edited versions are appearing to readers.

I hope that someone at IB can assist with this.

I have sent an email containing the content of this note to dick.bradley@internetbrands dot comThanks--(WT-en) felix 07:08, 1 October 2011 (EDT)

Lombok article set import readiness notes


All pages in the Lombok article group are displaying correctly following the import.

Each article in the set is correctly displaying the source of content:

"This article is derived from the article West Lombok on in its revision from 18:07, 21 December 2011 (UTC). There, it is published under the CC-by-sa 3.0 licence. More details and the full list of contributers (marked by the prefix WT-en) can be found on the associated history page."

The articles above have all been scrubbed of any recent anomalous editing.

Region map File:Lombok Regions map.png needs some work unrelated to the WT import issues.

The region boundaries are conflicting with the administrative boundaries. This matter that was discussed at some length when the map and regions were established. Principal argument for carrying forward bearing an embedded conflict with administrative boundaries was that the traveller is probably unaware of them, therefore they are not of consequence.

I held a position opposed to that viewpoint at the time as I believed that conflicts would soon emerge between the article regional boundaries and the actual daily realities of the destination for visitors. Those issues have indeed since further developed and clarified over time. The (administrative) boundaries have since become clearer in terms of regional identification, the identity of the new Regency of North Lombok has become more established and issues have come forward in sometimes trivial but still noticeable points of confusion for travelers, such as airport taxi zones delineated by administrative zones, and confusions over the positions of hotels with conflicts between the articles and the hotels addresses.

Also the airport has moved, rendering the current map misleading. To be honest I somehow overlooked this earlier. I fixed it immediately in the Wikipedia articles when the new airport opened but somehow 'forgot' to do it in the WT articles. The new airport is in the Regency of Central Lombok and is pretty much universally described as being in "Central Lombok", "South Central Lombok" or "South Lombok". It is technically in Central Lombok (just south of the city of Praya. Currently the line of division between the Wiki V South Lombok region and the Central Lombok region, central Lombok is defined here. This needs some discussion and sorting out when time permits as the article maps are currently confusing. Once that is done I can fix the content of all the respective articles by shuffling it about as appropriate to the outcomes. I am comfortable with doing that as I am quite familiar with the island and I also structured the WP regional articles for the island some time back so I have my head around it reasonably well. Sadly simply following the available regional admin boundaries also has some conflicts with 'travelers logic' so it needs some thrashing out sometime when the heat of transfer has cooled sufficiently. -- Felix (talk) 01:07, 9 September 2012 (CEST)

Robbery account


See here. People are robbed all over the world every day. What is especially important about whatever instance is detailed at the external link? And if it's particularly important for travellers to know about, the brief outlines of the incident need to be summarized and inputted into the "Stay safe" section. One goal of this site is for as much as possible to be printable from each article, so requiring people to go to an external reference in order to understand what happened is not in keeping with that. In addition, Wikivoyage does not use refs, which makes it even more important to summarize the source if it's important to share the information. The source can be cited in the edit summary.

Please understand, I am completely sympathetic with anyone who's been robbed! I just want to help ensure that each article is as good and clear as it can be, and when I say something is vague it's because I had trouble fully understanding it myself. Ikan Kekek (talk) 11:44, 27 December 2016 (UTC)Reply

Airlines and destinations


Removed from article as out of date --Traveler100 (talk) 18:29, 20 April 2018 (UTC)Reply

Airlines and destinations

Airlines Destinations Terminal Aircraft type
Air Asia Kuala LumpurInternationalA320
Citilink SurabayaDomesticA320
Garuda Indonesia Amsterdam (via Jakarta and Abu Dhabi ), Brisbane (via DPS), Denpasar, Jakarta, Kuala Lumpur (via CGK), Melbourne (via DPS), Perth (via DPS), Surabaya, Sydney (via DPS)Domestic737-800NG
Garuda Indonesia
operated by Garuda Indonesia Explore and Explore Jet sub-brands
Denpasar, Makassar,DomesticBombardier CRJ1000NG, ATR72-600
Garuda Indonesia Singapore operated by Silk Air MI 128/GA 9938InternationalA319 Codeshare, Silk Air
Indonesia Air Transport [formerly dead link] DenpasarDomesticF50, ATR42-500
Lion Air Jakarta, Surabaya, Denpasar (SUB, DPS-code share Wings Air)Domestic737-900ER, 737-800NG, (see Wings Air for DPS and SUB services)
Malaysian Airlines [formerly dead link] Kuala Lumpur operated by Garuda Indonesia GA 0821/MH 9081Domestic737-800NG
Nordwind Airlines Novosibirsk-Tolmachevo (seasonal-charter)International767-300ER
Silk Air SingaporeInternationalA319, A320
Singapore Airlines Singapore operated by Silk Air MI 128/SQ 5220InternationalA319, A320
TransNusa Bima, Denpasar, Sumbawa,
Ende via DPS-TMC,
Labuanbajo via DPS, Tambolaka via DPS
DomesticF27/F50, ATR-42 300
BAe146-100 (DPS-TMC)
Trigana Air DenpasarDomesticF27/F50, ATR-42
Wings Air Surabaya, Denpasar (code share Lion Air)DomesticATR72-500

Caution box - Still relevant?


Is the caution box still relevant? ShakespeareFan00 (talk) 09:32, 29 August 2019 (UTC)Reply

I doubt it, since it refers to "earthquakes in July and August 2018 ", but it would be nice to hear from someone who knows the area. Pashley (talk) 04:21, 30 April 2020 (UTC)Reply
As an aside, I give credit to whoever wrote that detailed composition on 'Get In' and 'Get Around' for Lombok, but, my gosh, what a tome - I feel like I'm reading a dissertation. I wonder if most travelers read through all of that. Lazarus1255 (talk) 05:16, 25 August 2020 (UTC)Reply